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Thread: Evangelion Megathread

  1. #1
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    Since Evangelion is going to air on Cartoon Network shortly and reach a larger audience than ever, I thought I'd go ahead and post another Eva thread filled with screenshots to draw some interest in the show.

    No, bumping the year old ones would not have been a better call.

    From AnimeNfo:
    n the year 2015, half of the human race is dead, and the survivors face a terrifying last judgment from giant biotechnology experiments called Angels.

    Within Tokyo-3 and the headquarters of the secretive organization called NERV, a special United Nations agency. A handful of teenagers are trained to pilot the colossal super-entities known as Evangelions and battle the Angels on their own terms... whatever the cost to their minds and souls.

    Shinji Ikari, whose father heads the NERV team that developed and maintains the Evangelion., is thrust into a maelstrom of battle and events that he does not understand. Forced to plumb the depths of himself for the courage and strength to not only fight, but to survive...
    Evangelion is widely considered to be Gainax's magnum opus (with Wings of Honneamise right behind), and is regarded as one of the most controversial anime ever (though for the wrong reasons). It pretty much hits every note you can possibly touch on in Japanese animation - drama, psychological horror, action, mecha, fanservice, and (heh) philosophy. It was unbelievably popular for a few years after the airing in Japan and became an obsession among the growing Internet fandom of the time. Naturally, as with all things, the backlash inevitably hit, and Evangelion stands as one of the most influential, beloved (and hated) series of the 90's, and likely of all time.

    Here are a few screenshots to give you a summary of the first episode (and to waste time capping high quality screenshots).

    This is our protagonist, Shinji Ikari. He is probably the most loathed anime character of all time.

    This is Misato Katsuragi, the government official who was supposed to be meeting Shinji. Tits highlighted in the original screencap, of course.

    This is Rei Ayanami. She flashes into vision for a second here. Why? Well, you'll find out... or not.

    This is the enemy that Shinji is being called in to fight - an Angel, one of several. After a long absence, they've once again begun attacking Tokyo-3 for reasons unknown.

    The Angel destroying the United Nations' attack forces. Even in the future these guys are pussies!

    The United Nations pulls out all the stops to get rid of the Angel. It doesn't work.

    NERV, the organization tasked by the United Nations with beating back the Angels.

    The head of NERV, Gendo Ikari. Shinji's dad. They have issues, to say the least.

    Dr. Ritsuko Akagi, also known as Bitch.

    This is Evangelion Unit 01. Shinji is expected to hop in this his first day on the job.

    Meanwhile the Angel tears the shit out of Tokyo-3 with giant cross-shaped blasts from its eyes! Laughter and happiness abound.

    When Shinji refuses to pilot it, the heavily injured Rei Ayanami is brought in to help him. Way to be a man, Shinji - get a crippled girl to cover for you!

    The Angel's blasts loosen the rafters, and they fall towards Shinji, who is saved by a timely intervention from a pilotless Unit 01.

    "I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away, I mustn't run away..."

    You'll be hearing this a few more times, too.

    Shinji hops into the Evangelion and promptly gets high.


    Unit 01 ready to go out and kick everyone's ass.

    Now go watch this Goddamn series. Buy the Platinum DVD set when it comes out or download it if you are a faggot!

    Post anything Evangelion related here. I may bump this with screens from Episode 2 if I feel like it later.

  2. #2
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    Evangelion was a strange show to say the least, I don't hate or love it - I'm somewhere in between.
    It had some very good moments, but also a lot of stuff that I didn't like. I particularly loathed how fucking confusing it got towards the end.

    But yeah, I can see how it got so popular. It's a must for any fan of japanese animation to see.

  3. #3
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    The first time I watched this series I was blown away in more ways than one. Even people who loathe the direction the series took at the end (a result of budget cuts and the entire staff going absolutely out of their fucking gourds) agree that this series is a watershed mark in anime history. I agree with Terra - if you haven't watched this series, you are absolutely missing out on the "big picture" of where anime went after 1995, and where it is still going today.

  4. #4

    Evangelion Megathread

    I'm assuming it would be editted a bit since its airing on TV. The show was sick when i first saw it and its still pretty unique for a mech anime till this day. Oh and btw your info on Dr. Ritsuko Akagi is wrong, she is also known as ToeKnee's (My) bitch

  5. #5
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    The major problem I see with airing Evangelion on adult swim is the nudity. I bet some swim trunks and bras are going to be Photoshopped onto a few scenes.

  6. #6
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    *Evangeline Megathread


    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  7. #7

    Evangelion Megathread

    gaaah i hate rei's english voice actress (dvd va, dunno bout cartoon network's) ,, REIIII !!! ;___;

    cartoon network is atleast showing some more balls, introducing more animes, but feels like theyre just using some animes to attract more people into watching the dying shows they have already (those other cartoons, not anime)

    dont wanna sound like an elitist, but they should either keep original subtitles and leave the japanese cursing and have subs like sh** f*** etc i doubt govt or whatever will care if they curse in japanese on a kids network,, hell they curse all the time in comedy central and some other cable networks or they should train and hire actors that actually know and love what theyre doing, best va's love wat theyre doing and perform better cause of it

    oh and major problem, my guess would be like 95% of the viewers prolly wont understand crap, and be entirely focused on the fighting/action, its already hard enough to understand for most anime fans who watch it over and over, episodes would be scattered weekly, and hmm they play movies once in a while right? maybe they might show end of eva

  8. #8
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    I have no fucking idea what went on in evangelion, even after watching it and reading some of the manga.
    everything that went on was crazy, i have a file named 'redbook - handed out at the end of the end of evangelion movie - must read explanation!.doc" with some explenations about it, and it refers to stuff i didn't know existed.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  9. #9

    Evangelion Megathread

    hehe i really liked evangelion, anyone who hasnt seen it must watch it on cartoon network, but i fear you will forget little bits and pieces while waiting for the next ep to air.

    it happens to be the only anime i own, ive got 1 to 5 of the platinum series, 6 &7 havent been released yet in australia

  10. #10
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    Originally posted by: Death BOO Z
    I have no fucking idea what went on in evangelion, even after watching it and reading some of the manga.
    everything that went on was crazy, i have a file named 'redbook - handed out at the end of the end of evangelion movie - must read explanation!.doc" with some explenations about it, and it refers to stuff i didn't know existed.
    It was really multi layered existential journy of humanity through the final days. The movie's really brings that whole dycotamy home.
    On the surface it's about a boy who has to save the world with a mecha.
    Beneath that it's about a dysfuntinal group of peopole interacting, clashing, loving, hating, blah blah blah.Basic human interaction story.
    Beneath that we have the layer of man becoming god, by creating somthing in mans own image. that he can freely control and use to his own devices.
    Beneath that we have a story of christ becoming a prophet then being cruxcified and resurected(crusifiction and resurrection are mainly the movies.) If there is anyhting beneath that then it's too deply hidden that only Hideaki sensei knows about.

  11. #11

    Evangelion Megathread

    oh god they're gonna mind rape children with this, evangelion is one of the worst shows i've ever seen, the characters are either insane or cry babys, i loved episode one but what happened after that ruined the entire show actually the only things i liked in this show was the few mech battles but that was all the story is bleh and kiddies who watch CN won't understand it at all

  12. #12
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    Originally posted by: MrTicTac
    gaaah i hate rei's english voice actress (dvd va, dunno bout cartoon network's) ,, REIIII !!! ;___;

    cartoon network is atleast showing some more balls, introducing more animes, but feels like theyre just using some animes to attract more people into watching the dying shows they have already (those other cartoons, not anime)

    dont wanna sound like an elitist, but they should either keep original subtitles and leave the japanese cursing and have subs like sh** f*** etc i doubt govt or whatever will care if they curse in japanese on a kids network,, hell they curse all the time in comedy central and some other cable networks or they should train and hire actors that actually know and love what theyre doing, best va's love wat theyre doing and perform better cause of it
    You're retarded. There is no word in Japanese that conveys the sentiment that "fuck" does for us in English, and I don't remember any serious swearing in Evangelion at all (the two times that fuck was used in the movie were added by Amanda Win Lee, that stupid bitch). The bigger problems will be nudity and horrific violence.

    This is the second round of screencaps. I hope nobody here is on 56k. If you need these to be thumbnailed just tell me.

    Shinji manages to control Unit 01 enough to get it to walk...

    ... and promptly falls flat on his ass.

    The Angel gives Shinji a helping hand.

    He also does chiropractic services.

    The Angel pierces Shinji with his long phallic symbol.

    This worked out great! Also, clipping error.

    Right as Shinji is getting facefucked, it cuts to him waking up in the hospital.

    Oh those kids and their messes! Note we still never saw the actual battle.

    The cast takes a break from the anime.

    The commission that Gendo is a member of, and their color-coded kindergarten chairs.

    Chariman Keele is mad because he failed his audition for Star Trek: The Next Generation.

    This is the gist of all of their meetings.

    The large phallic buildings swell up to their full erect positions... I'm sorry, what was I talking about again?

    Shinji moves in with Misato, who apparently never left the college dorm lifestyle.


    This is Pen Pen, who is really God. Sorry for the spoilers.

    Shinji flashes back to the battle later that night as he remembers.

    I'll let this speak for itself.

    Biggest asswhooping in the history of ever.

    And for the weird side:


    Go buy the rest of the fucking series because I couldn't think of funny captions for this episode much less all the other ones.

  13. #13
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    PenPen is my favorite character. He really is god.

    I just love that scene where he eats Misato's food and the screen flashes in funny colors.
    It's hilarious because it's so incredibly out of place.

  14. #14

    Evangelion Megathread

    The last two episodes were TOTALLY uncalled for. I'm sure if they had a better budget, they would have told the story differently. Despite that, some people seem to love that type of mesmerizing ending.

    With that said, the first 24 episodes and the movie are definitely revolutionary for anime.

  15. #15
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    If you watch the directors cut of the last six eps it changes the entire series plus the last two eps make a bit more sense but not much. Still I thoug hthey were good but yeah didn't really end the sereis. But then we got the movies so all is good.

  16. #16
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    Honestly, this series is GREAT and anybody who hasn't seen it should do themselves a favor and go out and BUY IT. Yes, buy it! I don't know what Cartoon Network will edit but I just don't trust the censors... It is true that all of the characters are fucked up, but that is what this show is about! I loved having a show without any goody two-shoes or self-righteous hero guy and without a I Am SOOO Evil Villain to fight.

    It is true that the series gets a little messed up towards the end. However, I think that episode 22 (the 3rd to last one) is really very good and well. Well the last 2 episodes... oh well, what the hell... Do yourself a favor, WHEN you're disappointed at the end of the series, go see End of Evangelion the movie. It will confuse you to no limit, but it rocks the socks off the last 2 eps of the series and I personally think of it as the End of the series, with the final two episodes just some BS crackpot garbage that was strewn together hastilly on top of an otherwise great masterpiece of anime.

    And reading the Red Book will help you. By making you more confused!!! MWahaha (no i've never even read it)

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  17. #17
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    Originally posted by: Lefty
    If you watch the directors cut of the last six eps it changes the entire series plus the last two eps make a bit more sense but not much. Still I thoug hthey were good but yeah didn't really end the sereis. But then we got the movies so all is good.
    Unless I am sorely mistaken there is nothing added to the final two episodes at all in the "director's cut" (which is really just the Japanese DVDs, since there was never a DVD release of the original TV cut in Japan), and the scene in episode 24 could be extrapolated anyway.


    Also, the TV ending makes the series a much better and more original work than the movie ending does, even though they both basically cover the same material.

  18. #18

    Evangelion Megathread

    not sure if anyone mentioned it already, but it is official that it will be airing in Adult Swim (not like we didn't expected it)

  19. #19

    Evangelion Megathread

    heh, Y, i'm just using fuck and shit as examples i dont know/care whether or not theres a jpn translation to the english word for fuck, how the hell should i know, i'm not japanese and whend i say theres major cursing in eva ?

    my comment was towards all animes they air so the animes would keep the original va's that fit them (ya ya theres bad jpn/eng va's) or hire/train new va's but since english voice acting isnt that popular, only times major english voice actors are hired (and they do a pretty good job since theyre pro) are like ones that involve disney

    cn usual style, prolly gonna take out most of the blood, and its not like hentai nudity, theyll prolly fastforward when shinji fell on rei (naked) have the bigger beer can version blocking shinji when he came out of the shower, hmm and have like still shot scenes of characters talking instead of having shown misato and that guy hooked up and same thing for scenes like the hot spring and when rei, asuka, and shinji piloted their evas naked

    i really dont like the tv series ending, so i hope they show the movie (prolly not though) so it'll help some fans

  20. #20
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Evangelion Megathread

    Originally posted by: Y
    Originally posted by: Lefty
    If you watch the directors cut of the last six eps it changes the entire series plus the last two eps make a bit more sense but not much. Still I thoug hthey were good but yeah didn't really end the sereis. But then we got the movies so all is good.
    Unless I am sorely mistaken there is nothing added to the final two episodes at all in the "director's cut" (which is really just the Japanese DVDs, since there was never a DVD release of the original TV cut in Japan), and the scene in episode 24 could be extrapolated anyway.


    Also, the TV ending makes the series a much better and more original work than the movie ending does, even though they both basically cover the same material.
    Yes the last two director cut eps are diffrent form the originals, not like ten minutes longer but some stuff was added that didn't air in the original broadcast. It made more sense to me.

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