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Thread: Chapter 185 Discussion

  1. #1

    Chapter 185 Discussion

    185 raw is out, get it Here

    Its very low quality, but it will do for now.

    Mirror Here

  2. #2

    Chapter 185 Discussion

    yeah, this is really low quality can hardly tell what's going on, also need a translation, but Ishida is a smart one as always.

  3. #3

    Chapter 185 Discussion

    the nu guy with a zanbakutou is an 'evolved' shinigami, a shinigami that reached 'holo' and seeing ichigo with the same mask + zanbakutou he asked ichigo to join them
    in the end someone shot a ray of beam to save uryuu (reminiscent of quincy arrows)

  4. #4

    Chapter 185 Discussion

    wow that was cool, i want a scanlation

  5. #5

    Chapter 185 Discussion

    There is still no sign of a scanlation yet, but there is a High Quality Raw out now, you can get it Here.

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