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Thread: bleach 38

  1. #21
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    bleach 38

    Originally posted by: alstar83
    agree...a wonderful ep...really breath-taking...
    the ep seems to be too short for a week long waiting.
    Poor Char, he barely survives after his blow..
    it is good that they starts revealing about the 5th captain's death...
    the 4th captain's analysis is somewhat complicated...what does it mean to "pull the wool over someone's eyes"? And how is it related to a faux body?
    it means they were making sure it wasnt just a fake body meant to make people THINK the 5th captain was dead
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #22
    Photoshop Hero Alhuin's Avatar
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    bleach 38

    Is it just me, or was Ichigo's "Soul Slayer" repaired in the preview?

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  3. #23
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    bleach 38

    Bells on his hair and a eye patch to give his opponents a chance, Kempachi is just too great. Plus his Vice Captain adds to his coolness.
    I hope Ichigo releases his Soul Slayer next week, can't think of any other way why it got fixed.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  4. #24

    bleach 38

    Originally posted by: Alhuin
    Is it just me, or was Ichigo's "Soul Slayer" repaired in the preview?
    I saw it too. But isn't it obvious? This is not the first time that his sword was broken. Sure it will be repaired.

    Next ep will be a real fight with Kenpachi. In the preview, he got 2 lashes on his chest...and Ichigo has no scratch.

  5. #25
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    bleach 38

    God the RAW is frustrating... Perhaps I'd be better off just ignoring it and waiting for the sub?
    Duh, you fucking think?

    "I'm watching a japanese show and I don't speak japanese and it's all confusing! What am I doing wrong?!"

    whoever watches the raw please dont spoil till the sub is out, its very irritating
    Stop coming to the discussion thread before you've watched it then. If you don't like coming here for the links, here's a brilliant idea, bookmark the subbers website where and check it yourself!

    For example: GASP! I go to Lunar's site thursday morning and viola! a new episode! Infuckingcredible! How do I do it?!

  6. #26
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    bleach 38

    Originally posted by: Aeon
    Bells on his hair and a eye patch to give his opponents a chance, Kempachi is just too great. Plus his Vice Captain adds to his coolness.
    I hope Ichigo releases his Soul Slayer next week, can't think of any other way why it got fixed.
    The next episode will definitely add to the greatness of Kenpachi. Already, he's an awesome character, but the next episode will show why he's one of my favorites.
    Also, about Ichigo's soul slayer, isn't it already in its released form? It's already different from the standard appearance of other soul slayers and he did technically release it while fighting Urahara.

  7. #27

    bleach 38

    yea maybe his sword is like kenpachi's where it doesn't have a sealed form

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  8. #28

    bleach 38

    it looks like they are going to put chad, and the other ryokas they capture with rukia

    the two captains that mourned aizen are propably big shots, and propably the one with glasses is gonna fight ishida ? does anyone think that will happen?

    i loved this episode, this is bleach every episode until now was great

    kenpachi is one evil bad ass dude, just like he looks, the way he beat ichigo is pretty awsome, you have to respect his soul slayer it just went through ichigos like butter and all he wanted is a good fight

    propably next chapter ichigo will have him in ecstacy

    um.. does anyone think youruchi did that to aizen? its a possibility
    im very suspicous of youruchi,gin and the human captain

    nice ending too (2 vice captains ?) haha

  9. #29

    bleach 38

    Originally posted by: elmojo

    um.. does anyone think youruchi did that to aizen? its a possibility
    im very suspicous of youruchi,gin and the human captain
    yoruichi??? damn... that would shock me... seriously...
    I dunno (and don't want to know until it happens) if Ichigo will beat Kenpachi, but I don't think Kenpachi is the strongest captain or that he's as strong as Kuchiki... ah well... we'll see

  10. #30
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    bleach 38

    Who knows? We haven't seen Yoruichi for the longest of time. Maybe he's up to something in Soul Society?

  11. #31

    bleach 38

    So both Chad and Ichigo are defeated... I somehow think the others are next... And then maybe a jailbreak scene? Ichigo and Kenpachi's fight was pretty good, more variety than the others we have had lately, but not too much in the overall story progress. This looks like it's shaping up to be one damn long arc.

  12. #32

    bleach 38

    ichigo has not been defeated, you have to be kidding

  13. #33
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    bleach 38

    What's wrong with Ichigo losing a fight? Just because he's the main character doesn't mean that he's not allowed to lose. Still, because of his role, he's not allowed to die, haha. Besides, it's not "official" that Ichigo lost, he's just bleeding there with Zangetsu appearing and stopping time at that moment.

  14. #34

    bleach 38

    Originally posted by: elmojo
    ichigo has not been defeated, you have to be kidding
    he's lieing on the grounds with a hole in his chest, his sword is broken. and zangetsu came out to point and laugh.

    yup he's pretty much defeated.

    Edit: Go darth ender go~!

  15. #35

    bleach 38

    didnt you all see the preview? i think Zangetsu had a pep talk with ichigo, ichigo hasnt been defeated yet

  16. #36

    bleach 38

    preview smreview

  17. #37
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    bleach 38

    Originally posted by: elmojo
    didnt you all see the preview? i think Zangetsu had a pep talk with ichigo, ichigo hasnt been defeated yet
    Not everybody watches the previews since they sometimes give away what's going to happen, which some people don't want.

  18. #38
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    bleach 38

    Yeah, it pisses me off sometimes that Bleach's previews ARE so amusing, because I generally don't like to watch previews for shows because I don't want to know what's gonna be happen. But doing that with Bleach makes me feel like I'm missing out on something, so I can't help myself.

  19. #39
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain

    bleach 38

    Well first I'd like to say that a preview IS a part of the episode. I understand people not wanting to spoil it for themselves, but can you expect people to actually write SPOILER FOR Ep ## PREVIEW and then scroll down several lines just to comment on a 10 second bits and pieces smash of clips and almost unrelated dialogue?

    Kenpachi is sick. I love that he handicaps himself so much and still is crazy good. I also love how he has no respect for his Slayer at all. Doesn't know its name, scrapes it along the ground all the time. It is phat how that sword is all chipped and knarled from so much use. Really one heck of a character.

    However, the Capt. that just defeated Chad is gaining glory in my eyes. I love how he only wounded Chad, not going for the kill, and deciding to capture him so they can find out who the actual murderer of Aizen really is. That one black Capt. seems to be promising, although his spew about not wanting to fight sorta makes me wonder why the hell he is a Death God in the first place... The Bucket Capt. is the one I'm really interested in.

    And next weeks fight does look to be a barn burner. God I can't wait!

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  20. #40

    bleach 38

    A barn burner? the hell?

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