He can also take a brick to his balls and still hold that face, which is quite na achievement in my opinion.
He can also take a brick to his balls and still hold that face, which is quite na achievement in my opinion.
and never once is his haircut changed even though he gets blown up in every episode!
Heero made Wing Interesting for me anyway, each up i wondered what crazy thing he'll do next...
All Gundam Pilots in any series Hair never grows and never gets cut...
well at least it does CHANGE sometimes in gsd, like talia, meyrin luna and cagalli
Okay i concede on CagalliOriginally posted by: darkshadow
well at least it does CHANGE sometimes in gsd, like talia, meyrin luna and cagalli
concede? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Cagalli is the only pilot ive seen whose changed her hair...thats what i was conceding on mind u it hasnt changed when shes been piloting SR...Originally posted by: LokeXero
All Gundam Pilots in any series Hair never grows and never gets cut...
talia in shower, , luna injured, meyrin hair down, and cagalli wedding
yer but all your examples (Cept the cagalli wedding) are people who arnt piloting or in an ms...
But shes not piloting an MS at the time cant you understand And anyway i said Pilots in any series Hair never grows and never gets cut. Hair style may change but name 1 person whose hair has grown or been cut...Originally posted by: darkshadow
luna [img][/img]
Kira's and Asuran's hair has grown from SEED to GSD. Both have changed quite a bit.
kira's hair got a whole lot more bushier and neo(mwu) his hair's grown A WHOLE LOT from short 2 very long
MSG: totally awesome. im not being an elitist when i say that despite the poor animation quality, theres a whole lotta good shit up in here, plus the dub in my opinion is actually below par for course, so pickles to that
MSZG: totally awesome. this doesnt need much explanation, just watch it and enjoy
Turn-A: TOTALLY FUCKING GREAT! watch this if you like a great story (tomino was heavily involved) and an interesting tie together for all gundam series. toted as the end-all be-all of gundam, required viewing for gundamophiles
0080: once upon a time, gundam didnt need wings on everything and mobile suit battles every 2 minutes. this series kind of brings the gundam thing into perspective and focuses more on the result of the advent of mobile suit combat and how it affects the relationships between normal people. kind of heartwarming with a tearjerk ending
0083:an ok ova, it tries to be alot, but falls short in alot of areas, you dont really get to experience the tension between the protagonist and his rival, its more flash than substance basically. although i must say it has really awesome 80s style animation, really top notch stuff here, id say you younger gen would enjoy this series alot
Gundam X:an ok alternate universe story, ALOT better than wing in my opinion, plus theres a bunch of U.C. references and things big U.C. fans will find "cute", like for example, the inclusion of newtype dolphins lol
Chars Counterattack: this id only reccomend if youre heavy into U.C. and have seen MSG and MSZG, theres alot of references to and characters from those two series, and any casual viewer would be totally lost and uninterested/frustrated with this movie. otherwise, its the ultimate conclusion to the char/amuro rivalry thats been going on between them for 15 years or so
Gundam F91: i dont know about anybody else, but i really enjoyed it. sure it flopped, but i really really like the F-91. at first it was the ugliest design ive ever seen, but it grew on me, and seeing it in action really convinced me that it was the most ultimate gundam ever, thats right wing fans, even more badass than wing zero! and no i will not retract that statement. oh yeah, the other more important reason i liked it, was it was self contained, and short but sweet, and i recommend it highly if youre into things that dont drag on for 50+ episodes
so thats my reccomendation list for gundam series, also as an aside to general mecha fans, id heavily suggest watching Gunbuster, its only 6 eps, but you just get sucked in, you laugh, you cry, you cry again, then you smile. plus hey theres great giant robot on bug action, scantily clad pilot girls, and as an added bonus you can watch this with your girlfriend without her getting too bored (lol like forumers have girlfriends [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] ).
V Gundam a.k.a Victory gundam is one of my most favourite gundams around........ victory could surpass even destiny if your saying about coolest gundam..... thats what i think .
My picks (not in any order of preferance):
08th MS
ZZ (I can't find any torrents on this one but the few I've seen are good)
Whatever you do, DO NOT WATCH GUNDAM F-91