Bump again because Eva is on tonight and it rocks so hard.
Bump again because Eva is on tonight and it rocks so hard.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Im probably going to get chewed for this but did you guys like the ending of this anime, I liked it up to the last episodes where it just got way to emotional and they just basically kept repeating the same thing over and over. I still watch it though the action is cool
Check out some of the earlier posts in this topic for some good discussion about the last two eps.
I myself loved them.
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
Although I couldn't find the Platinum edition in my country, I have bought the plain DVD and dl the director's cut edition (I NEEDED!!!) pathecic[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] Anyways, I have watched the serie over and over. I won't repeat what the other said at the previous posts. It was my first anime serie (first anime Akira) I remembered I cried the second time I finished the serie. Of course my bro (MORON HE IS) preferred GSD instead for NGE.[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img]
I have watched GSD and Gundam SEED but they will never replace NGE from my heart. No other mecha anime will be first, except NGE(Ops sorry I got away).
Does anyone know whether the manga is finished or not?
50% of Evangelion Movie Funds Raised (2005-11-28 17:36:30)
According to the Forbes article mentioned here, A.D. Vision has raised "about half of the $100 million to $120 million" needed to produce the Neon Genesis Evangelion live-action movie. [ discuss ]
more news on the NGE movie...good news...
I watched the whole series on Adult Swim, and then watched the movie, and I have to say, this is one of the best anime series I have ever seen. It was pretty hard to understand, which is porbably why so many people hated the ending, but once you do figure it out it is really something to behold.
I watched the last episode again last night on AS. It made a lot more sense to me now that i've seen End of Eva, so I agree that some of my old hate might not be as deserved as I thought.
I don't know if this is old new or what, but here's some info on 4 new movies for Evangelion:
http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/article.php?id=9464According to the October issue of Newtype (Japan) (On sale September 10), four new Evangelion movies are in the works. The four movies will include a prequel, a mid-series movie, a sequel and a "final" movie. The prequel movie is due out early summer 2007.
While the new story will be set during the same time frame as the original TV series, Newtype states that it will be an entirely new project, not be a remake or improvement of any sort. Newtype also mentions that viewers will not need to have already seen previous Evangelion material in order to understand and enjoy the new movies.
Hideaki Anno will write the scenario for the first movie and will be the general director and manager for the entire project. Kazuya Tsurumaki will direct the movies while Yoshiyuki Sadamoto will provide character designs and Ikuto Yamashita will provide mechanical designs. Shinji Higuchi will provide storyboards for the first movie.
Khara, a new studio that shares office space with Gainax, was recently set up and is seeking production staff to work on Anno's new project.
This is probably the only good thread I ever posted, and there's some new Eva news, so bump.
The first new Evangelion film, Evangelion 1: You Are (Not) Alone, launches September 1st in Japan. The promotional material indicates that it ends rougly in concordance with episode six of the series, or slightly less than a fourth of the way through the original storyline. Apparently (like the manga) Kaworu will appear earlier in the storyline and the chronology of some events will probably be affected. A new character (just one?) will be introduced in the second film. The followup film premieres in 2008 and apparently 3 and 4 are now scheduled to premiere concurrently (which pretty much means it will just be about a 2 and a half to 3-hour single production with an intermission).
The trailer is an almost shot-for-shot recreation of the scenes in question with some pretty nifty CGI effects (although if the Evas are full CGI I will probably be annoyed for a while). I'm always up for re-prettifying one of my favorite TV series ever, but I don't see how they're going to make this such a radically different production as to justify the budget for four feature films.
Also, the Utada Hikaru theme song is nowhere near as catchy as Cruel Angel Thesis, but she does a solid cover of Fly Me To The Moon.
Rebuild of Evangelion wiki
Trailer (YouTube version)
Trailer (downloadable version)