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Thread: Question about Yzak

  1. #1

    Question about Yzak

    What happened to the scar that used to run down his face? Did I miss something?

  2. #2

    Question about Yzak

    Erm...natural healing? If not some cosmetic surgery? Anyway, he looks badass with or without it anyway, though i personally prefer the scar. Battle scars make people look cool...
    Amaya, the Tauren Warrior

  3. #3
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Question about Yzak

    Dear grasshopper, this is an easy one!

    The answer to your query is that Yzak has always had the opportunity to remove his scar, seemingly all it took was some kind of simple surgery. He was even offered to remove it in Seed, but he didn't because the scar served as a remainder for the disgrace he had suffered from Strike. He also said that he would remove it after the grudge had been dealt with. After Seed I am guessing it all kinda fell through and Yzak realized that there is no use having to exact revenge against someone like Kira. This is probably also part of his growing up, since I doubt it would be admirable to have "a hotheaded guy who goes around whining about a scar all day long" in a commander position.

  4. #4

    Question about Yzak

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    This is probably also part of his growing up, since I doubt it would be admirable to have "a hotheaded guy who goes around whining about a scar all day long" in a commander position.
    Maybe not Terra but all the girls wouldve loved the scar with the uniform...

  5. #5
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Question about Yzak

    Originally posted by: LokeXero
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    This is probably also part of his growing up, since I doubt it would be admirable to have "a hotheaded guy who goes around whining about a scar all day long" in a commander position.
    Maybe not Terra but all the girls wouldve loved the scar with the uniform...
    I'm sure he kept the remains of the scar some where safe. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
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  6. #6
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Question about Yzak

    Originally posted by: LokeXero
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    This is probably also part of his growing up, since I doubt it would be admirable to have "a hotheaded guy who goes around whining about a scar all day long" in a commander position.
    Maybe not Terra but all the girls wouldve loved the scar with the uniform...
    The number one priority for the SEED boys aren't girls. This ain't Wing.

  7. #7

    Question about Yzak

    Well Shinns number one priority has seemed to only be girls lol (Steller, looking like Lunamaria next).

  8. #8

    Question about Yzak

    Except for the fact that Shinn keeps getting his gals thats a first for me. Lunamaria is still hanging in the balance though...
    Amaya, the Tauren Warrior

  9. #9

    Question about Yzak

    ah she'll be dead eventually. if not by an MS it'll be a stray bullet or an anvil falling out of the sky

  10. #10

    Question about Yzak

    Originally posted by: PSJ
    Originally posted by: LokeXero
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    This is probably also part of his growing up, since I doubt it would be admirable to have "a hotheaded guy who goes around whining about a scar all day long" in a commander position.
    Maybe not Terra but all the girls wouldve loved the scar with the uniform...
    The number one priority for the SEED boys aren't girls. This ain't Wing.
    True most of the seed boys already have love interests...

  11. #11
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Question about Yzak

    Originally posted by: LokeXero
    Originally posted by: PSJ
    Originally posted by: LokeXero
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    This is probably also part of his growing up, since I doubt it would be admirable to have "a hotheaded guy who goes around whining about a scar all day long" in a commander position.
    Maybe not Terra but all the girls wouldve loved the scar with the uniform...
    The number one priority for the SEED boys aren't girls. This ain't Wing.
    True most of the seed boys already have love interests...
    Um can someone lock this post? Question has been answered and now its gone totally off topic...

    So I'll just add my 2 cents to say that the love interests in Wing were sooo annoying sometimes that I wanted to burn almost every female member of that cast alive.... Only Evil Lady Une, Hilde and Noin were enjoyable characters.

    Oh, and PSJ, I really don't remember Quatre ever having any female interest. In fact...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  12. #12

    Question about Yzak

    Perhaps Shiho thought it was time for Yzak to let go of the past and do away with the scar. He'd probably do whatever she asked.

  13. #13

    Question about Yzak

    yzak is a mommy's boy
    i think he's a good pilot..but the scenes with him and his mother,
    you can see he's a mommy's boy- the short tempered proud kid got lost for words
    good pilot though, love the way he took out forbidden
    maybe he's using a zaku coz zaft ran out of spare legs for the duel..just a thought [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    he's still one of the coolest characters in seed

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