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Thread: Phase 36 Discussion

  1. #41

    Phase 36 Discussion

    since i get error on cellphone tracket page when i click download so try from torrent spy as i am downloading from it right now.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  2. #42

    Phase 36 Discussion

    There's something bothering me about the chat between Rey and the Chairman. When they were talking about the lab, Dullindal mentions that he was careless about the incident. Was he trying to cover up the incident in the 1st place or not? I thought Rey was the one who sourced that info out and went to recce the place 1st?

    Rey's sixth sense must be extremely sharp if he just saw Meyrin driving off in a vehicle and knew she was hiding Athrun inside.

    Edit: I could only make out a very small red blob in the car when Meyrin was driving. Either my above theory is right or Rey has eyes like an eagle.
    Amaya, the Tauren Warrior

  3. #43
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 36 Discussion

    @Darkshadow: It's a good anime song, but a bad Gundam Seed song. I've come to expect nothing but the best!

    @Dragonblade: I'm guessing that perhaps it was Gil's order to send Rey there, and he maybe wasn't aware that it'd cause Rey such pain. Also about the Meyrin part it was a bit out of place for her to be driving a truck out of nowhere during an alarm sounding I suppose [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]


    Oh, almost forget to comment on the edited Meyrin pic that Mut posted.
    In short, Mut's my hero. And that picture is my new desktop image [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  4. #44
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Phase 36 Discussion

    i just noticed something terra, you, mut and assetern are the only sannin right?? what a coincidence

  5. #45
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 36 Discussion

    PSJ is too.

    And it's indeed a coincidence, seeing as you get the title when you reach 4000 posts. And we all have over 4000 posts. Magic!

  6. #46

    Phase 36 Discussion

    Man I was hoping at least to see Legend and Destiny launch at the end of the episode, but they were nothing more than cockteases this ep =( Next ep is going to be filled with great action scenes (hopefully), but I'm also really curious to what Bartfeld and the real Lacus are doing in their pseudo-asteroid-spaceship thing [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img]

  7. #47

    Phase 36 Discussion

    Man, Rey has changed. I'm started to think Rey has been plotting with Dullendaal. But who is Rey? Or What he is? Anyway, Rey has been changed, he even ignored when Athrun tried to protect Meyrin by shouting Rey that meyrin was there. It seems Rey is one of the bad guys after all... And Shinn is excited about Destiny but Athrun's behavior has mixed him badly. I think Shinn really worships Athrun as pilot and was so brat like when his hero wasn't like the thought... Or something like that. But I think Shinn will defect sooner or later to AA, Lunamaria might defect too... Since it strongly looks like Meyrin, her sister will be in AA too... Intresting episode, very good though.

    As for Gouf owning two latest Gundam's... Man, snap out of it. No matter how good pilot you are, fighting with gouf against Legend and Destiny is same as you would try to race with Ford T-model against Lamborghini Diablo and try to win... Too old, too slow, not enough firepower. And Athrun has Meyrin to protect also... So something will happend. Someone will resque Athrun... But who? Maybe Rey says something that he souldn't have said and causes Shinn to turn his side, witch I doubt. Only options are someone will resque Athrun ( But who? AA is hiding and doesn't know about situation ) They take damage and play dead in sea? Or They manage escape because of thunder storm and Athruns pilotin skills help's Athrun and Meyrin loose Rey and Sinn in that thunder storm witch we saw in snake preview ... That is most likely option. To where next? Athrun is certain AA and Kira are, ok and there is only one place where they could be heading and Athrun will head there too: Orb... But we'll see what's going to happend...

  8. #48

    Phase 36 Discussion

    good episode after waching subbed version. I am conviced that Rey can't another puppet of Gil as he too smart for that and as he even directs Dullendaal what to do. Meer hadn't lost her mind but just prefers to be famouse even if it just to play the role. Meyrin probebly had a crush on Athrun for some time and decided to help him. I think Caggali's bodyguard (forgot his name) from SEED will rescue Athrun and Meyrin from ocean after he leave base in comotion. As Athrun can't defeat two Gundams or run away and Rey defenetly won't leave Athrun alive.

    It seems most people theory's that DRAGOON system can be piloted by only newtypes is went to drain as Dullendaal mentioned that sytem was upgraded so anyone can use it. Same as mobile suites for naturals.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  9. #49

    Phase 36 Discussion

    that was a good episode that dropkick asuran gave to that soldier was nice also he is an excellent marksmen.

    next issue i think rey and duillandal have been planning this all out since rau died but i think rey also has his own motives or has the same as duillnadal. after that about the gouf it cant beat legend and destiny if it did all that crap the chairman was saying would be bs but i do think if asuran is the pilot he can give them competition might as well since you have a whole squadran of babi after you also

  10. #50
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 36 Discussion

    I have a theory about Rey being a clone of Rau. Rau might have felt that his time left was short and wanted to be "reincarnated" in the form of a new person or something like that. Or maybe he wanted someone to fulfill his extermination of all things living. Anyway even if he is a clone of Rau or perhaps his son, or even just a relative or whatever... I'm sure that Rey's love for Rau is part of why he is so extremely dedicated to Gil's cause seeing as Gil & Rau were friends.

  11. #51

    Phase 36 Discussion

    Originally posted by: thejamppa

    As for Gouf owning two latest Gundam's... Man, snap out of it. No matter how good pilot you are, fighting with gouf against Legend and Destiny is same as you would try to race with Ford T-model against Lamborghini Diablo and try to win... Too old, too slow, not enough firepower. And Athrun has Meyrin to protect also... So something will happend. Someone will resque Athrun... But who? Maybe Rey says something that he souldn't have said and causes Shinn to turn his side, witch I doubt. Only options are someone will resque Athrun ( But who? AA is hiding and doesn't know about situation ) They take damage and play dead in sea? Or They manage escape because of thunder storm and Athruns pilotin skills help's Athrun and Meyrin loose Rey and Sinn in that thunder storm witch we saw in snake preview ... That is most likely option. To where next? Athrun is certain AA and Kira are, ok and there is only one place where they could be heading and Athrun will head there too: Orb... But we'll see what's going to happend...
    Um... its not like comparing a Model T to a Diablo, its like... well, you are obviously ignoring the fact taht both the GOUF and Destiny/Legend have been developed at the same time. The technology used in them is the same, and likely the ONLY advantage Destiny and Legend have over a Gouf is that they are nuclear (maybe) powered. Other than that, its all custom armament.

    This is going to be a 1 v 2 with all pilots equiped with top of the line high performance suits. Athrun definately has a chance... or dont you remember Athrun owning Chaos in a Zaku? In SEED, you dont have to be in a Gundam to win a fight.

  12. #52
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Phase 36 Discussion

    Nah the Gouf is a mass produced grunt suit. It got nothing on the Legend and Destiny. As for Asuran owning Chaos, Sting was obviously a bad pilot, i mean he lost to 3 Murasames.

  13. #53

    Phase 36 Discussion

    Other than the main events, I'm just curious about those scenes with Djibril. I'm wondering how the hell he got out the mansion that he was in. Didn't all those soldiers have him surrounded or something. Maybe he had some hidden escape or something. Also, who were all those wealthy looking people around him. They perhaps maybe more Logos, or just some wealthy to-do people. And what will Logos do next?

    Just my $0.02.

  14. #54

    Phase 36 Discussion

    Originally posted by: PSJ
    Nah the Gouf is a mass produced grunt suit. It got nothing on the Legend and Destiny. As for Asuran owning Chaos, Sting was obviously a bad pilot, i mean he lost to 3 Murasames.
    Its not a "Grunt" suit, and even if it was, that woudln't matter. Because all of the socalled modern "Grunt" suits, like Zaku's and Windams, are high performance on the level of Gundams. The reason most 'Grunts' are taken out so easily, is because the majority of their pilots dont have a tenth the combat experience or ability of the main characters. Chaos was brougth down by three murasames because those three murasames were being flown by skilled pilots. I mean seriously, the murasame is a great suit. Its fast, versatile, and armed well enough to take almost anything out there down.

    All Gundams have over grunt suits are specialized weaponry (which doens't matter if Athrun can dodge... he can) and phase shift armor, which does nothing to stop the beam weaponry prevalent in all SEED mecha.

    Also, call me crazy, but GOUF's are commander/elite suits aren't they?

  15. #55

    Phase 36 Discussion

    Originally posted by: thejamppa

    As for Gouf owning two latest Gundam's... Man, snap out of it. No matter how good pilot you are, fighting with gouf against Legend and Destiny is same as you would try to race with Ford T-model against Lamborghini Diablo and try to win... Too old, too slow, not enough firepower. And Athrun has Meyrin to protect also... So something will happend. Someone will resque Athrun... But who? Maybe Rey says something that he souldn't have said and causes Shinn to turn his side, witch I doubt. Only options are someone will resque Athrun ( But who? AA is hiding and doesn't know about situation ) They take damage and play dead in sea? Or They manage escape because of thunder storm and Athruns pilotin skills help's Athrun and Meyrin loose Rey and Sinn in that thunder storm witch we saw in snake preview ... That is most likely option. To where next? Athrun is certain AA and Kira are, ok and there is only one place where they could be heading and Athrun will head there too: Orb... But we'll see what's going to happend...

    I agree with Metrosz. Its not like you are comparing a Ginn with Legend and Destiny. Ginn couldn't even scratch the original 5 Gundams, Strike, Blitz, Aegis, Buster and Duel.

    But a Gouf? Despite being a main production model, should we underestimate it? Remember that Asuran first faced Chaos, Gaia and Abyss in a ZAKU and did fairly well, enough to be saved by Shinn anyway. It wasn't like he was killed in one shot in a ZAKU.

    One thing I like about Gundam Seed Destiny is that most of the mass produced mobile suits have been shown, as in the case of Lunamaria, Rey and Asuran (who have piloted ZAKUS against the new GUNDAMS) can stand up against the more specialy developed ones.

    As for Sting being a sucky pilot and losing to three Murasames, well, once again, IT WAS TEAMWORK THAT DEFEATED THE EGOISTIC STING. Not to mention now the Murasame pilots had a valid target and fought MUCH better than when they fought the Minerva.

    For good ness sake, Chaos isn't aerodynamic anyway. The Murasame's were and that's why they won. And its not like Sting lost to a MASS of Murasame's either. It was only three that took him down and that's respecatable.

    Back to a Gouf fighting Legend and Destiny, well, Asuran will give them a run their money. But seriously, Asuran will lose if Legend's DRAGOON system is anything like Providence. How the system can work in a gravity/atmostphere environment is beyond me though. You shouldn't be able to use the detacheable guns in a gravity situation. But if it can work in atmosphere, Asuran is doomed. Remember that Rau in Providence virtually anihilated anything he saw, INCLUDING Freedom with the METEOR system attached. Well, he scrapped the METEOR System and damn well nearly scrapped Freedom to bits as well. Remember with the system, Reycan well use it to shoot Asuran from EVERY direction, and Asuran has only one shield and no phase armour.

    Oh, and Raw took out the Eternal and Kusanagi, along with their escorts as well with the DRAGOON system as well.

    So as far as I'm concerned, I'm more worried about Asuran fighting Rey than against Shinn. I fear LEGEND much more than DESTINY. Expecially when we all know now that Shinn is some sort of bad guy who will NOT hold his punches whereas Shinn, DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP in his heart, repects Asuran as a big brother, or a comrade at the very least. Shin will not hesitate and if he can operate DRAGOON in the atmosphere, why the hell does he need DESTINY for?

    Assuming fighting style is similar to Freedom, a Gouf may be able to go one on one with Destiny taking into accounts its considerable close range capabilities of a Laser Sword and Electric Whip.

    For Long Range combat, Gouf loses hands down to both but thing is, he cannot go close to Legend if Legend can use the DRAGOON.

    Conclusion: Gouf may stand up to Destiny but definitely not Legend.

  16. #56

    Phase 36 Discussion

    Originally posted by: naruto22
    Originally posted by: thejamppa

    As for Gouf owning two latest Gundam's... Man, snap out of it. No matter how good pilot you are, fighting with gouf against Legend and Destiny is same as you would try to race with Ford T-model against Lamborghini Diablo and try to win... Too old, too slow, not enough firepower. And Athrun has Meyrin to protect also... So something will happend. Someone will resque Athrun... But who? Maybe Rey says something that he souldn't have said and causes Shinn to turn his side, witch I doubt. Only options are someone will resque Athrun ( But who? AA is hiding and doesn't know about situation ) They take damage and play dead in sea? Or They manage escape because of thunder storm and Athruns pilotin skills help's Athrun and Meyrin loose Rey and Sinn in that thunder storm witch we saw in snake preview ... That is most likely option. To where next? Athrun is certain AA and Kira are, ok and there is only one place where they could be heading and Athrun will head there too: Orb... But we'll see what's going to happend...

    I agree with Metrosz. Its not like you are comparing a Ginn with Legend and Destiny. Ginn couldn't even scratch the original 5 Gundams, Strike, Blitz, Aegis, Buster and Duel.

    But a Gouf? Despite being a main production model, should we underestimate it? Remember that Asuran first faced Chaos, Gaia and Abyss in a ZAKU and did fairly well, enough to be saved by Shinn anyway. It wasn't like he was killed in one shot in a ZAKU.

    One thing I like about Gundam Seed Destiny is that most of the mass produced mobile suits have been shown, as in the case of Lunamaria, Rey and Asuran (who have piloted ZAKUS against the new GUNDAMS) can stand up against the more specialy developed ones.

    As for Sting being a sucky pilot and losing to three Murasames, well, once again, IT WAS TEAMWORK THAT DEFEATED THE EGOISTIC STING. Not to mention now the Murasame pilots had a valid target and fought MUCH better than when they fought the Minerva.

    For good ness sake, Chaos isn't aerodynamic anyway. The Murasame's were and that's why they won. And its not like Sting lost to a MASS of Murasame's either. It was only three that took him down and that's respecatable.

    Back to a Gouf fighting Legend and Destiny, well, Asuran will give them a run their money. But seriously, Asuran will lose if Legend's DRAGOON system is anything like Providence. How the system can work in a gravity/atmostphere environment is beyond me though. You shouldn't be able to use the detacheable guns in a gravity situation. But if it can work in atmosphere, Asuran is doomed. Remember that Rau in Providence virtually anihilated anything he saw, INCLUDING Freedom with the METEOR system attached. Well, he scrapped the METEOR System and damn well nearly scrapped Freedom to bits as well. Remember with the system, Reycan well use it to shoot Asuran from EVERY direction, and Asuran has only one shield and no phase armour.

    Oh, and Raw took out the Eternal and Kusanagi, along with their escorts as well with the DRAGOON system as well.

    So as far as I'm concerned, I'm more worried about Asuran fighting Rey than against Shinn. I fear LEGEND much more than DESTINY. Expecially when we all know now that Shinn is some sort of bad guy who will NOT hold his punches whereas Shinn, DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP in his heart, repects Asuran as a big brother, or a comrade at the very least. Shin will not hesitate and if he can operate DRAGOON in the atmosphere, why the hell does he need DESTINY for?

    Assuming fighting style is similar to Freedom, a Gouf may be able to go one on one with Destiny taking into accounts its considerable close range capabilities of a Laser Sword and Electric Whip.

    For Long Range combat, Gouf loses hands down to both but thing is, he cannot go close to Legend if Legend can use the DRAGOON.

    Conclusion: Gouf may stand up to Destiny but definitely not Legend.

    As you have said, Legend is the main problem. Also, as you have said, its not really reasonable to assume the DRAGOON system can work in gravity [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] I'm kinda counting on that for the "Athrun beats the two signature suits in a GOUF" theory.

    One other thing to consider though, is that the GOUF has standard armament and equipment, whereas Shinn and Rey have never flown anything remotely like their new suits. Athrun may be able to squeeze in a victory on account of them getting used to their badass new weapons.

    Also, thanks for the extra info on the Murasame thing. Them working as a team really had Chaos totally outmatched.

  17. #57
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Phase 36 Discussion

    "we all know now that Shinn is some sort of bad guy who will NOT hold his punches whereas Shinn, DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPP in his heart, repects Asuran as a big brother, or a comrade at the very least. Shin will not hesitate and if he can operate DRAGOON in the atmosphere, why the hell does he need DESTINY for?
    i think you mean REY as some sort of bad guy and REY will not hesitate [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    and chaos is pretty aerodynamic and way faster then the murasme's, but only in ma mode, he should 've just transformed and flown away, yzak and asuran (omg i actually typed asuran!!) where owning chaos and abyss, totally, if they werent called back they would've died there, so yeah athrun in a gouf will definitly last against destiny, legend is abit different though , with the whole dragoon system and stuff..

    Spoiler removed. There are topics for discussing future events available already. No need bringing them here.

    GotWoot Moderator

  18. #58
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Phase 36 Discussion

    @Merotz: Gouf by themselves aren't commander suits I think, the one Athrun has seems to be a grunt suit because earlier in the episode we see many of them coming out of some garage thingy. Also, Heine's was a special Gouf by the name of Gouf Ignited. Athrun is a good pilot, but there's no way in hell he'll beat 2 gundams pursuing him at this point in the series and with such a suit.

    @Naruto: Even if Legend has the DRAGOON system I think you're underestimating Destiny. It's supposed to be the state-of-the-art Gundam, best among the best. I think that it has something that rivals the DRAGOON system in one way or the other. Also, we haven't really seen any of them in action yet...

    @darkshadow: For the love of GOD... STOP SPOILING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why the hell do you even put those spoilers in there? It doesn't even matter that you warn for spoilers, nobody wants to read them, there are topics for spoiling. All you accomplish by doing that is spark peoples' interests, as well as risking that they might see it because this forum doesn't have proper spoiler tags. And yes, I accidently saw that spoiler... AND I DIDN'T WANT TO SEE IT.

    What's up with you and that thing anyway? Are you trying to show off that you know what happens in the future? Jesus.

  19. #59

    Phase 36 Discussion

    terra is right but the original gouf that appeared was the test model for the gouf you see now even though zaft has advanced its technology alot it still appiles it the same way in seed the grunt suits and then the suits made for commaders and aces (ex: CGUE, Gouf, Zaku Phantom) if you notice the armarment on the gouf is exactly the same as the one on the experiment version. now to the point the gouf is in fact a good mobile suit since the technology in it is derived from test ms like justice freedom gouf ignited etc. since they use the gundams to test new technology to improve there current millitary strength and future strength. however the gouf can not beat destiny and legend but asuran is a good pilot who can probbaly damage them right before he gets away. and remeber what the chairman said destiny is zaft greatest ms

  20. #60
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Phase 36 Discussion

    @terra..............uhm sry............i dunno i tend to forget sometimes, cause i also visit other forum and stuff, im not trying to show of, im not the kind of person that would show of something, im sry that i angered you, didnt mean to, wont do it again

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