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Thread: Which sub group is the best?

  1. #1

    Which sub group is the best?

    Hi, I'm new here and I'm wondering which is the best sub group to get since I wanna start to download it. I have no idea about the groups but I know that there are 3 that are currently subbing it: Cellphone, Haro & Tori, and SEED Fansubs. Does anyone know which is the best to get? Which versions do you download?

    Things that might be taken into consideration might be: speed of release of episode, quality or episode, language, font and size of file.

  2. #2
    Kazuo Kiyoshi

    Which sub group is the best?

    I would say Haro & Tori since it usually comes before SEED Fansubs and I heard that Cellphone is a speed sub, but I'm not sure if that's true...xD

  3. #3

    Which sub group is the best?

    Cellphone is indeed a speedsub, and quite decent at that. I usually download Cellphone first to watch, but keep HaroTori for keeps. SEED fansubs is not far behind HaroTori IMO, but I still think HaroTori is the best of the three.

    And by "wanna start download it," do you mean the whole series? Because if you do, download Aone's version before the license. Here's a place where you can download almost all the current eps: Seed Genesis. Their batch 1-36 should be in the newest news post.
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  4. #4

    Which sub group is the best?

    Cellphone is indeed a speed sub grp.

    This is taken from them: We have an unwritten goal/guarantee(?) of releases within 24 hours of it finishing its airing in Japan at 6:30PM GMT+9

    Although their quality is quite high. I usually watch their vers, then take Haro & Tori for keeping.

  5. #5

    Which sub group is the best?

    i like cellphone since i'm tooo lazy to fix the problem why my divx player wont play haro's subs,, i remember it working for SEED though ~__~

  6. #6
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Which sub group is the best?

    Cellphone since they are fast.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  7. #7

    Which sub group is the best?

    Haro^2Tori^2 because of their accuracy and still beating SEED Fansubs.

  8. #8

    Which sub group is the best?

    Haro^2Tori^2, i personally like the layout they use in their subs and i feel that the level of the translations is the highest among the 3
    although it's not surprising it's better then Cellphone's, they aren't a speedsub for nothing
    Love is fiction, misery is my only friend

  9. #9

    Which sub group is the best?

    I just stick with Cellphones, there pretty good for a speedsub group. And I'm too lazy to download an episode again.
    Also I like to stick with one sub group just because of what happened last time with Gundam SEED(I must have seen 5 different spellings, of Athrun, Lacus, and the other weird name people)

  10. #10

    Which sub group is the best?

    I stick with SEED-Fansubs, I compared their quality with Haro and Cellphone and I would say SEED-Fansubs are lot better imo.

  11. #11

    Which sub group is the best?

    I think Haro^2Tori^2 is the best I usualy watch the raw first than Cellphone and than Haro

  12. #12

    Which sub group is the best?

    I would agree that SEED Fansubs is the best, next being Hari^2Tori^2, and last being Cellphone. In quality though.

    In speed, it's obviously the other way around. So I usually end up getting Cellphone. I don't really care what it looks like because all three have pretty good text font, quality, and have good grammar except for the rare typo.

  13. #13
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Which sub group is the best?

    Haro Tori, definitely.

  14. #14
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Which sub group is the best?

    Cellphone for me as well due to their speed. Used to download from Akeep then Seed fansubs but couldn't resist it when people start talking about the episodes while I am still waiting.
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  15. #15

    Which sub group is the best?

    SEED-Fansubs and Haro^2_Tori^2 are almost identical by their quality (both video and subs). So I guess Haro-Tori is kinda better, because they usually release eps quicker [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  16. #16

    Which sub group is the best?

    They're all good. It's all about preference. I started with A-Kingdom&AonE and continued with the HaroHaro&ToriTori route. Some people dislike the HaroTori releases because of their "sophistacated" use of language while SEED uses more simple street language. If Cellphone used a better quality RAW, they'd probably be the best. I have seen no problems with their translations except once and they're really fast.

  17. #17

    Which sub group is the best?

    Cellphone, because while Haro might be a little better, Cellphone still appears to be 100 times better than some of the Subs I had for SEED.

  18. #18

    Which sub group is the best?

    I usually get the RAW first, then watch cellphone followed by SEED or HARO. Recently thou I think Haro has been more into racing SEED than giving some quality and some of the stuff seems off. I've been pleased with SEED-Fansubs so far. And even thou they both try to release before one another. I just like the technical stuff more. Haro does the fluffy fonts. So if you care about fonts Haro is "fancier, prettier". Its just a matter of which you prefer. I like video quality and good translations. If you are picky about names then you have some choices too as their are various ways that groups are spelling certain names. You might get the american tranlations. Or you might get the subbers personal choice. Lil side note Haro was the top dog of the SEED days. Hopefully they get back to that level. I might just be too picky thou. But rating from best to decent.

    Haro & Tori the renamed AonE. "For what reason who knows."

  19. #19
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    Which sub group is the best?


    Quick and superb quality. Really love their work.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  20. #20

    Which sub group is the best?

    I'm alil worried now. It seems like Haro has been in a competition for awhile since they tried beating out SEED-Fansubs. Now they seem to be racing to be the fastest and have almost approached a speed sub like Cellphone. They'll never catch cellphone but with the speed they are going their almost guarenteeing sloppiness. I hope that they and SEED keep to a decent 48-72 hour window. I want quality subs not fast subs.

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