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Thread: Episode 140 Discussion

  1. #41
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 140 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Neko Haruko
    You guys are harsh on Sakura. Is it too much just to leave her alone? She3 won't be useless for long. I promise you that
    Are we talking about the same Sakura here? Because I think most of us are thinking of the one who's been doing jack shit for 140 episodes except for being angsty and yelling "Sasuke-kun", as well of course doing her best to act like a complete bitch to everybody else whenever she has had the opportunity.

    I'd like to see the Sakura you are talking about.

  2. #42

    Episode 140 Discussion

    I still have some hope for her, but if she doesn't do something soon, she'll annoy people more and more...
    And then, maybe it's time for a new "main-like" char to show up...
    Or give others more screentime...

    That's the best thing that I found about the "find sasuke" thing... little to no sakura involved [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  3. #43

    Episode 140 Discussion

    Spoiler removed. Read the rules.

    GotWoot Moderator

  4. #44
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 140 Discussion

    First off, I'm a manga reader too. Second off, that's a spoiler. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  5. #45

    Episode 140 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    First off, I'm a manga reader too. Second off, that's a spoiler. [img][/img]
    Oh . That just makes me MORE confused! and How was my post a spoiler? <<

    How much longer do you think this filler will be? 3 more episodes?

  6. #46
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 140 Discussion

    I am guessing 2 episodes, next one will probably be the fight itself and the one after that will be the usual "Everybody-becomes-friends-and-laughs-happily" idiot episode.

  7. #47

    Episode 140 Discussion

    My question is as follows:

    Where exactly is Jiraiya??? Did he get obviously he didn't get flattened so what the hell is he doing....

    And secondly I agree that the Rasengan has been officially raped by the fillers.

  8. #48
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Episode 140 Discussion

    read my post on page 2, on my thoughts on jiraiya

  9. #49
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 140 Discussion

    Jiraiya was gone in this episode so he can make an imaginative re-entry in the next episode when the kids are about to get raped by Arashi Birkin.

    And we all will be soooo surprised. And then Jiraiya will take him down with a ... wait for it... RASENGAN!11

  10. #50

    Episode 140 Discussion

    I think this episode was a bit disturbing. The heart-squeezing is fine, but Arashi is

  11. #51
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Episode 140 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Jiraiya was gone in this episode so he can make an imaginative re-entry in the next episode when the kids are about to get raped by Arashi Birkin.

    And we all will be soooo surprised. And then Jiraiya will take him down with a ... wait for it... RASENGAN!11
    Hahaha Terra, yeh you are probably predicting the next ep or two very perfectly here.
    I am also getting sick of seeing the Rasengan. That along with Mass Kage Bunshin and kunai throwing are about all the jutsus I've seen Naruto perform in the last 20 eps or so, minus the Kyuubi chakra going berserk on its own.

    I really like this show because of the wide range of battle tactics and jutsus and how the characters combine the environment they are fighting in to get an edge over their opponent with their specialty or change up how they deploy their jutsu to win... But I haven't seen much of that from anyone except Sasuke and Shikamaru as of recently... Naruto, Sakura, the fake Kabuto, and even Jiraiya all just use their techniques straight up and blatantly forward.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  12. #52
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    Episode 140 Discussion

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Jiraiya was gone in this episode so he can make an imaginative re-entry in the next episode when the kids are about to get raped by Arashi Birkin.

    And we all will be soooo surprised. And then Jiraiya will take him down with a ... wait for it... RASENGAN!11
    Hahaha Terra, yeh you are probably predicting the next ep or two very perfectly here.
    I am also getting sick of seeing the Rasengan. That along with Mass Kage Bunshin and kunai throwing are about all the jutsus I've seen Naruto perform in the last 20 eps or so, minus the Kyuubi chakra going berserk on its own.

    I really like this show because of the wide range of battle tactics and jutsus and how the characters combine the environment they are fighting in to get an edge over their opponent with their specialty or change up how they deploy their jutsu to win... But I haven't seen much of that from anyone except Sasuke and Shikamaru as of recently... Naruto, Sakura, the fake Kabuto, and even Jiraiya all just use their techniques straight up and blatantly forward.
    Amen...that's what made me even remotely interested in this show, was that is was
    1. Ninjas (Everyone loves ninjas!)
    2. Intelligent (Tactics and thinking and all that good stuff)
    3. Ninpo (The ninjutsu magics based on the real hand seals used in ninjutsu for concentration in removing fear or thought from the least I think that's what they were there for...)

    The only thing really disturbing about this show is the complete lack of stealth....wait...fuck stealth, there isn't even subtlety in this show. WTF Orange? What kind of ninja wears orange!? Very rarely is there any stealth in this show...One can only hope that in the next series 3 years from now, Naruto grows up and learns enough techniques to count on both hands at least. Rasengan was interesting when first brought into the series....but its becoming the "kamehameha" of this show....and frankly....its sad.

  13. #53

    Episode 140 Discussion

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Jiraiya was gone in this episode so he can make an imaginative re-entry in the next episode when the kids are about to get raped by Arashi Birkin.

    And we all will be soooo surprised. And then Jiraiya will take him down with a ... wait for it... RASENGAN!11
    Hahaha Terra, yeh you are probably predicting the next ep or two very perfectly here.
    I am also getting sick of seeing the Rasengan. That along with Mass Kage Bunshin and kunai throwing are about all the jutsus I've seen Naruto perform in the last 20 eps or so, minus the Kyuubi chakra going berserk on its own.

    I really like this show because of the wide range of battle tactics and jutsus and how the characters combine the environment they are fighting in to get an edge over their opponent with their specialty or change up how they deploy their jutsu to win... But I haven't seen much of that from anyone except Sasuke and Shikamaru as of recently... Naruto, Sakura, the fake Kabuto, and even Jiraiya all just use their techniques straight up and blatantly forward.
    stupid koreans ._>
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  14. #54
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 140 Discussion

    Looking back on this episode, at least it was pretty cool to see Kabuto with his hair out and without glasses (even though it wasn't really him, it was at least his looks).

  15. #55
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Episode 140 Discussion

    Finally caught up with the latest ep.

    I didn't like this filler as well. Full of cheesy stuff already mentioned in the other posts. Didn't understand why they didn't show Orochimaru in his new form or at leasted the bandaged form which looked mysterious and at least fresher.

    The idea of Arashi being the new container is cool, but too bad fillers cannot change anything from the manga or even incorporate new advancements in story. This is to protect Kishimoto's rights should he want to change anything in the manga later on.
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  16. #56
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Episode 140 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Rhanfahl

    3. Ninpo (The ninjutsu magics based on the real hand seals used in ninjutsu for concentration in removing fear or thought from the least I think that's what they were there for...)
    ninpo doesnt utilize zodiac sign hand seal, but kuji-in

  17. #57

    Episode 140 Discussion

    upon further reflection of this episode, I now am not so impressed with kagerou's technique... yeah it was cool that he/she ripped his/her own heart out.. but basically that was the Fuuma clans most secret ninpou, however it reminds me of a certain genin recently turned chuuins' shadow technique.... to say that a whole ninja clan's best technique was similarly mastered by a noob is not so impressive. as far as the rasengan goes... i still think its cool but it's lame that it takes naruto 2 hands to form... with the nine tails' chakra you would hope he would have enough chakra to form one in each hand! not that naruto is skilled enough to know what to do with 2 8)

  18. #58
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Episode 140 Discussion is there a REAL kabuto or was it kagerou the whole time? And wasnt the person who orochimaru transfered into from fuma clan? i remember the person saying something like "promise me to revive my clan" or something of the sort. and the shit about the next ep doesnt look too tempting.

    dragon spirit it isnt naruto doesnt have enough chakra its that he cant control it (as we saw when jiraya was teaching it to him) he needs the kage bushin to hit key points of the chakra to keep it under control where as jiraya does it with one hand and the other wraped around a whore.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

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  19. #59
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Episode 140 Discussion

    the guy that orochimaru took over wished to have his clan freed from oro's captivity
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #60
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 140 Discussion

    Which reminds me... why DID Oro grant that guy a wish anyway? He could've easily just cheated him and grabbed the body with no effort.

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