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Thread: 265 out

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    265 out

    Seems Sakura has finally proven herself and isn't worthless in battle anymore. She looks hot in that one handed stand~ [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  3. #3
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    265 out

    Pretty cool ch. Sakura finally does something other then getting hit in the head, and punching rocks, That part where chiyo and sakura dodged the hand and needles was cool(that stuff dripping from the needle was poison, more or less).

    And next week we'll get to see Sasoris true self(since the puppet was a fake)

    R.I.P Captain America.

  4. #4
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    265 out

    I bet it's going be some horrible disembodied torso or even less that that juat a head and enough organs to keep it live.

  5. #5
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    265 out

    sakura being useful is always cool. but what really amused me was the fact that the old lady put her hair down before she got into it hahahah

  6. #6
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    265 out

    sakura sucks ass.

  7. #7
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    265 out

    Sasori better bring that shit next, Deidara claims that Sasori is stronger than he is, so to see Sasori beat by a hag and Sakura will piss me off...

    This is great otherwise, hopefully the clone fights will be overwith soon too. For some reason I'm not looking forward to them at all.

  8. #8
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    265 out

    Great stuff Sakura actually moved and didn't cry and scream. Sasori must have let them destroy that puppet to test their power, if it was something else that dude isn't as good as he seemed. I'm a little disappointed in that all that was puppet, he was awesome like that. Now he will probably end up a small ugly looking ninja that can't fight with anything else than puppets.

  9. #9
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    265 out

    im assuming that chiyo stopped the tail with chakra strings of her own.......
    pretty interesting....there's alot of dialogue that needs to be translated
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #10

    265 out

    here you go. nicked from narutofan

    Any and all corrections by Taylor and Nihongaeri are welcome.

    Chapter 265: Chiyo-baa and Sakura! (I added the exclamation mark, in case you're wondering).

    Power to clear away a path, to bring out an outlook. The power to find you.

    Page 2.

    Shinobi and Shinobi clash! What's next!?

    Gai (reflections): These moves...

    Page 3.

    Neji (reflections): Same shape ... same power...

    Neji (reflections): But to think the same goes for all jutsu I've tried...

    Page 4.

    Sakura: Well, as for that not being the real body - I'd figured as much. But ... where *is* the real one?

    Sakura: After all, puppeteers normally pull the strings from behind.

    Chiyo: The real one's inside.

    Page 5.

    Chiyo: The puppeteer is weak in close quarter combat. Controlling the puppet creates openings, you see...

    Chiyo: This puppet eliminates that shortcoming.

    Chiyo: A puppet that serves as both armor and a weapon.

    Chiyo: Sasori's favorite: the puppet Hiruko. I know it well.

    Sakura: So, what do we do?

    Chiyo: Well, first things first... We won't get very far if we can't draw the real Sasori out from Hiruko.

    Chiyo: What's most terrifying about puppets...

    Chiyo: Is that you don't know what trap will be sprung, from where and how.

    Sakura: But you know *this* puppet's tricks well, right Chiyo-baa?

    Sakura: We've got *that* going for us.

    Chiyo: Yes ... that's why I first said I'd do this alone.

    Chiyo: But... I see now it won't be that simple...

    Page 6.

    Sakura: What you mean by that?

    Chiyo: Well, this new Hiruko ...

    Chiyo: It looks to be a bit different from the one I knew.

    Chiyo: First of all... before, it didn't have such a covering on its back.

    Chiyo: So it seems its shielding's improved.

    Chiyo: ... And its the first time I've seen that left hand.

    Chiyo: Also ... I'm guessing his nastiest tricks have undergone an upgrade as well.

    Sakura: ... What should we do?

    Page 7.

    Chiyo: If we're to defeat Sasori we can't get around crushing Hiruko.

    Chiyo: However ... I simply don't have the sheer destructive force needed to do that.

    Chiyo: But ... you, Sakura...

    Chiyo: You *do* posses it.

    Chiyo: The superhuman strength of Tsunade-Hime herself.

    Chiyo: Listen well, Sakura...

    Chiyo: First we need you to get in close and smash that puppet. But ... you'll need to avoid any trap he springs in the process...

    Page 8.

    Sakura: Poison, right? ...

    Chiyo: Right ... they so much as touch you and you'll have a potentially fatal wound.

    Chiyo: To avoid his attacks...

    Chiyo: You'll have to know the puppet makers taste for placing traps. You need the ability to see through and avoid the attacks as they come, and they come in an split second. (liberal rearrangement of the elements, but they're all there)

    Sakura: Knowledge of traps ... and the ability to make split second decisions...

    Sakura: I don't have either of those ... (Lit. within me either of them is so much not enough).

    Page 9.

    Chiyo: No doubt about *that* ... What's more, greater combat experience is needed...

    Sakura: So, then ... how can I be of - ?

    Chiyo: Well, what do I look like to you, now?

    Chiyo: Just a useless old hag or something? ... Or rather...

    Sidebar: Next number: the puppet master Sasori's true appearence revealed ... !?

    Page 10.

    Chiyo: Leave it to me. That's what I 'm here for.

    Chiyo: By the time he was born I'd seen more battles than he *ever* will. (lit. "As far as actual combat experience goes, he can't compare to me" - I think. Hurray for liberal translations!) ... And besides...

    Chiyo: The first part is done.

    Chiyo: Sakura, come close.

    Chiyo: Together, we're bringing this guy down.

    Page 11.

    Deidara: You sure you wanna stay here and fight *me*, hmm?

    Deidara: Sharingan no Kakashi?

    Deidara: Dunno if I should say this, but...

    Deidara: Sasori danna's a lot stronger than I am ... hmm!

    Naruto: Sensei, you go help Sakura-chan...

    Naruto: *I'll* save Gaara!

    Deidara: Heh!

    Page 12.

    Sakura: Got it! I'll do my best!

    Sasori: You done already?

    Sasori: You know me, Granny... I hate to be kept waiting.

    Chiyo: Yeah, yeah, pipe down. (Hurrah for liberal translations!)

    Chiyo: You'll be dead soon enough.

    Page 13:

    Sasori: Heh.

    Page 15.

    Sasori: Die.

    Page 16.

    Sasori: Even the kid managed to...

    Page 17:

    Sasori: What the...?

    Sasori: So that was it, was it, old woman?

    Page 18:

    Chiyo: Now, Sakura! Strike!

    Drama-rama-text: Pulverized! Chiyo-baa's plan and Sakura's single blow crush Hiruko!! What comes next!?

    Page 19:

    Sakura: Shannaro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (not really, but wouldn't it be cool if she did say that? She says "Hai!" - Got it!)

  11. #11
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    265 out

    Actually there's already a fast scanlation out in the same link as where the raw was...

  12. #12

    265 out

    hmm sakura's starting to feel less useless

  13. #13

    265 out

    Well, it's good to see that Sakura isn't so useless, and able to do something, but this isn't the end for Sasori.

    Yeah, I'm also not looking for to the clone fights, I hoped they're dealt with soon.

    It may be a Naruto and Kakashi V Deidara for the next chapter, give us a teaser with Naruto, as they did it this chapter with Sakura and Chiyo V Sasori.

  14. #14

    265 out

    I liked it when Sakura dodged all those traps and shit. Even Sasori was suprised, he thought only his granny would dodge it.

  15. #15
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    265 out

    If Kakashi does not beat some major ass, I'll rape Japan.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  16. #16

    265 out

    Originally posted by: Mut@chi
    If Kakashi does not beat some major ass, I'll rape Japan.
    I get shivers just from the thought of that.

  17. #17

    265 out

    Sakura can finally do something! Anybody else think this fight was a lil too short?
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  18. #18

    265 out

    Originally posted by: Mut@chi
    If Kakashi does not beat some major ass, I'll rape Japan.
    Oh Mut, you think all of lifes problems can be solved by rape and violence.

  19. #19

    265 out

    this fight is definately not over yet i hope sasori comes out with more puppets up his sleave, i wanna see a real puppet master do his thing

  20. #20

    265 out

    Originally posted by: Kagemane_no_Jutsu
    I liked it when Sakura dodged all those traps and shit. Even Sasori was suprised, he thought only his granny would dodge it.
    Actually if you pay attention closely in this chapter I get the feeling that Chiyo is controlling Sakura like a puppet so she can avoid all the traps, cause if you listen to what they say, Sakura does not have the experience to dodge traps like that AND you also notice Chiyo tells Sakura to get close and then she whispers something to Sakura.

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