hey you anyone know phyclo anime's channel on mirc? and anyone know sonchu's channel on mirc? i need FMA episodes and kenshin episodes... oh and what server they are on... Thanks
Moved to Anime Downloads.
GotWoot Moderator
hey you anyone know phyclo anime's channel on mirc? and anyone know sonchu's channel on mirc? i need FMA episodes and kenshin episodes... oh and what server they are on... Thanks
Moved to Anime Downloads.
GotWoot Moderator
You can get both of those episodes off of www.boxtorrents.com but you couldve posted this on the anime downloads section.
No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy shows you where you are weak. Only the enemy tells you when he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on, I am your teacher."
-Mazer Rackham
You should read the stickied topic at the top
Before you Post, Read.
This has links to places that have torrents, direct downloads, and whatever so you can find what you're looking for, Boxtorrents is one of those links.
If you are looking for FMA and Kenshin you can try www.anime-hq.org it is a dvd encoding group. They are currently working on FMA and will release it soon. GS 1-50 DVD Quality is available there as well. Other anime there too. You can download from the bots using mIRC or torrents.