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Thread: Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

  1. #21
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    Gundam Wing is not as good as Seed but, watch the movie Endless Waltz. That movie kicked ass.
    No it didn't. That movie was that blonde fagboys crying all the time until the end when Wing Zero shot it's rifle which was to strong for the suit to handle. Add that 7 year old they were fighting who owned them like bitches and you got yourself the worst shit ever Plot-wise.

    The Gundam design is cool tho.

  2. #22
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    What kinggalaxia said. Every single fucking word of it. (though I haven't seen all the series that he has seen)

    Except the Seed stuff. My love for Yzak has blinded me from eventual bad points that series had. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  3. #23
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Originally posted by: PSJ
    Originally posted by: Deblas
    Gundam Wing is not as good as Seed but, watch the movie Endless Waltz. That movie kicked ass.
    No it didn't. That movie was that blonde fagboys crying all the time until the end when Wing Zero shot it's rifle which was to strong for the suit to handle. Add that 7 year old they were fighting who owned them like bitches and you got yourself the worst shit ever Plot-wise.

    The Gundam design is cool tho.
    I agree. The only pilot I liked in the show was Zechs. All the others are either too whiny, or have serious psychological problems. The Gundam designs are the strongest points, and on a side note I'd love to see a MG Deathscythe Custom model being released like the Wing Zero Custom.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  4. #24

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    I've been meaning to watch some of the earlier Gundam series for a while. Does anyone else have any links where they can be downloaded? And subbed not dubbed, please.

  5. #25

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Originally posted by: PSJ
    Originally posted by: Deblas
    Gundam Wing is not as good as Seed but, watch the movie Endless Waltz. That movie kicked ass.
    No it didn't. That movie was that blonde fagboys crying all the time until the end when Wing Zero shot it's rifle which was to strong for the suit to handle. Add that 7 year old they were fighting who owned them like bitches and you got yourself the worst shit ever Plot-wise.

    The Gundam design is cool tho.

    I've come to expect more from you PSJ. You let me down with this one. I can't help but wonder what you were smoking when you wrote this.

    Wing is alright in its own right while sucking horribly in others. EW improved on many of the flaws. But then agian the flaws it tried to improve on rarely existed in the first place. Just have to acknowledge that Wing is an AU and doesn't follow the same physics that UC does. Anyways. Why do you think the rifle was too strong for Zero. Because it broke apart after firing its weapon. Normally this might apply. But watch the scene. How many Serpents were firing onto the Zero. How much dmg did it sustain when it came crashing down through the atmosphere? The twin buster rifle wasn't too powerful in the anime and its the same damn thing in the OVA. If anything its actually weaker than its anime counterpart. Although they were reinforced blast doors.

    The 7 yr old was just an icon of the duke's. She had no real power. And only finally did something in the end when she was shot. Who was the blonde fagboys crying? I'm almost thinking you watched some crappy bootleg where they put in there own scenes. But since you have no sense of plot atleast you get the mecha fan boy points for the series that most gundam fans say the gundams were way overpowered and too stuffed with weapons. These same people complain about a few SEED suits as well so we won't listen to them.

    As I said Wing and EW both have their place as decent animes with a okay place in the gundam fandom. Sadly it also brought in a huge crowd of people who knew nothing of gundam and thought everything should be like Wing which they worshipped. And the war of the UCist and Wingers began.. Ahh the memories of playing referee..

    Thats probably the one big thing I hate about Wing. Is what it did to the Gundam community when the majority of America learned of gundam.

  6. #26

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    my favorite gundam series/ova would have to be Z Gundam and Char's Counterattack. the Z gundam and Nu gundam just kick ass

  7. #27

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Originally posted by: Mae
    I've been meaning to watch some of the earlier Gundam series for a while. Does anyone else have any links where they can be downloaded? And subbed not dubbed, please.
    Personally I go with AniDB. You can use their ED2K links (scary slow) or they link you directly to the groups that have fansubbed/DVD Ripped the eps. There you can either find Bittorrent for it or you can get it from their IRC channel most of the time. I haven't really looked too hard for any of them yet, but I know you can get most of Zeta (they are still working on it) in channel #White_Base on Rizon, and as someone said Hero Legends is working on Turn A.

  8. #28

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    wow thanx for all the replies guys [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] , but can someone explain to me what this UC is people are talking about?

  9. #29

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    thank you so much, Terra ^___^

    Universal Century, including this Gundam series, in chronological order
    Note: the UC calendar starts around 2070somethin AD

    Mobile Suit Gundam - UC 0079 (One Year War - Earth vs. Zeon)
    8th MS Team - UC 0079 (side story of One Year War)
    War in the Pocket - UC 0080 (epilogue of One Year War)
    Stardust Memories - UC 0083 (Earth vs. what's left of Zeon - creation of Titans)
    Zeta Gundam - UC 0087 (Gryps Conflict - Titans [tyrannical Earth] vs. AEUG [Earth/Zeon who hate Titans] vs. Axis [Zeon returned from exile]
    Note: AEUG = Anti-Earth Union Group - formed after Titans were like Nazis in how they handled enemies of Earth
    Gundam Double Zeta - UC 0088 (AEUG vs. Neo Zeon v.1 [under rule of Haman Kahn])
    Char's Counterattack - UC 0090 (Earth/AEUG vs. Neo Zeon v.2 [under rule of Char Aznable] - end of Zeon altogether)
    Gundam F91 - UC 0123 (Crossbone Vanguard vs. Earth)
    Victory Gundam - UC 0153 (Zanscare Empire vs. Earth)
    G-Savior - UC 0223 (I-don't-care vs. go-to-hell) this was Bandai's SAD attempt at a live-action Gundam. I don't consider it full UC but that's the year it's given, apparently

    After Victory, they started making AU (alternate universes), starting with G-Gundam. Each universe had its calendar.

    G-Gundam - FC 60 (Future Century)
    Gundam Wing - AC 195-196 (After Colony)
    Gundam X - AW 15 (After War)
    Turn A Gundam - CC 2345 (Correct Century)
    Gundam Seed - CE 70-71 (Cosmic Era)

  10. #30
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Oh god Guardian, sorry to dissappoint you. First of all i was not really serious with that post and on the other hand i watched it for over 2 years ago, my memory isn't all that good....

    As for the blonde "fagboy" that's Quattre or whatever the hell his name was. The violin playing pussy that had an army at his disposal. He did play the violin right?

    Oh well no point in sticking to this discussion as i honestly don't care.

  11. #31
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Guardian must be let down easily if he gets disappointed at people everytime they don't agree with him about how good/bad a show is [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  12. #32
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Originally posted by: Psyke
    Originally posted by: PSJ
    Originally posted by: Deblas
    Gundam Wing is not as good as Seed but, watch the movie Endless Waltz. That movie kicked ass.
    No it didn't. That movie was that blonde fagboys crying all the time until the end when Wing Zero shot it's rifle which was to strong for the suit to handle. Add that 7 year old they were fighting who owned them like bitches and you got yourself the worst shit ever Plot-wise.

    The Gundam design is cool tho.
    I agree The only pilot I liked in the show was Zechs. All the others are either too whiny, or have serious psychological problems. The Gundam designs are the strongest points, and on a side note I'd love to see a MG Deathscythe Custom model being released like the Wing Zero Custom.
    While Wing was also my first Gundam series as well, I don't know if I would recommend it to any seasoned anime watcher. For someone inexpirienced or who loves bishounen, dive right in. The show had some interesting characters and explored some themes that most Gundam series don't touch on. But the action could get weak (eery battle is so frigging lopsided except for the duels), the pilots too serious (except for Duo) and so many inconsistencies in MS capabilities. Treize & Zechs & sometimes Duo were the best parts of that show.

    I find that Kira from GS and Quatre from Wing have tons of similarities despite their differign sexual orientation. Their whole nice-guy to the point of beign sickening. How they try to persuade others not to kill. Their crying. Their going berserk at some point. And despite all of that, still being natural leaders that people listen to for some reason or another.

    I would definetley recommend 8th MS Team to anyone. That show rocks, good animation, damn good cast.

    I would obviously recommend the original Mobile Suit Gundam, as well as Zeta to anyone who hasn't seen them.

    G Gundam sucks. Much of what I've seen of Turn A Gundam really really sucks. Chars Counter is pretty good. 0080 is pretty hot.

    And to go off topic, if you enjoy the military strategy and political intrigue aspect of Gundam, I have to recommend Legends of the Galactic Heroes. Space opera at its best. Starts slow but the characters are fantastic and the writing is from a day when the creators didn't just rely on fan service and intense action to carry you through an episode.

    That being said, another good all around show that has lots of piloting aspects and ship-vs-ship combat is Last Exile. That show was sweet.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  13. #33
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
    wow thanx for all the replies guys [img][/img] , but can someone explain to me what this UC is people are talking about?
    And to answer your question WITHOUT a timeline filled with spoilers Galaxia-you-asshole. UC is the Universal century, the timeline that the original MS Gundam was set in and where numerous side-stories and continuations took place. This is considered the original setting for Gundam and where all spinoffs have taken at least a couple aspects. The numerous shows based in the UC time period make up the core of the Gundam franchise, although recent attempts to further the plot of that timeline have been vastly considered huge failures.

    All other Gundam shows are considered to be in an Alternate Universe (AU) from the UC timeline and have variations off the technology and storyline, though they often share at least one thing in common. Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny are not related to any other show but each other -taking place on the Cosmic Era timeline- (though many MS designs are taken from the UC & other timelines) and Destiny is the first actual TV show sequel to an AU Gundam, as far as I know.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  14. #34

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    lol I wouldn't call what Galaxia wrote spoilers. Thats alil over the top. You get more info about the movies/shows from looking at the back of the box.. And yea Destiny is the first tv show sequel with EW being sorta a mini sequel to Wing.

  15. #35

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Originally posted by: DeluxSkillz
    so what other gundam series/ova/movies do you like besides Gundam Seed/Destiny/Wing
    i just finished Seed and Destiny up to 35 and I'm already downloading Wing so i'm interested in any other good gundam anime you guys might like so i can give them a try

    i`ll save you the trouble of watching Gundam Wing...

    Heero: Relena

    Relena: Heeeeeeeeerrrrrrooooooooo!!!

    Heero: Relena

    Relena: Heero

    Heero: Relena

    Relena: oh Hero.

    ...there now u`ve watched about 40 of the 50 episodes...this is easily the worst Gundam series...i enjoyed watching F91(unsubbed) more than watching Wing...i don`t even speak u know how hard it is to sit through F91 unsubbed...don`t waste your bandwidth on Wing...especially since u`ve already watched`s a step backwards...

    It`s like watching the old batman with adam west after watching Batman Begins (excellent movie).

  16. #36

    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    SPOILERS but really detailed info on the entire Gundam Universe courtesy of MAHQ. Consider this the dummies guide to Gundam
    I repeat this is full of spoilers but is a pretty good generic summary of things that happen. Skip this if you don't want to know more about Gundam as a whole. And again this is full of spoilers
    SPOILERS Do not continue unless you really want to.

    The Universal Century & The One Year War

    The majority of the series in the Gundam saga are set in the Universal Century (UC) timeline. With more 'UC shows' arriving in the U.S. now, it is helpful to know what the background for this extensively developed universe is. In the new Universal Century calendar, humanity began a space colonization program to ease overcrowding on Earth. After living in space for decades, 'Spacenoids' began to thirst for independence from 'Earthnoids'. In the year UC 0079, after years of tension, the Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon at the Side 3 colonies went to war. Hoping to end the war in one attack with Operation British, the Zeon attempted to drop a colony on the Federal Forces headquarters in Jaburo, South America. The colony was knocked off course and instead impacted on Australia and destroyed most of the country. The use of nuclear weapons combined with the colony drop seriously altered the environment. In the first week of the war, over four billion people were killed.

    The Federation and Zeon quickly sign the Antarctic Treaty, which outlaws the use of mass destruction weapons. Following this, the war enters months of stalemate. It is during this stalemate that the Federation began Project V to develop mobile suits to combat the powerful Zeon Zaku II. This period of the war is the setting for the original 1979 Gundam series as well as 1996's The 08th M.S. Team and 1989's Gundam 0080. The 08th M.S Team examines the One Year War from the perspective of a Federation mobile suit team fighting the Zeon in a vicious ground war in Southeast Asia. Gundam 0080 focuses on the neutral colony of Libot and a young boy's chance encounter with Zeon soldiers that changes his life forever. Towards the end of UC 0079, the Federation uses combat data from Amuro Ray's Gundam and creates the GM, their first mass produced mobile suit. With the GM they are able to turn the tables on the Zeon. They eventually push the Zeon off of Earth and take the battle to space, emerging victorious on January 1, 0080 at the Battle of A Baoa Qu.

    Post One Year War & The Gryps War

    Following the war, the Principality of Zeon was disbanded and became the Republic of Zeon once again. In UC 0083, Zeon rebels led by Aiguille Delaz and Anavel Gato attempted to revive Zeon by starting their own rebellion. This story is explored in the 1991 OAV series Gundam 0083. After stealing a nuclear-equipped Gundam, they expose the hypocrisy of the Federation. As a show of force, they drop a colony on North America and make most of it uninhabitable. Their terrorist actions cause the Federation to create the Titans task force to seek out all Zeon rebels. Unfortunately, the Titans are commanded by the devious Jamitov Hymem and his lackey Bask Om. The Titans quickly evolve into a fascist organization that slowly takes control of the Federal Forces. By UC 0085, the Titans are committing atrocities such as gassing millions of colony citizens at Side 1's 30 Bunch Colony who opposed them. It was because of these atrocities that Federation officers and others formed the Anti Earth Union Group (AEUG) to fight them. The story of the Titans and AEUG is chronicled in the series Z Gundam, which aired from 1985-1986. As the Gryps War begins in UC 0087, civilian Kamille Bidan has a hatred for the Titans and joins the AEUG. He uses his emerging Newtype powers and the Zeta Gundam to fight the Titans. During the latter half of the series, the Axis Zeon led by Haman Karn enter the war to carve out their own kingdom and resurrect the Zabi dynasty. In early UC 0088 the Titans are wiped out, but the AEUG loses most of its pilots, including Char Aznable, who vanishes in the last battle. Another casualty is Zeta Gundam's pilot Kamille Bidan, who is mentally crippled by Titans leader Paptimus Scirocco's Newtype powers.

    The Neo Zeon Wars

    Though the Titans are gone, the Axis Zeon remain. Renamed Neo Zeon, they begin to appease citizens of the colonies to join their effort in Gundam ZZ, which aired from 1986-1987. The AEUG again recruits citizens to fight for their cause, this time Judau Ashta and several of his loser friends. Like Kamille Bidan before him, Judau develops his Newtype powers and uses the and the powerful Double Zeta Gundam to fight the Neo Zeon. The Neo Zeon begin their campaign of conquest by invading Earth and occupying the Federation capital in Dakar, Africa. The AEUG is involved in a running fight from Dakar to Dublin, where the Federation brass hands over Side 3 to Haman. To speed up negotiations, she steals a colony from Side 4 and drops it on Dublin, which annihilates the city. After returning to space, Haman is pursued by Judau and his friends. As the war nears its end, Glemy Toto begins a rebellion against Haman, with the AEUG caught in the middle. The first Neo Zeon War ends in UC 0089 with the deaths of Haman and Glemy. Afterwards, the AEUG soldiers are reincorporated into the Federal Forces and become part of Londo Bell. Londo Bell's mission is the same as the Titans, but they do not use the same cruel methods. After years of peace, the threat of war returns in UC 0093 from Char Aznable, who has formed his own Neo Zeon group. He plans to bring humanity to its next evolutionary level and make everyone a Newtype. His plan for doing this involved dropping asteroids on Earth to force Earthnoids to migrate to space. The final part of his plan is to drop Axis on Earth, which will make the planet uninhabitable. He is stopped by his rival Amuro Ray, as seen in the 1988 film Char's Counterattack. The conflict between the Zeon and the Federation is at last over.

    Late Universal Century

    The last parts of the UC saga take the story far to the future. After 30 years of peace, Earth is threatened again in UC 0123. The 1991 film Gundam F91 is the story of the Crossbone Vanguard, the private army of the wealthy Spacenoid Ronah family. Much like the Zeon, they believe that Spacenoids are superior to Earthnoids, and they plan to create a utopia named Cosmo Babylonia. Opposing them is Newtype Seabook Arno with his Gundam F91. Unfortunately, the movie is a retooled version of a never filmed TV series that does not complete this storyline. A continuation can be read in the manga series Crossbone Gundam. Jumping ahead to UC 0153 provides the setting for the last animated UC series, V Gundam. In this series, which aired from 1993-1994, Earth has been left almost uninhabited to allow it to heal from humanity's abuse of it. Now that it has healed, the religiously fanatic Zanscare Empire plans to make it their sanctuary. With the Federation divided and incompetent, only the civilian rebel group League Militaire stands in the way of the Zanscare Empire. Young Newtype Uso Evin joins the League and pilots the Victory Gundam and V2 Gundam in his fight against the Zanscare. Ultimately, the Zanscare Empire attempts to use a psychic battle fortress named Angel Halo to mentally slaughter the citizens of Earth. Fortunately, Uso and the League foil their plans and end the war. Seventy years later in UC 0223, the Federation has collapsed and is replaced by the Congress of Settlement Nations (CONSENT). However, CONSENT is just as bad as the Federation and attempts to control the colonies. In the live action movie G-Saviour, Gundam pilot Mark Curran uses the title mobile suit to fight them and save an invention that could feed the starving masses under the oppression of CONSENT.

    The Future Century timeline

    Aside from the UC saga, there are many Gundam series that are set in alternate universes, each with their own calendar and history. These series were created by Bandai to draw in more fans and sell new merchandise. Following after V Gundam, the first alternate universe series is G Gundam which aired from 1994-1995. This universe uses the Future Century (FC) calendar, where elitist colony citizens use ravaged Earth as a battleground in the Gundam Fight to decide who the new leader of the colonies will be. In FC 60, the 13th Gundam Fight begins when Neo Japan pilot Domon Kasshu wins a battle. Throughout the year, Domon searches for his lost brother, who was experimenting with nanotechnology to restore Earth. After a terrible accident, the nanotech transformed the Ultimate Gundam into the gigantic and evil Devil Gundam. With his mother dead and his father in cryogenic freeze, Domon wants to find his brother, for revenge. As the Gundam Fight continues, Domon meets four Gundam Fighters who are fated to join his quest. He also encounters his mentor Master Asia, who has become a servant of the Devil Gundam. After the Gundam Fight ends, the final battle begins in space. With the help of his God Gundam and his friends from the Shuffle Alliance, Domon destroys the Devil Gundam and is reunited with his love Rain Mikamura. This series is set to air in the U.S. beginning in late summer 2002.

    The After Colony timeline

    Everyone is familiar with Gundam W, which aired in the U.S. in 2000 and originally aired in Japan from 1995-1996. This second series uses the After Colony (AC) calendar. In AC 175, a colonial independence leader named Heero Yuy was assassinated by the mysterious OZ organization. For the next two decades, the colonies begin to resent the control of the oppressive United Earth Sphere Alliance. This resentment leads to the creation of Operation Meteor in AC 195. Five young Gundam pilots are sent to Earth to fight a guerilla war against the United Earth Sphere Alliance. Over the course of the conflict, the UESA is destroyed from within by OZ, which is backed by the aristocratic Romefeller Foundation. As OZ makes overtures to the space colonies, Gundam pilots Heero, Duo, Trowa, Wufei and Quatre find that their homelands have rejected them. Still, the Gundam pilots continue to fight off OZ and the Romefeller foundation. As an internal conflict splits OZ, the space colonists decide to fight back and create a rebel army named White Fang. Judging White Fang to be too dangerous, the Gundam pilots fight them off during what becomes known as the Eve Wars. Following the Eve Wars, the Earth Sphere United Nation is created, and nearly all mobile suits are destroyed. However, just one year later war begins again with the attack of the Mariemaia Army in the 1997 OAV series Endless Waltz. The Gundam pilots return one last time to wipe out the enemy and bring a lasting peace to Earth.

    The After War timeline

    The next alternate universe series is 1996's Gundam X, which uses the After War (AW) calendar. This series poses a 'what if' on the end of the Universal Century's One Year War and uses it as a springing board for a new story. After a terrible war between the Earth Federation and the Space Revolutionary Army, the SRA drops dozens of colonies on Earth and kills nearly all Earth's inhabitants. In the post-apocalyptic wasteland, there is only chaos. Renegade mobile suit pilots terrorize civilians, and scavenger groups known as Vulture look for old weapons for their survival and profit. In this chaotic world, the New Earth Federation and the SRA are secretly rebuilding their power for an eventual confrontation. In AW 0015, a young boy named Garrod Ran is drawn into this conflict when he rescues a young Newtype girl named Tiffa Adill, finds a Gundam X and joins Vulture. Constantly harassed by the villainous Frost brothers, the Vulture ship Freeden journeys around the world in search of Newtypes. As the New Federation begins to re-conquer Earth to reunite it, Garrod steals the powerful new Gundam Double X. The New Federation moves the conflict into space and picks up the war where it left off. After discovering the true secret of Newtypes, Garrod uses his Double X to defeat the Frost brothers and end the war. Peace is finally restored between both sides, and Garrod lives happily ever after with Tiffa. Unfortunately, this series was moved into a bad timeslot and canceled 10 episodes short of its intended 49 episode run.

    The Correct Century timeline

    As part of the Gundam Big Bang 20th Anniversary celebration, creator Yoshiyuki Tomino returned after six years to create the series

  17. #37
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Originally posted by: PSJ
    Originally posted by: Deblas
    Gundam Wing is not as good as Seed but, watch the movie Endless Waltz. That movie kicked ass.
    No it didn't. That movie was that blonde fagboys crying all the time until the end when Wing Zero shot it's rifle which was to strong for the suit to handle. Add that 7 year old they were fighting who owned them like bitches and you got yourself the worst shit ever Plot-wise.

    The Gundam design is cool tho.
    You got me all wrong there PSJ. Hate the characters in Wing. Hate the characters in Endless Waltz. But I just love the Gundam designs in that movie. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    Originally posted by: fox_t
    i`ll save you the trouble of watching Gundam Wing...

    Heero: Relena

    Relena: Heeeeeeeeerrrrrrooooooooo!!!

    Heero: Relena

    Relena: Heero

    Heero: Relena

    Relena: oh Hero.
    It was lower than that. Like this.


    Relena: Heeeeeeeeerrrrrrooooooooo!!!


    Relena: Heero


    Relena: Heero?

    Heero:.........................I'm going to kill you...............................

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  18. #38
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    haha lol deblas thats sooo true, he really has 1 emotion

  19. #39
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Heero has mastered the ancient arts of instant clothes changing while looking exactly the same simultaneously, it seems [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  20. #40
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Other good Gundam series/ova/movie

    Of course. Its a necessary trait for all Gundam pilots!!. Don't you know anything Terra?

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