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Thread: Evangelion Megathread

  1. #41
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    Well the explination about that was that other people would eventually come back over time. just not right away. Shinji was somewhat responsible for bringing Auska back.

  2. #42
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    Actually, it's none of the above. Asuka's body wasn't merged into the sea of LCL because she still has the wounds she received when totally synchronized with Unit 02. She probably missed Instrumentality completely by being shielded inside the Evangelion.

  3. #43

    Evangelion Megathread

    Shinji is ,besides a lot of female character in many anime, THÉ MOST ANNOYING mainchar THAT HAS EVER WALKED THE PLANE called anime
    If only they had given a less-psychotic, suicidal, screaming like a bitch main-char , maybe I wouldve enjoyed the series then.
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  4. #44

    Evangelion Megathread

    lol, people just love to hate Shinji... Actually most of the characters in Evangelion are pretty damaged and unlikable. None of them are heroic, but I liked how distinct and memorable they were, not just "oh, look, another funny side-kick, another silent/serious type, another masked mad-man." And it's not like they were just evil, everyone had redeeming and condemning traits, making them more interesting.

    I really enjoyed this series when I first saw it. I hadn't seen a lot of anime and expected it to be a cheerful action series about saving the world with giant robots. People focus a lot on the end of the series, so you forget that the first eps are pretty normal. Some comedy, some action, there are some problems but you expect that the characters will overcome them like they always do... But then you start getting these odd scenes with Rei or with the units, and people make these disturbing comments and you're like, "Did they translate that right?" or "That couldn't have been what I thought it was, this is a kids' series." At first I shrugged the odd elements off, but then things get REALLY messed up.

    I think if the whole series had just been bizarre and dark I wouldn't have been as impressed. By establishing the characters as typical heroes of an action series and then veering off into very different territory they make a really unique series. People have done similar things since then, but Evangelion is a classic, and I think it still holds up well today.

  5. #45
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    My favorite parts are shinji's mind-trips. They're part of what makes the series unique I think. I can't think of another series that does that kind of thing as well as Eva did. Yeah, you've got the plot twists and revalations and stuff, but nowhere else is there a powerful and introspective monologue like in Eva.

    I don't really hate shinji, he's just got problems. hehe.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  6. #46

    Evangelion Megathread

    you mean , the parts where he just keeps repeating a single sentence..thats what you call mindtripping ? But to be hounest , I hate that stupid penguin so much more , he is just..out of place somehow, he is the comical note to NGE that it shouldnt have and sure as hell doesnt need.
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  7. #47
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    ?igma you suck. Penpen owns you, underling.

  8. #48

    Evangelion Megathread

    Yeah really, you conclude, that, for having an opinion about the crappy penguin, I suck . Seriously soon I'm a terrorist with a bomb ..and I SUCK THE BOMB ._&gt;
    Working on my future Warhammer Online journal, criticism demanded. Yes it's supposed to be that size.

  9. #49
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    stfu terrorist! &gt;: D

    But seriously, Penpen rules. Rethink your ways!

  10. #50

    Evangelion Megathread

    I can somewhat understand how people can complain about Shinji but at the same time I cant
    The guy is really fucked up, so I dont understand how you can expect him to be Mr. Badass main character, he ejaculated into a unconcious girls hand for christ sake.

  11. #51
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    To ?igma: yes, yes that is what I call mind tripping. 'cept he wasn't repeating a single sentence...I dunno where you got that idea.

    Well, I guess you could say he doubles back on his thoughts a lot (I can't pilot eva because I'm worthless, no one loves me, and because no one loves me, that gives me no purpose other than to pilot eva), but it's a little deeper than that. Maybe a little.

    And penpen does pwn.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  12. #52

    Evangelion Megathread

    The whole series is a reflection on the nervous breakdown Anno had while writtingthe show- it owrks like one giant writing expirement used as artistic therapy.

    **Warning, major spoilers below- only read if you've watched the series and the movies*

    After the succes gainax had with the original gunbuster and the nadia series, anno was under alot of pressure to make another mecha show. He wsa being pressured by studio execs to make another block buster, and was hounded day and night to produce something. (ever scene "pi" with all the suits chasing he hero? like that, for real).
    After several fits and starts that never took shape or were shot down by the execs as being to high brow or esoteric, he had a nervous breakdown. He was commited to a japanese asylum for a few weeks. He doesnt talk much about it, but it did happen. I read an interview he did a decade ago where he talked about it and he said it was brought on by increasing sudio pressure, a rift he had with his parents, especialy his father, and a religious conflict he was having with his shinto up bringing and his interrest in the christian faith.
    He never converted to christianity (i dont think he did anyway) but he did an absolutly obbsesive degree of research in to christion history and beliefs- he also noticed the inherent paradoxes and contradictions in the religeon and was intrigued.
    He wrote almost the entire script for eva in a few weeks, almost 100% on his own. He then took the script for the first 3-4 episodes to the studio and pushed the mecha action adn fan service aspects of the show and it was quickly put in to production. By the time the truly dark and wierd aspects of the show were being animated, the show was a huge hit and the studio did not dare to cancel the show.
    The story works on several levels- the most basic is the story of a neglected son desperate for attention and affection from his father, but utterly lacking in self confidence and obsessed with his own weaknesses. This can very easily be sean as the relationship anno had with his own father, and his own lack of confidence.
    On a somewhat more abstract, but still on the obvious side, it's a story about humanities ability to defy and even challange the authority of god. Its about mankind choosing to ignore the wrathof god and foght back even, using all the cunning and guile we were given. The true irony being "we": arent truly the vision of man that god intended, but some bastardized off shoot born of sin and avaice (the children of lilith). Inherint in this is the contradictions and confusion of the christian faith, as seen by anno. It can be a very harsh and critical view of the christian faith, but ultimatly it is based on actual christian history and texts, all be it some what obscure ones, mostly the dead sea scrolls and the torra.
    On an even more abstracted level, emphesized in the last 2 episodes, its the story of modern artistic creativity as it is subverted and abused by the modern studio and intertainment industry. You can see shinji as a direct parable fo anno himself, the conflicted and unconfident person that is some how forced to control the eva unit, which is symbolicly the show itself. All the various groups, seed, nerv, and the council, are all reflective of the various groups of studios, production firms, and corporations who ultimatly want to take this artistic show and use it for their own greed and power, all the while fighting with each other to control the show as a product or tool for their own angrandizement, while trying to screw everyone else out of the project. The last to episodes highlight this creative conflict between the artist, his creation, and how it can take on a life of its own. Ulitimatly I think this is the true story of eva. the story of how an artist chooses how and why to make his art, and how he can choose to change it as he sees fit, weather or not his studio, his co-workers, or even his fans, understand or enjoy it.

    The first 2 movies just re-hash and re-tell the story. The third, the "real: ending everyone wanted, was annos last stand against his critics and his fans.
    Think if it this way, in the serires, anno was shinji; rei was his creatvity, abused and used, burnt out and reserected by the powers that be again and again, asuka was what was left of his drive and strength, alot of flash and noise, but very little real effect, but occasionaly worth something; his father was, well, his father, and so forth...
    The movie switched things though, the opening scene sets it all up. Asuka, in the hospital exsausted and uncincious. Shinji still barges in, and ogles her in her sleep, angry with here cause she wont respond to him- then she falls over exposing heself and shinji beets himself off to her unconcious form. In the movie, thin of Asuka as being anno- spent, used up, all but gone, but everyone want more out of him.her- she explodes, gives her all, and its stillnto enough for everyone. Shinji represents all the rabid fans of the show, they almost intentionaly ignore what the story is all about, just walking around whining and asking for more from everyone else, never satisfied with what they are given.
    Rei becomes his rightieous fury, ultimatly destorying his creation, when all is done, all thats left is asuka, once again totaly used up, and Shinji, still pissed off he doesnt have waht he wants, taking out his frustration on the wounded asuka, and all she can do is lay ther and take it.
    The third movie goes down in history as one of the single most mean spirited and nast films Ive ever seen. It anno;s way of saying "You want more? Fine- heres more! Hope you fucking choke on it!". It was meant to piss off and anoy the fans- they get theie "real" ending and he gets to wash his hands of eva.
    The final scenes when the movie goes in to "mind fuck" mode, where couple of time during the heat of the exposition where anno flasshed to a seen of an empty movie theatre, says it all. Thats his impression of the audience- empty.

    I think eva is a grea anime, a true work of art. It should be mandatory viewing for anyone seriously interested in becoming a profesional writer or artist. Its a testament to the will and ability if a great write and director to get what he wants from his producers all the while fightign them tooth and nail for creative control.

  13. #53
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    That was amazingly interesting, to be honest, getting to know all those things made me like the series even more.

    Very, very admirable... to just kick the audience in the face like that, and to open yourself fully and attach your personality to your work in such ways.

  14. #54

    Evangelion Megathread

    Something all artists really should do when they make their own work
    I know how he feels being an art student myself

  15. #55
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    Crows_Kill once again wins the best post on thread award.

    I've never really thought about the last two episodes like that before.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  16. #56
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    Originally posted by: Crows_Kill
    He never converted to christianity (i dont think he did anyway) but he did an absolutly obbsesive degree of research in to christion history and beliefs- he also noticed the inherent paradoxes and contradictions in the religeon and was intrigued.
    On a somewhat more abstract, but still on the obvious side, it's a story about humanities ability to defy and even challange the authority of god. Its about mankind choosing to ignore the wrathof god and foght back even, using all the cunning and guile we were given. The true irony being "we": arent truly the vision of man that god intended, but some bastardized off shoot born of sin and avaice (the children of lilith). Inherint in this is the contradictions and confusion of the christian faith, as seen by anno. It can be a very harsh and critical view of the christian faith, but ultimatly it is based on actual christian history and texts, all be it some what obscure ones, mostly the dead sea scrolls and the torra.
    There are many problems with your post, but this is just the foremost one.

    Assistant Director Kazuya Tsurumaki:
    There are a lot of giant robot shows in Japan, and we did want our story to have a religious theme to help distinguish us. Because Christianity is an uncommon religion in Japan we thought it would be mysterious. None of the staff who worked on Eva are Christians. There is no actual Christian meaning to the show, we just thought the visual symbols of Christianity look cool. If we had known the show would get distributed in the US and Europe we might have rethought that choice.

    There is no religious meaning in Neon Genesis Evangelion by design, only what you put in there. Your hilarious overanalysis of the religious symbolism is however exactly what was intended by the creative team.

  17. #57

    Evangelion Megathread

    Good insight.. But I could swear I've read this exact review and insight before.

    Try cleaning up your spelling and try submitting it to Shounen Jump or another anime-based fanzine. See how they respond to it.

  18. #58

    Evangelion Megathread

    I dont think Anno is the type to want to "screw" others in the entertainment industry etc, sure it was hard to get funding etc back then, but i'm gonna guess japanese lifestyle is different and theyre not gonna go against their superiors/bosses with such evil reasons

    and Anno got all these death threats and crap from fans (i think theres a scene in end of eva, showing a wall or something of death threats of the gainax building)

    Anno stopped working on anime i think after eva, and worked on live dramas,, he was prolly pressured by his superiors to make another ending

    gonna give a little *golf clap* for crow's post,, errr could use spell check

    but gonna be low of u, if it was copied and pasted from someone else

  19. #59
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    Crows-Kill post is the most perfect break down of Eva on almost all level's. I had a feeling that the series also represented the situation Anno was in during the creation and production of the series, but couldn't get it all to gether to make a educated observation. And Y the religous aspects are bletent and obvious not created by the crative team but by anno him slef as stated by Crow. The movies was anno's retelling of the crusifixtion and resurection, hell it was about his crusifixtion by the fans and studio's for the original ending of the series and his ressurection to finish it.

  20. #60
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    Originally posted by: Lefty
    Crows-Kill post is the most perfect break down of Eva on almost all level's. I had a feeling that the series also represented the situation Anno was in during the creation and production of the series, but couldn't get it all to gether to make a educated observation. And Y the religous aspects are bletent and obvious not created by the crative team but by anno him slef as stated by Crow. The movies was anno's retelling of the crusifixtion and resurection, hell it was about his crusifixtion by the fans and studio's for the original ending of the series and his ressurection to finish it.
    No, there are no religious themes in Evangelion except the ones you put in there yourself.

    Kazuya is the assistant director for the television show and HE directed Episode 25', Air, which you say supposedly has religious meaning. The symbols of religion are just trappings, it has no religious significance at all. Do you honestly think Crows_Kill knows more about what is in the show than the assistant director?


    To elaborate, the fact that there are "religious" parallels is because the directors put in as much Christian symbology as possible to confuse the Japanese audience. If you put in ENOUGH symbols there will be many accidental parallels, but it really has no Christian meaning. I mean, what is the supposed significance of the 3rd Angel shooting crosses from its eyes? Nothing, unless you read into what isn't there. It just looks cool to animate.

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