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Thread: GS 3

  1. #1

    GS 3

    Do you think that another season of Gundam SEED will come? and what would you like to see in it? My:
    1) no kira, atrhun etc. as figures in background yes, as mentors of characters yes, but not as the main characters. they did what they needed to do and now they can finally rest.
    2) more about la flaga / la kruuze / la anything. how they got such powers? yes, kira is ultimate coordinator; yes, shinn is some kind of accident (just guessing), but what about them? la flaga girl would be nice, because I'm getting sick of all the pink and purpleheads.
    3) more ship battles! I love them (Valiant fire! Evade!), but there are almost none of them in GSD [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
    4) more equal battles. the good guys are always under fire by so many enemies. or the many weak man killed by a silngle hero. oh come oooon. are there even one battle in GSD where one side is not running away? I really liked Archangel x Dominion battle - eqaul ships, equal chances and killing each other is the only thing that matters.
    5) stabilized technology. it started with MS that were running on batteries, needed to walk on ground and used conventional weapons. and then we have beam weapons and invictible armor (btw how can missile destroy phase shift while cannon can't?) and lightsabers. and then we have suits that can stay in air for the whole time. oh, don't forget nuclear suits. and then, air suits are normal and we are even getting shields or something and some wierd deuterion nuclear power and even hand shields. that's not exactly wrong, but in about two series, we will have better technology than startrek [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    so, your opinions?

  2. #2
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    GS 3

    As much as I loved Seed and Destiny I think a new totally new series will come along after Destiny.........
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  3. #3

    GS 3

    in GS3 I want to see Kira executing his plan to become the supreme ruler of everything and succeed while getting a cool realy overpowered gundam and a harem of pink haired girls who lost there fathers and than the world will be at peace

  4. #4

    GS 3

    i'd want more filler episodes !! yes filler episodes like comedic or episodes that describe their past, i'd want more cagalli and lacus..... action ^^

  5. #5

    GS 3

    I wanna see more episodes with battles like the ones at orb in Gundam SEED and some more large scale battles like with the battle in that episode where EAF shot nukes at PLANT in Gundam SEED Destiny except extended over a full episode. Oh and maybe some more revamped mobile suit designs since I like what they did with the old ones.

  6. #6

    GS 3

    hmmm, would love to see a "trench warfare" 08th MS, where u also get a look into the maintanence and the crew's maintaining a MS. a more detailed look into the viechles and ship's they serve on.....

    only thing missing actually is a real military the dude in "Full Metal Panic"
    who has no sence whats so ever on real life, like...girls...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  7. #7

    GS 3

    I want fricken aliens! Seriously! Evidence 01 is driving me nuts. What if it was some type of scout ship?

    Gundam SEED: UFO Defense

    30 years after the events of Gundam SEED Destiny, strange mobile suits appear out of nowhere, attacking a PLANT, the one containing Evidence 01, intent on retreiving it. However, during the retrival process, they destroy the PLANT, causing the Coordinators to get angry.
    However, the aliens are equally angry, Evidence 01 databanks report that just before it died, it was under attack. This, in results leads to another battle. The aliens just send one light destroyer(it was the same one that retrieved evidence 01, it's the only ship the aliens have in the solar system at the time)-which contains a few of its "mobile suits". ZAFT(or whatever the organization that is in charge of defense of the PLANTs at the time) sends out a battle fleet against it. Now, while the coordinators were successful in repelling the alien destroyer, they lost half of their fleet while it was going on.
    And the conflict will continue to grow...
    But... who will lead the forces to defend against the aliens?, how will they be able to defend against them?, who will be the main pilot who pilots the next generation Gundam? Who really attacked Evidence 01?

    And well, that's what I want if theres a Gundam SEED 3. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  8. #8

    GS 3

    Indeed Evidence 01 mystery is yet unsolved.

    If it doesn't have a roll in destiny, then i fail to se why it was even bothered
    to be introduced in the first place. If it isn't then my hope is on GS3 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    I wouldn't mind large scales battles, preferred in space either.

  9. #9

    GS 3

    hmm gundams vs alien gundams......... that would be really interesting......

  10. #10

    GS 3

    that would be an interesting story but I thought Evidence 01 was a fosile

  11. #11
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    GS 3

    I'd kill for a part 3. There are just 2 things I want really:

    1. More Yzak (BIG SURPRISE)
    2. A steady character like Heine, someone who has a bit of humor and lightens up the mood. Destiny doesn't really have a character like that. I think it would have been a lot better if they had kept Heine alive.

    Other than that I just want more of the usual. Oh, and I WANT CHARACTERS TO DIE WHEN THINGS EXPLODE!
    Get rid of the fucking god mode that everybody has.

  12. #12
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    GS 3

    The death of Kira.

    Seriously, it's long overdue.
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    2. A steady character like Heine, someone who has a bit of humor and lightens up the mood. Destiny doesn't really have a character like that. I think it would have been a lot better if they had kept Heine alive.
    Indeed, I really did not want Heine to die and especially not as soon as he did. He was really laid-back and his views on things were extremely refreshing.
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  13. #13

    GS 3

    Originally posted by: Nai
    The death of Kira.

    Seriously, it's long overdue.
    If it were going to happen, it should have happened at the end of SEED. It didn't.

    I wouldn't mind his 'retirement' from the series though, as it would put him safely out of the line of fire.

    Note: If there is a SEED 3, it would be neat if S-Freedom were taken down in the first 3 episodes. Dont ask why. I dont know, it just sounds like a good idea.

  14. #14
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    GS 3

    @Nai: You keep thinking like I do, as far as I know you're the only other person here who uses a Heine avatar (I do too, but at another forum) and I also wouldn't mind Kira's demise.

    @MeroTZ: I'm with you on that actually! I don't know why, but the concept of the former main character dying early in the sequel sounds familiar somehow... I know it's been done before, but I can't recall where right now. Anyhow, I'd love that.

  15. #15

    GS 3

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    @Nai: You keep thinking like I do, as far as I know you're the only other person here who uses a Heine avatar (I do too, but at another forum) and I also wouldn't mind Kira's demise.

    @MeroTZ: I'm with you on that actually! I don't know why, but the concept of the former main character dying early in the sequel sounds familiar somehow... I know it's been done before, but I can't recall where right now. Anyhow, I'd love that.
    Damn, and I have to go and make myself disagreeable [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    I didn't mean I think Kira should die, I just want him out of the main character role. Take away his godlike suit, and maybe put him in a Dom or something as a support character (like Mu was originally).

    While I love Kira to death as a character (I bet you couldn't guess who is my favorite), I really want him out of the main character role. Its too dangerous, and I really think he deserves a nice retirement.

    NOTE: Though if he -did- die in the first few episodes, maybe he could do an Obi-Wan thing. You know, the ole "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine...."

  16. #16

    GS 3

    Originally posted by: Deamon007
    that would be an interesting story but I thought Evidence 01 was a fosile

    Yes you are correct... Evidence 01 is a fossil. I guess I should have put that the alien ships are organic...
    I mean I just look at the thing and I could see some kind of ship, I mean it's a big thing with wings. What if the wings were some kinda propulsion or antenna or something?

  17. #17

    GS 3

    if there is a GS 3 then no one from the original gs and destiny should appear in it maybe someone from the main cast but no main characters it would be lame if they brought back kira and asuran back or even shinn if he survies destiny. the story should be something light that Zaft Vs Omni how bout orb vs eaf

  18. #18

    GS 3

    Originally posted by: XwingRob
    Originally posted by: Deamon007
    that would be an interesting story but I thought Evidence 01 was a fosile

    Yes you are correct... Evidence 01 is a fossil. I guess I should have put that the alien ships are organic...
    I mean I just look at the thing and I could see some kind of ship, I mean it's a big thing with wings. What if the wings were some kinda propulsion or antenna or something?
    So you are saying it would be Giant Robots vs. Giant Humanoid monsters? I think I've heard this one before ;P

    Seriously though, I think the "Biological Spaceship" alien race has been done to death recently.

    Tyranids and Zerg are enough for me, thanks [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  19. #19

    GS 3

    GS3: Double Destiny - starts off as a comical series under a new director that gets taken over by fukada half way through in preparation for the GS movie "Asuran's Counter-Strike"(the title was designed to draw in more cs fans) which features a war between the earth and Kira's special unit VS Neo-Zaft headed by Asuran who is now following his father's ideals.

  20. #20

    GS 3

    Originally posted by: NomoZ
    GS3: Double Destiny - starts off as a comical series under a new director that gets taken over by fukada half way through in preparation for the GS movie "Asuran's Counter-Strike"(the title was designed to draw in more cs fans) which features a war between the earth and Kira's special unit VS Neo-Zaft headed by Asuran who is now following his father's ideals.
    Somebody's a Char fan lol.

    He was OK, but seriously, Providence owns Char's Sazabi.

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