/ No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.
I will have to agree with you, Heine is one damn sexy guy. I love those particular shots as well. His hair moves quite beautifully in that scene where he talks with Athrun.
This is one hard choice anyway... I'd have to do a top-5:
1. Yzak (surprise surprise)
2. Heine
3. Shani
4. Rey
5. Gilbert (that black hair of his is gorgeous)
I have to agree on Heine he looks damn good. But i have to put Auel first with Heine in on close second.
for me first would be Athrun his hair looks sexy and his eyes look kool and then i would say heine second(i am not gay, i just like how athrun looks)
Ovan, The Rebirth
I wonder how many it is who sees this topic and decides not to answer in fear of being rendered homosexual by the wonderful homophobe minority of our community.
lol, they r not real men
Ovan, The Rebirth
Minority? We who can talk about subjects like these are the minority.It's just a matter of time until someone comes in here and label all od us as gay.
lolrofl hi2u fagboy !11Originally posted by: PSJ
Minority? We who can talk about subjects like these are the minority.It's just a matter of time until someone comes in here and label all od us as gay.
red knight is da man! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
you're all obviously gay.
terra is the gayest since he listed 5 people![]()
so the topic became..."how long before somebody labels us as gay"
anyways... i vote for Heine... and he had a cool colored Zaku.. oops.. Gouf
Lol, nice topic. for my contribution:
Mwu is still teh hottest! The scars only add character!
Shani (to use Terra's words "I am hotter than your girlfriend)
and besides, gay people are the nicest people you'll ever accounter, since they'll never demand anything from you if you clearly state you're not gay (and they will not label you as an "enemy" as heterosexuals do to homosexuals)
edit: yes i'm speaking out of experience, and you yes can take that anyway you want
Love is fiction, misery is my only friend
best>> Mwu
worst>> Dijibril- i really cant stand that lipstick anymore... what kind of psychopath would give a leader lipstick on a male character??? I wonder if he was an extended gone wrong, gave him a sex change or something through drugs... god.. who knows..
I vote for yuuna.
He's got sexy purple hair wub wub~
gonna go with Athrun.. he does look decent wearing a zaft uniform.. *cough* *feels awkard* *__*
*thank god im not a guy*
Heine is hot
*edit* though my icon is kinda odd, need to figure out how to change that...
Well, without the lipstick he'd look like generic villain #321422.Originally posted by: Zariel
worst>> Dijibril- i really cant stand that lipstick anymore... what kind of psychopath would give a leader lipstick on a male character??? I wonder if he was an extended gone wrong, gave him a sex change or something through drugs... god.. who knows..
+ purple lipstick rules. I use it myself.
Djbiril looks good. He looks evil. The lipstick adds to his evil-ness.
Yzak and Rau ties for #1 spot!