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Thread: Dirty little secret

  1. #21

    Dirty little secret

    I like Anime And so What!!!...........Well at leest this is what I say to every one!!!!! anyway they dont't care if i talk about this or that(Anime) because how cool is it.......... the only thing they don't stop asking is

    How many Hentai movies i have seen????????????............Even my girlfriend....

  2. #22
    Gets more ass than a toilet seat! Eurasian's Avatar
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    Dirty little secret

    I mention it sometimes if they talk about it. I would never deny that I watch anime but I wouldn't just bring it up out of the blue or something.

    I tried my best...

  3. #23

    Dirty little secret

    I really don't thinks it "dirty," unless you're referring to hentai.... But as for the question, I'll talk about anime if it comes up, whatever. My fifty-year old mother loved Disney movies and went to see Alladin and Beauty and the Beast on their opening weekends, so I guess I don't have the "animation is only for kids" view.

    *rant, vaguely on topic, feel free to skip*
    I hate it when people only like things their "supposed" to like, such as classical literature or jazz or something. It's more interesting to have different people with all kinds of hobbies. And I hate it when people pretend to like jazz in an attempt to look cool. It's boring to here them natter on with NO passion at all and expecting me to play along too. I'd rather hear about something the actually ENJOY, even if it is something non-standard like raising hedgehogs or extreme refrigerator costomizing or Danish art films. Hell, ESPECIALLY if it's something non-standard. Standard is boring.

  4. #24
    Chuunin 2:25's Avatar
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    Feb 2005

    Dirty little secret

    It's not really a secret. Most of my friends know that I like to watch anime. It's my hobby and they just accept it as another childish trait of mine.

  5. #25

    Dirty little secret

    I used to tell people, but everyone would just stare at me since they usually associated anime with hentai, and it's just really annoying to explain everything, since they would then associate it with childish cartoons. So now, I only tell my closest friends (now they're all into it); its usually not something that's brought up when I'm attempting to make friends, unless I over hear people talking about anime, in which case I just wander over and chat with them and make friends with them.
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  6. #26

    Dirty little secret

    Originally posted by: Roko
    I used to tell people, but everyone would just stare at me since they usually associated anime with hentai, and it's just really annoying to explain everything, since they would then associate it with childish cartoons. So now, I only tell my closest friends (now they're all into it); its usually not something that's brought up when I'm attempting to make friends, unless I over hear people talking about anime, in which case I just wander over and chat with them and make friends with them.

    Pretty much the same with me. I got my friend into anime. And he watched more anime episodes than i have all naruto,prince of tennis,bleach, yakitate japan. In probally a month! (Whole Series). Whenever I said anime people use to say im stupid or w/e cause they think its only hentai or naked japanese pics. But i dont even look at that stuff. I cant stand doing that all the time dicussing the differences. But I cant help talking about anime. Its really good. I got a ton of detentions talking to my friend in class about an anime.

    And im not no Otaku either. People dont think of me as a person that likes anime. Because most of the time I see the kids that like anime and their wimpy. Im like the opposite of that.

  7. #27
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Dirty little secret

    I don't get why "liking anime" is a category. I like film and books too, is that noteworthy?

    The god damn stereotypes that are perpetuated by almost everyone (especially "anime fans") really disappoint me.

  8. #28

    Dirty little secret

    I tell everyone i have know for a while cause its a big part of my personal life. I watch more anime then Tv for example.

    Mostly people know of anime and they go "yes i love anime,have you seen this show and that"
    Actually its more common that people ask me if i watch anime and they tell me about how great shows like Kenshin,Ghost Shell etc.

    People who didnt know of anime when i asked i have suggested anime shows to them and most of them love it,like 5 of my siblings who love it now,most of my internet friends people i talk to in msn or in the swedish forum that i write watch it now.

  9. #29

    Dirty little secret

    I let my friends know...since they all watch more or less of it or at least know of it. Never bring it up too often though.
    But then there's the thing that the amount of anime that is shown on TV here is very little, and at least 8 years behind the stuff we're seeing as fansubs from the net. So while some might say they've watched some anime they're still on a whole different level. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  10. #30

    Dirty little secret

    I'm not sure how anime could be a dirty secret. I love anime have watched it since I found out about EVA like 6 years ago. My bigger problem is no longer talking about anime but explaining it. Especially to 30+ year old adults. They dont really get why I like watching shows in Japanese "like it's really hard to read". I usually try to explain that anime spans all genres like movies do. There are comedies, dramas, and action. If they still can't understand how a cartoon can be all those things I usually just say it's animation for all ages and turn around and keep watching anime. Anime is certainly nothing to be embarrassed about. You are basically opening up yourself to another culture and embracing it.

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