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Thread: Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

  1. #1

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    so what other gundam series/ova/movies do you like besides Gundam Seed/Destiny/Wing
    i just finished Seed and Destiny up to 35 and I'm already downloading Wing so i'm interested in any other good gundam anime you guys might like so i can give them a try

  2. #2
    Missing Nin
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    run and hide from G-gundam and SD-Gundam.

    However as for a few good ones.
    X Gundam
    Z Gundam
    ZZ Gundam
    V Gundam

    to name a few atleast.

  3. #3
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    I'm not afraid to say I loved G Gundam.

    Other Gundam shows I'd recommend are Char's Counterattack, 0083 Stardust Memories and 8th MS Team.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  4. #4
    Missing Nin
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Originally posted by: Psyke
    I'm not afraid to say I loved G Gundam.

    Other Gundam shows I'd recommend are Char's Counterattack, 0083 Stardust Memories and 8th MS Team.

    To be fair I have only seen the dub of G-Gundam but to me atleast it was absolutely horrible. I also didn't care for the 8th MS Team at all it seemed like a short rehash of other series without any real depth.

    0083 Stardust Memories was great I would recommend it but its simply a movie and I have yet to see Char's Counterattack.

  5. #5
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Gundam 0079, only seen the movie version but it was good. X is decent nothing special but it's worth the watch.

    Gundam Wing is not a good Gundam series. It sucks.

  6. #6
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Originally posted by: DDBen
    Originally posted by: Psyke
    I'm not afraid to say I loved G Gundam.

    Other Gundam shows I'd recommend are Char's Counterattack, 0083 Stardust Memories and 8th MS Team.

    To be fair I have only seen the dub of G-Gundam but to me atleast it was absolutely horrible. I also didn't care for the 8th MS Team at all it seemed like a short rehash of other series without any real depth.

    0083 Stardust Memories was great I would recommend it but its simply a movie and I have yet to see Char's Counterattack.
    I saw the US dubbed G Gundam before and yes it was horrible. The original japanese voices made the show so much better.

    As for Stardust memories I think you are refering to the OVA movie. It was actually a series but they compressed the entire series into an OVA movie. Do catch the original series else you will be missing out a lot.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  7. #7
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Gundam Wing is not as good as Seed but, watch the movie Endless Waltz. That movie kicked ass.

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  8. #8

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Lets see. Top picks.

    If you are gonna watch anything UC. Its good to watch the original MSG. Either the trilogy movies or the series. Be forewarned thou its dated. The show was created in the late 70s. But after that is its sequel Z Gundam. Said by many to be the best UC series. Meh it was pretty good. I'm a big fan thou of 8th MS Team where you get to see the MP Ground Type Gundam. And then there is the series 0083. 0083 is prolly my favorite UC. Some people like to go in order some don't. It would be cool prolly to have seen everything in order.

    8th MS Team
    0083 "personal favorite"
    Z Gundam "decent series"
    ZZ Gundam
    CCA "hated. Had my fill of Amuro by the end of MSG and Char by the middle of Z"
    V Gundam "decent series"

    Of the AU's definately give Gundam X a look. The X Divider suit was sweet. But the biggest AU other than SEED and Destiny was Turn-A. That was the big favorite and it is really good. Sorta meant to be the Gundam that takes place after all other Gundams AU and UC series linked.

  9. #9

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    yes, just about EVERY Gundam title is worth at least a look. of course, some don't rule much at all.

    the Good:
    Zeta Gundam - it's so great that the USA UC fans got to see this. Char/Quatro = teh man.
    0083 - THIS is where Zeta's awesome story starts. with a badass villain and great songs, it's near #1 for me
    G-Gundam - yeah, you read that right. GG is one of the best OVERALL. Oh, it's only Gundam in name? so what?? it's fun, exciting, tragic, & heartwarming. I bawl like a baby at Master Asia in ep 45.
    Seed Destiny - already, I'm saying GSD is one of the best. it has grand mysteries and conflicting characters, elements I love in my Gundam
    Gundam X - best AU overall. it explains the Newtype completely and gives us a carefree feel, which was FRESH from the uber-angst of Wing. it was so fresh that X only got 39 eps -_-

    the Bad:
    Gundam ZZ - a spit in the face of Zeta's masterful plot. Neo Zeon = pussies
    F91 - just meh. they should made this a series & added the events of "Crossbone Gundam" to it.
    Gundam Wing - worst AU of them all. I won't lie, it was my first Gundam... but looking back? yeah, just pretty boys and explosions
    0080 - lotta people say it's boring and I'll admit, it's slow. make sure you're not itching for giant robot action. this is enjoyed best if you're passionate about Gundam
    Seed - it just didn't feel as awesome as I thought it'd be. felt like an amalgamized rehash of just about every Gundam before it. HATED some characters + the ending came outta nowhere and wasn't fulfilling
    G-Savior - .....................NO!!!

    the I-Dunno:
    Victory - have it all, haven't watched
    Turn A - downloading now, from Hero Legends (
    original Gundam - saw it all dub only and it's....y'know (evil dubs). have the trilogy and love it. either good or bad, I don't care. it's the LEGEND. lol
    Char's Counterattack - I love it because it's the end of Char/Amuro....but it just leaves a weird taste in my mouth sometimes. it begins w/ boom, Char's there. woulda been nice to see Neo Zeon II rise w/ Char. also, the ending was blah.

  10. #10

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    0080 is war in a pocket right ?
    Then OMFG freakin' *!@#(@!# it is one of the beste gundam series dude !1!!
    And seed is much better then destiny

  11. #11

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    I didn't say it sucked...I like it, because I love Gundam and how its events affect its own people. It's just not as loved by some others as it is me.

    and please, don't rag on me. I don't see other people verbally beating on others' opinions *sigh*

    and no, GSD > Seed

  12. #12

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    "Look...! The East Is Burning Red!"


    G-Gundam was decent, though obviously someones sad attempt to mix Dragonball Z/Kinniku-man with the Gundam universe. Series to watch from Gundam would have to be, IMO: 0083-Stardust memory, 08th MS Team, Gundam X, Zeta and ZZ, MSG and CCA. Gundam Wing is one to watch If your looking for a Gundam series with a softer tone...Although it had it's moments.

  13. #13

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    oh yeah, I forgot 8th MS Team.

    one of the best UC ever!!! a look at the One Year War thru the soldiers themselves. and the romance between EF & Zeon people was magical & sweet.

  14. #14
    Missing Nin
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Originally posted by: kinggalaxia
    I didn't say it sucked...I like it, because I love Gundam and how its events affect its own people. It's just not as loved by some others as it is me.

    and please, don't rag on me. I don't see other people verbally beating on others' opinions *sigh*

    and no, GSD > Seed

    This topic is obviously asking for nonseed related gundam series as such whatever your feelings about GSD and GS don't even belong here in the first place. If you want to discuss which is better make a topic or wait for the series to end to compare them as a whole.

  15. #15

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Originally posted by: DDBen
    Originally posted by: kinggalaxia
    I didn't say it sucked...I like it, because I love Gundam and how its events affect its own people. It's just not as loved by some others as it is me.

    and please, don't rag on me. I don't see other people verbally beating on others' opinions *sigh*

    and no, GSD > Seed

    This topic is obviously asking for nonseed related gundam series as such whatever your feelings about GSD and GS don't even belong here in the first place. If you want to discuss which is better make a topic or wait for the series to end to compare them as a whole.
    whoops, my mistake....but I guess I'm damned if I-- y'know *hmmph*

  16. #16

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    if your looking for a good mobile suit series get full metal panic that series was wicked

    heres a link to what the series is a bout

  17. #17

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    i thought the suits in full metal panic were called armor slaves

  18. #18

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    whatever they're both big robots

  19. #19

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    I'm new to Gundam myself and have only seen GS and GSD fully. However, I do recommend Turn A Gundam. Don't let the odd MS design scare you. It's a really good show and is being subbed by Hero Legends and they're up to episode 44. I've watched Gundam Wing until ep 7-8 or so and I'm not that impressed yet but I'll give it a shot.

  20. #20
    Moderator Emeritus NM's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Gundam 0079 and 8th MS Team were my favorites. Does anyone know if there are subs around for 0079? I saw it at Boxtorrents but they were dubbed. I saw the dub on Cartoon Network a long time back but I would like to see the original version of it.
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