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Thread: Episode 142 Discussion

  1. #1
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    Episode 142 Discussion

    I can't wait to see the rest of these fillers, this was one awesome episode.

    Sig made by Lucifus

  2. #2

    Episode 142 Discussion thread

    Aw poo! I got beat again at making a topic!!! =(

    Tenten I thoght lookd very cute in this episode.

    ^^ I like Tenten. I wish there was more Tenten action though...

    I personally didn't like the new ending. I mean, I guess it is fine for this filler Arc, biut it just isn't very fitting to naruto.

  3. #3
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 142 Discussion thread

    I haven't seen it yet, but seeing as it has Tenten, Kurenai & Asuma it can't be worse than the last filler arc... or can it?
    Also, of course the new outro sucks. I mean it's Naruto we're talking about [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  4. #4
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 142 Discussion thread

    I liked the new Outro, I mean, the song sucked, but the cartoon was hysterically retarded.

    What is up with that look on Tenten? She's got a thing for Lee now? Not that I can blame her. Ladies love eyebrows!

    Great stuff at the begining of the episode, but I suspect none of that was filler. The stuff with the prison...I dunno, it's already better than the last filler, but I sure wish we had actually got to see Asuma and Kurenai fight.

    And the lava prison? I guess its nice to see that the Fire country actually has some Fire in it instead of just trees.

    Seriously though, from watching the beginning half, I was thinking that for a minute they were actually gonna do a filler centered on another team(Kiba's), but they just dashed my hopes.

    And what's with the fucking kids all waving off the fucking Sand nin? I wonder how many of those kids parents the Sand ninjas killed when they attacked a few months ago? You ever think about that you little punks? Gaara is gonna fuck your shit up if you don't leave him the fuck alone! Yeah! Run bitches! Run from the sand demon!

    Shino rules as he always does. Kiba's all, "Yeah the mission was awsome, so awsome if I told you about it it would rock your face off so I won't." And Shino is all, "I don't think so bitch. Your gonna tell me all about that shit cause its about Teamwork motherfucker. Teamwork!"

  5. #5

    Episode 142 Discussion thread

    nice epi....

    but when i saw this i thought naruto would say something like :'i won't forgive him"
    and was it only me or were the character's realy bigger... shino lee kiba all looked like 2 age's older..

  6. #6

    Episode 142 Discussion thread

    This Episode Reminded me of three...erhm...somethings...

    Starballz, Anime Fiction and Sailormoon and the 7 balls...all because of the animation. times...

  7. #7
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Episode 142 Discussion thread

    only watched the raw so far. what's these ridiculous character designs? what the fuck? goddamn morons make these fillers i swear. and they made tentens hands look like she's either super fat or wearing skin colored gloves. you dont get those kinds of lines on your wrist when you bend your hand back unless youre 1500 pounds.

  8. #8
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 142 Discussion thread

    This was pretty good actually, roughly half of it was manga material and some of the additions I actually liked.
    I guess it's a rational move to use Mizuki again seeing as Kishimoto would never recycle that character.
    It's too bad Mizuki sucks, because he looks pretty cool. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    Other than that the episode was fucking stupid as Naruto fillers always are "they killed their partners because they were hungry". Like.. wtf?!
    "Legendary Stupid Brothers". OH NOOO~!!

    Oh and the ending sucked. It's amazing how Naruto manages to make each new song worse than the last.

  9. #9

    Episode 142 Discussion thread

    bah i actually lost some IQ points watching this crap, please return to the actual story line these fillers suck donkey balls

  10. #10
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 142 Discussion thread

    only watched the raw so far. what's these ridiculous character designs? what the fuck? goddamn morons make these fillers i swear. and they made tentens hands look like she's either super fat or wearing skin colored gloves. you dont get those kinds of lines on your wrist when you bend your hand back unless youre 1500 pounds.
    Jesus christ man you need a fucking hobby.

  11. #11

    Episode 142 Discussion thread

    I liked the older look on shikamaru, to be honest..

    apart from that, an okay episode... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  12. #12
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 142 Discussion

    I liked that Shikamaru is now an academy teacher, actually.
    Things progress quite quickly in Naruto don't they? With promotions and so on.

  13. #13

    Episode 142 Discussion

    I watched that episode on WInamp on fullscreen and I can't believe that was the ending..that left me incredibly disappointed how there were no fight scenes whatsoever when the whole second half was leading up to it. I at least wanted to see "T3h l337 St00p1d Brothers" fighting style but that has to be one of the most boring episode ever...excluding the flashback cheesy episodes...I can't wait until they get to the storyline..2 more fillers folks..just 2 more...

  14. #14

    Episode 142 Discussion

    *blinks* I don't know why but the new ending reminds me way too much of FLCL...but the episode wasn't that bad. I couldn't beleive how ripped Lee looked though. OMG *drool*

  15. #15
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 142 Discussion

    hah, yeah, I noticed that too. Lee has never looked as muscular as he did in that particular scene.


  16. #16
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    Episode 142 Discussion

    I was being sarcastic when I said this was an awesome episode, seemed like a sitcom, all campy and shit. The mood and overall goofiness of the episode was all wrong for Naruto, everything seemed all sweet and retarded, just like the legendary stupid brothers. This should be called "The make you stupid for watching arc." I hope its only three eps long like one of the above posters said but we will see. Until then I cant wait to se the next craptastic episode, woo hoo!

    Sig made by Lucifus

  17. #17
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Episode 142 Discussion

    Haven't seen the ep yet, but how much of it is actual filler??

    So Shika is an academy teacher now? *must download*

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  18. #18

    Episode 142 Discussion

    Looks like the beginning of another small meaningless arc... damn you Kishimoto for taking a, who knows how many months, break from writing the manga...

  19. #19
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 142 Discussion

    Originally posted by: xanbcoo
    Haven't seen the ep yet, but how much of it is actual filler??

    So Shika is an academy teacher now? *must download*
    Roughly half of it... all the scenes with the other genin kids is manga material, as well as Sakura's scene in the beginning. Everything related to Mizuki, the prison and the stupid brothers etc is filler. It's quite easy to tell actually. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  20. #20

    Episode 142 Discussion

    i wanna know who thinks of the name, i mean come on the legandary stupid brothers

    also instead of jailing like a thousand ninjas so they can do manual labour on some silly island thing or watever a huge safety risk, i mean wouldnt it be better to just execute them instead. it was obvious as soon as we saw the prison that the guards were obviously understaffed

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