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Thread: Who says Karate doesn't work?!

  1. #41
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    Originally posted by: darkshadow
    i train to fight at tournaments to win, not to lose,
    That can cause a few problems within your techique and basics. My sensei tells us all the time there is a big diffrence between tournament kendo and real kendo. I've seen that apply to almost every martial art there is. I'm not saying your bad but, being a good tournament fighter and a good pactitioner of a martial art can be two compleatly diffrent things even at the black belt level.

  2. #42

    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    Originally posted by: Mut@chi
    I don't mean to troll, but there is nothing impressive about this video. What the KARATE MASTER did was the nerdy judo chop on that loser's neck. Which isn't anything spectacular. I think people are just making a big deal out of this because the bum was knocked out by a guy who is a martial artist with some notable amount of experience (I'm assuming he had to be well trained since he is teaching other guys). Personally, I think that loser could've been knocked out by any hit with some fair amount of force from anyone seeing as how he didn't appear to be coherent to begin with.
    I love watching stupid people get owned, as such this was a great video that I very much enjoyed.... stop trolling mut seesh. =P

  3. #43
    ANBU GhostKaGe's Avatar
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    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    Originally posted by: darkshadow
    you^ prolly just insulted a couple of guys, including me, cause i do demo's sometimes too, the point of being able to kick high, spin fast, make flips, do triple kicks in the air is that your normal kicks and punches become blazing fast, super powerfull, and very controlled, i can easily kick with force above my own head hight, but if i do a low kick, the power and speed is so much higher, y do you think ppl train with weights?, because without them you are faster and stronger, same goes for being able to spin fast and jump high, and no really, if you are trained right, nobody is gonna land a lucky shot on you, the only thing that might happens is that some1 overwhelms you, other than that, some1 without training doesnt stand a chance
    You see things like <u>some</u> demos and these guys train for nothing more than aesthetics and im sure they train hard at what they do .Im not saying these flips and stuff don't have a place there good fitness and agility training if nothing else but can it really be called martial arts (in the traditional sense)

    Originally posted by: darkshadow
    i c mut is back....

    and kezren, no there isnt a chance some1 could land a LUCKY hit on me, that chance does not exist
    what could happen though is that also has the ability to fight to some extend, or there are multiple ppl you gotta take on, that y i said if you get overwhelmed then yeah, you could get hit, but no way in hell is some1 gonna get through my guard if he aint trained or has a natural ability to fight
    I can't comment on you or your style or wether or not your well trained and able to effectively utilize what you train i only know you from your posts but saying theres NO chance someone could get a LUCKY shot seems optimistic (confident but still optimistic)

    Im not the best fighter in the world but i can hold my own if i have to and i've had my butt kicked more than once but ive won at least 1 fight where i shouldn't have because i got in a lucky shot

    Originally posted by: Lefty
    Thats the Mc Dojo problem thats occuring within martial arts in the US. I do kendo and children arn't even elidgable for testing till their about 10-12 and the testing is very harsh. The testers let nothing slide. I would say 7/10 martial arts dojo's will have real licensed and/or qualified teachers of the art.
    The whole Mc Dojo thing seems to be a problem everywhere these days run by people who are unqualified and seem to pull there arts history from bad 80's ninja movies and try to pass what they teach as legit styles

    How much do i suck with photoshop?

    was The Next Hokage

  4. #44
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    in the traditional sense? i would say yeah, seeing how kungfu incorporates stuff like butterfly kicks and twist, cartwheels, and 540 kicks, so i would say, to some extend, yeah flips and twist can be considered martial arts

  5. #45
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    But they tend to lose the groundings of how to truly use it. I've known a few demo guys and they can't fight for shit because they don't know how to use it porperly. They know fomrs and have trained to the point their teacher is even impressed at how good thye are, but when it comes to them using it in a fighting situation it's just ugly to watch. I tend to stay away from acrobatics and kicking cuz you have chance of losing your footing. I've doen it to some guys they kick I grab their and thow them acrooss the room. Not knoking it but am weary of some of those guys teaching students.

  6. #46
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    yeah, because those demo guys, dont think you would be able to do a thing, if they do a certain move on ya, but i was actually refering just to the old shaolin kungfu style and training, which also trains flips and twist, but you cant tell those guys that they cant fight, lol they are fighting machines

    400posts &gt;o&lt;\V/

    edit: LOL


  7. #47

    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    If youve been in tournaments you know the best thing to do is stick to basic maneuvers the fancier you get the better chance of the opponent interrupting or you losing footing. Shaolin monks train for their whole lives in monasteries, they are taught from a very young age and gain discipline and control over their body and movements through years of intense training. That is why they can perform certain things and not lose footing as easy as someone who hasnt trained for the equal amount of time.

  8. #48
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    omg , ppl love to misunderstand me, i was just replying to the "in a traditional sense", nothing more, nothing less


  9. #49
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    i understand, but you cant understand if you havent ever been in a tournment, in tournments sometimes the point IS to look flashy for the sake of winning, if you were acctually on the street fighting some1 of course those flipping crazy jumping moves would be a waste of time.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  10. #50

    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    That depends on what type of tournament you compete in, there is a difference on what moves you use during a Fullcontact-tournament and a Point-tournament(atleast from what I know from competing in Fullcontact karate).

  11. #51
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    Fullcontact is more true to the natrue of Karate. I hate point systems, thats why i dont do many Kendo tournaments. I see alot of good trounamnt Kendoka but they suck so bad when faced with someone with decent basics. I wish it more like the good old days of real duels. First to make a good killing cut wins.

  12. #52
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    taekwondo tournaments are semi full contact ( low kicks not allowed, no straight punches to the face, just kicks ) point system based, weird but true

  13. #53

    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    I also hate the point system in any martial art competition, thats one of the reasons that I also train Iaido and not kendo.

  14. #54
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    the taekwondo system is good, cause you can really go all out with your training, its just ofcourse if no1 goes down, you NEED points to determine the winner, but its not like, round 1....... HIT , point!, round 2... HIT point!!.... no its not like that, its really a fight till the third round is over, and if both are still standing, then points determine who has won

  15. #55

    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    I dont know if it's the same for all style's of Karate, but in a Fullcontact Kyokushinkai Karate(that I train) competition, you can win by knocking out your opponent, the opponent gives up(not that usual though, more usual to give up between fights rather when your already fighting) or by the judges call. The judges call is probably most common(can only speculate there as I don't know it for sure), there are 4 cornerjudges, when they determine the winner they all look down(so they won't see eachothers vote as they are voting) while raising a red or white piece of paper indicating if the white or red fighter won(each fighter gets either a red or a white belt before fight). The decision is based on who "controlled" the fight during the majority of the time. It can be hard to define control sometimes but most of the time, you can see who is in charge by the moves they use and how the situation appears, I take it you understand what I mean. Also, if the judges are unable to make a decision after 2 or 4 minutes(I'm not sure about this rule, I know there is a condition like this, but I can't remember the details about it) of extended time and one of the fighters weigh more than 10 kilos less then the other fighter, the lighter one automaticly wins.
    I could be wrong with some of the details in this seeing as the rules varie from competition to competition.

  16. #56

    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    ah good to see someone else that practices Kyukushinkai Karate. yea your close enough to right, although its not only controlled. If you knock someone down, or knock the wind out of them visibly you receive half a point. A knock out is usually an instant win. hmm im not sure about the weight thing, but then I never had to have extended time. Although its usually not that difficult to see who is in control of the fight simply by attacks and body language.Also, so far that ive seen all Kyokushinkai karate competitions are full contact. have you been to some that havent?

    Edited for spelling.

  17. #57

    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    I have never seen Kyokushinkai in a point-contest, that's mostly because ive seen other styles fight with point awards and basically, I think it's really boring to watch. The weight thing is only something I heard while watching an old airing of a European Championship in Kyokushinkai, but as I mentioned, I'm not 100% sure.
    I mostly watch Kyokushinkai on the computor after downloading a bunch of recordings from contests, thats because there are hardly any competitions in Sweden, where I live.

  18. #58

    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    Ah I was in one. If you ever see one of the competitor's knock down or knock the wind of his opponent, he is usually awarded half a point.. I cant remember if the judges award it or the ref.If it's the Judges like I think then they should raise a flag corresponding to either red or white depending on the one who knocked the opponent down. Its been awhile, and the ref was a Senpai. but thats the only way to receive a point.

  19. #59

    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    Im getting a little bit confused, are you talking about fullcontact or point karate now? Since I thought that you could get points by getting good hits and such in point karate and that you didn't get any points at all in fullcontact karate, even for knockdowns(only the achievement on having knocking down the opponent).

  20. #60

    Who says Karate doesn't work?!

    Perhaps it was on a point system, but I dont think so because you could only receive points in the two ways I mentioned. other than that the rest was as you said, except for the weighing part.

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