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Thread: Chapter 184 Discussion

  1. #1

    Chapter 184 Discussion
    184 raw is out
    A LQ scanlation is available now as well.

    A new arc begins! And it looks pretty damn cool.

    Whats up with Grand Fisher!?

  2. #2

    Chapter 184 Discussion

    Damn, that's a big ass bitch on the last page, and it's Kon, heh.

    I wonder how Ishida is going to go, and what he's going to do?
    and Hirako is so Ichimaru Gin like, it aint funny.

  3. #3

    Chapter 184 Discussion

    Seems to me that Hirako is a good guy (at least for now) since he is warning Ichigo to control his spiritual level...

    And why is that Menos Grande going after Ishida, since he lost his spiritual powers...?

  4. #4

    Chapter 184 Discussion

    haha for some reason this one got me really excited

    the menos are coming the menos are coming

  5. #5

    Chapter 184 Discussion

    The big hollow at the end is Grand Fisher. The one that killed Ichigo's mom, remember? He got a lot bigger and even looks like he has a Zanpakuto on his back. I love the shot of him lifting his mask to look at Kon.

    I'm wondering if Aizen and Gin succeeded in creating Shinigami out of the hollows. If you remember, Aizen was talking about the only way to surpass their power was to become hollows or something like that.

    Can't wait to see where this arc goes, should be a lot of fun.

  6. #6

    Chapter 184 Discussion

    Yeah I wonder what will happen to ishida..maybe magically get back his powers!!! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Or kill him off..he seems useless now.

  7. #7

    Chapter 184 Discussion

    Yeah, there is the possibility of him being killed off, but I don't think that'll happen, i dunno, he is the only Quincy, and it would've been better to kill him off in Soul Society verse one of the Captains, as that would've been a more appropriate death, imo.

  8. #8
    Genin yallo's Avatar
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    Chapter 184 Discussion

    I'm so worried for Ishida. It's damn sad for him to have lost his Quincy powers. But judging from the miraculously zero mortality rate so far, I'm guessing that they most probably aren't gonna kill Ishida off. Probably he'll be able to regain his powers somehow? After all, Ichigo managed to do it... *shrug*

    Yeah, this new guy Hirako bears an uncanny resemblance to Ichimaru Gin, especially the horribly eeeeevil way he smiles. Heh maybe he IS Gin, in his new 'gitai' (um, fake body for Shinigami use in our world)? But damn, what horrible hairstyle he has.

  9. #9
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Chapter 184 Discussion

    Supposedly, he speaks in a Kansai dialect (which tends not to translate well in scans, for whatever reason). Gin also speaks with a Kansai accent, so the likelyhood of Hirako being Gin is kinda high.

    I think it may also be important to remember that Aizen has the whateverthehellitwascalled so he may have transformed himself and his new vice captains into Shinigami-hollows already (that is, if he wasn't one already).

    I'm not so sure the one that everyone thinks is the Gound Fisher is in fact it. I thought it was at first, but the mask changed a lot and now it has a zanpaktou. Either Aizen messed with it some more with the whateverthehellitwascalled (or it got even more power from whatever altered it in the first place).

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