This may be my first post here, but i usually find my answers in the forums as other people have similar problems, guess not this time. I downloaded Sousei No Aquarion, then i downloaded core media player, then i downloaded the defiler pack and the MATROSKA PACK. I installed them one at a time and played the video file with them. The same problem occurred each time. The video plays slower then the audio. I checked out forums as well, but not much help there either. Anyone know which codecs or program i am missing? I have used the following combinations before resorting to above one. VLC player, mpc, xvid codec, divx codec, mpeg 4 codec and some others that i uninstalled afterwards. I tried avicoder and gspot to figure out if i was missing any codecs, and both of them said i had the codecs and the files should play fine. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
There was a similar request by quanta2998 in the following topic and the suggestion given didn't help me.