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Thread: Episode 140 Discussion

  1. #1

    Episode 140 Discussion

    It was ok... I'm sure it is exciting to those Anime-Only watchers.

  2. #2

    Episode 140 Discussion

    Nah, it was gay. And the next one wont beat it. Still waiting for it to get back on track.

  3. #3

    Episode 140 Discussion

    it didn't look "gay" it just looked like a simple fight with a twist. And the funny thing about it was how both the real Orochimaru and Kabuto never actually showed up.

    I did laugh a few times while watching the ep though. THe flashbacks were annoying and I dunno why the heck the girl who posed as kabuto had so much bs to say about Sasuke.

  4. #4

    Episode 140 Discussion

    this ep was weird as hell thank god they turned out not to be the real Kabuto and Oro, because i was about to start yelling how they totally raped Kabuto's image, anyway this ep was still crap, the twist was nice but it couldn't save the awful bullshit going on in this ep and once again awful art

  5. #5
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    NinjaPirate HQ

    Episode 140 Discussion

    I must be crazy, but as far as fillers go, I thought this one was awsome.

    The fight was good, the badguy had some cool techniques, so what the fuck?

    Worked for me.

  6. #6

    Episode 140 Discussion

    not too bad, I wasn't sure how much pressure the girl actually put on the trap to release Naruto., I guess its alright.
    and the flamable gas breathing thing was fun. I imagine Neji could see the strings well enough to have a chance of avoiding them... wow, what a fatal attack.

    also, this filler is coming together, perhaps I should rewatch some of the earlier ones, but the voices and animation seemed off on some of the characters before....

    Wait, in the last episode, did Jirara wind up in bed with that lady? : )

  7. #7

    Episode 140 Discussion

    anotehr retarded episode. what pisses me off more is that this filler actually has potential, yet teh writers keep fuckign up. ur in oro's mansion, the mood is dark, so y teh fuck would u put in stupid comedy music and have the characters knock each other on the head while theres a half-dead/half-alive kabuto in front of u.

    oh and the icing on the crap cake: anotehr shitty lite saber...atleast teh last one was a weapon of a hokage. this was was just some magic kunai. how lame.

    as for the next episode, its gonna be EXACTLY the same as the chuunin exam, when sasuke and naruto were both knocked out...if my memory serves, it was called "showing her back in determination" or somethign like that. even teh names sound the same.

    i hope a larg vehicle runs over all the writers

  8. #8

    Episode 140 Discussion

    Ya this episode was very average. The only part I liked about it was the technique Naruto almost got his ass handed to him with.

    And about Arashi's Ultimate Ninjitsu, I hope that it is the "Ultra-Fugly-no jutsu" cause if so he is on the fast-track to success!

  9. #9

    Episode 140 Discussion

    Well Thank God we have a mixed opinion unlike the last few episodes having a collective point of view on how it sucked so much. I personally liked this one but I predict..nay..I know the next one is going to suck seeing it's another "Sakura's Determination" episode....remember episode 32-33?

  10. #10

    Episode 140 Discussion

    And now... a live report of the episode watching, brought to you by yali and jamoise [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    [13:39] (8)Yali(8): go
    [13:40] Jamoise: ohhhhh
    [13:40] (8)Yali(8): I LOVE kabuto
    [13:40] Jamoise: lol
    [13:40] (8)Yali(8): he is sooo... coool....
    [13:40] Jamoise: i love sakura, but shes so useless.
    [13:40] (8)Yali(8): there's still hope for her
    [13:40] Jamoise: get up!!!!
    [13:40] Jamoise: come on
    [13:40] (8)Yali(8): you're further than me!
    [13:41] (8)Yali(8): I'm at 2.35 now
    [13:41] Jamoise: okay ill pause it for 2 secs
    [13:41] Jamoise: hmm
    [13:41] (8)Yali(8): 44
    [13:41] Jamoise: no.. same
    [13:41] (8)Yali(8): 50
    [13:41] (8)Yali(8): okies
    [13:41] (8)Yali(8): GAH! NO FLASHBACK!
    [13:41] (8)Yali(8): GO ON GO ON GO ON!!!
    [13:41] Jamoise: w00t
    [13:41] Jamoise: smack
    [13:41] Jamoise: 2nd wind
    [13:41] Jamoise: come on
    [13:41] Jamoise: matte
    [13:42] (8)Yali(8): ....
    [13:42] (8)Yali(8): TELL US!
    [13:42] Jamoise: lol
    [13:42] Jamoise: hes going to tell her everything [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    [13:42] (8)Yali(8): so... cool...
    [13:43] (8)Yali(8): LIES!
    [13:43] (8)Yali(8): KILL HER KILL HER!!!
    [13:43] (8)Yali(8): or.. or...
    [13:43] (8)Yali(8): BECOME USEFUL DAMMIT!
    [13:43] (8)Yali(8): ....
    [13:43] (8)Yali(8): MOVE!
    [13:43] (8)Yali(8): *twitches*
    [13:44] (8)Yali(8): she IS useless after all *sighs sadly*
    [13:45] (8)Yali(8): he's just playing with them, isn't he?
    [13:45] (8)Yali(8): BURNINATION!!!
    [13:46] Jamoise: bloody Hell!!!!
    [13:46] (8)Yali(8): he survived that one before
    [13:46] Jamoise: i just got called away
    [13:46] (8)Yali(8): no worries
    [13:46] (8)Yali(8): *shuts up then*
    [13:46] Jamoise: now all i see is naruto kicking someones ass
    [13:46] Jamoise: GRR im pissed at my parents now
    [13:46] (8)Yali(8): *grins*
    [13:46] (8)Yali(8): GO KABUTO
    [13:46] (8)Yali(8): WOOOOHOOOO!!!!
    [13:46] (8)Yali(8): he is... SOOOOO coool
    [13:49] Jamoise: lol
    [13:49] Jamoise: pulled his own heart out?
    [13:49] Jamoise: omg!
    [13:49] (8)Yali(8): yeah!
    [13:49] (8)Yali(8): I love kabuto
    [13:49] (8)Yali(8): DON'T KILL HIM!!!
    [13:49] (8)Yali(8): IT'S USELESS
    [13:49] Jamoise: its black!!!
    [13:49] (8)Yali(8): don't do it kabuto!
    [13:49] (8)Yali(8): dooooon't!!!
    [13:49] Jamoise: lol
    [13:49] Jamoise: die kabuto
    [13:49] Jamoise: you evil bastard
    [13:49] (8)Yali(8): BECOME USEFUL SAKURA!
    [13:50] (8)Yali(8): I said useFUL
    [13:50] (8)Yali(8): not useLESS [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    [13:50] (8)Yali(8): bite on them!
    [13:50] Jamoise: lol
    [13:50] (8)Yali(8): [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    [13:50] Jamoise: bloody hell
    [13:50] (8)Yali(8): she's stupid isn't she? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    [13:50] Jamoise: do that thing that that funny eye guy does
    [13:50] (8)Yali(8): DO SOMETHING!
    [13:50] Jamoise: with his chakra
    [13:50] Jamoise: cut it with your own chakra
    [13:50] (8)Yali(8): *nods* good idea!
    [13:50] (8)Yali(8): DO IT!
    [13:51] (8)Yali(8): gotta love self-destructing minions though...
    [13:51] (8)Yali(8): even though they never prevail...
    [13:51] Jamoise: nooo
    [13:51] (8)Yali(8): bah
    [13:51] Jamoise: someone else
    [13:51] (8)Yali(8): how lame
    [13:51] (8)Yali(8): KABUTOOOOO!!!!!
    [13:52] (8)Yali(8): nooooo!!!!
    [13:52] Jamoise: die kabuto
    [13:52] Jamoise: DIE!!!
    [13:52] Jamoise: lol
    [13:52] Jamoise: she just said the same thing
    [13:52] (8)Yali(8): bah
    [13:52] Jamoise: 3 times
    [13:52] (8)Yali(8): she IS useless
    [13:52] Jamoise: massaka
    [13:52] (8)Yali(8): bah
    [13:52] (8)Yali(8): BAH!!!
    [13:52] (8)Yali(8): heheheheh [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    [13:52] Jamoise: lol
    [13:52] (8)Yali(8): perv!
    [13:52] (8)Yali(8): the GUY is hopeless ey? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    [13:53] Jamoise: lol
    [13:53] Jamoise: sasame chan is better than sakura!!
    [13:53] (8)Yali(8): EVERYONE is better than sakura!
    [13:53] (8)Yali(8): *mumbles*
    [13:53] Jamoise: *sniffs*
    [13:53] (8)Yali(8): she couldn't even do it herself
    [13:53] (8)Yali(8): >.<
    [13:53] (8)Yali(8): GIVE THE GIRL SOME POWER DAMMIT!
    [13:54] (8)Yali(8): lol
    [13:54] Jamoise: lol
    [13:54] (8)Yali(8): bump [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    [13:54] (8)Yali(8): omg omg omg omg
    [13:55] Jamoise: its not kabuto?
    [13:55] (8)Yali(8): YAAAAYYY!!!!
    [13:55] (8)Yali(8): WOOOOHOOOO!!!
    [13:55] (8)Yali(8): KABUTO LIIIIIVES!!!!!
    [13:55] Jamoise: damn!!!
    [13:55] (8)Yali(8): *bounces around happily*
    [13:56] Jamoise: lol
    [13:56] Jamoise: clear!!!
    [13:56] (8)Yali(8): we should do this more often [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    [13:56] Jamoise: buzzzmpt
    [13:56] Jamoise: massage the heart
    [13:56] (8)Yali(8): *gets out shock paddles*
    [13:57] Jamoise: not hard to do
    [13:57] Jamoise: [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    [13:57] (8)Yali(8): SAVE HIM SAKURA!!
    [13:57] (8)Yali(8): [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    [13:57] (8)Yali(8): *snickers*
    [13:57] Jamoise: datte bayo *sniggers*
    [13:57] (8)Yali(8): heheheh [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    [13:57] Jamoise: omg.. nearly the end of the epp
    [13:57] (8)Yali(8): AND NOTHING HAPPENED!
    [13:57] (8)Yali(8): *twitches*
    [13:57] (8)Yali(8): shés still- oooh
    [13:57] Jamoise: another fake
    [13:57] (8)Yali(8): is it the real him?
    [13:57] Jamoise: [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    [13:57] (8)Yali(8): yeah
    [13:58] (8)Yali(8): obviously [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    [13:58] Jamoise: as if he would come so soon
    [13:58] Jamoise: its ni chan
    [13:58] (8)Yali(8): obviously
    [13:58] Jamoise: ya!
    [13:58] (8)Yali(8): KILL HER!
    [13:58] (8)Yali(8): [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    [13:58] Jamoise: stabs
    [13:58] (8)Yali(8): I am.... YOUR FATHER!
    [13:58] Jamoise: w00t
    [13:58] (8)Yali(8): oooh
    [13:58] (8)Yali(8): cool
    [13:58] Jamoise: wings!!
    [13:58] Jamoise: no?
    [13:58] (8)Yali(8): ooh
    [13:58] Jamoise: ewww
    [13:58] (8)Yali(8): he is.... people!
    [13:58] Jamoise: yuck
    [13:59] (8)Yali(8): cooooool...
    [13:59] (8)Yali(8): EAT THEM!
    [13:59] (8)Yali(8): oooooohhhh
    [13:59] (8)Yali(8): GIMME 141!
    [13:59] Jamoise: lol you prick
    [13:59] Jamoise: lol
    [13:59] Jamoise: FUCK
    [13:59] (8)Yali(8): *skips through to preview*
    [13:59] (8)Yali(8): I wanna know now
    [13:59] (8)Yali(8): oooohhh
    [13:59] (8)Yali(8): omg... he looks cooler now!
    [14:00] (8)Yali(8): wow
    [14:00] (8)Yali(8): she realises she's useless
    [14:00] (8)Yali(8): THERE IS STILL HOPE!!!
    [14:00] (8)Yali(8): GO SAKURA!!!
    [14:00] Jamoise: bah, probably be like the last time
    [14:00] Jamoise: oh im determined
    [14:00] (8)Yali(8): meh... I still have hopes
    [14:00] Jamoise: ill bite you
    [14:00] (8)Yali(8): lol
    [14:00] (8)Yali(8): *thwaps her head*
    [14:00] Jamoise: but i still loose
    [14:00] (8)Yali(8): *cwies*
    [14:00] Jamoise: but i was determined!!
    [14:00] Jamoise: but i still lost
    [14:00] Jamoise: cause im weak
    [14:00] (8)Yali(8): and useless
    [14:00] (8)Yali(8): [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    [14:00] Jamoise: lol
    [14:00] Jamoise: yep

  11. #11

    Episode 140 Discussion

    I bet that the fugly guy will turn into a fearie in the next episod, yay ^_^

    And the title, "Sakuras determination" can also be translated with "Sakura is crying once again, don't miss it!" 'cause it's a filler, and thus that would be sooooo (can't stress the o's hard enough!) out of character if she actually did something useful hehe.. for once .. :-)

  12. #12

    Episode 140 Discussion

    I was a little disappointed, but nowhere near as much as I was last ep. I'm hoping that this next episode ends this Filler Arc and that the series will get back on track, because these filler are getting annoying.

  13. #13

    Episode 140 Discussion

    things that i thought that sucked.

    sakura "why sasasme did the kunai with your charm cut the chakra wires"
    sasame " because its the highest kept secret of the fuuma clan"
    thats not a fucking explanation. also she isnt a uber jounin who should know the technique let alone know the counter.

    Hitting eachother on the head while someone who is very seriously trying to kill you is still alive sitting against a wall a few metres away from you.

    playing hide and seek vs a jounin , are you fucking insane naruto. you're lucky that its a filler and you cant be seriously injured so you can pull crazy shit like that.

    (apologies to anyone who might be offended by the swearing, but these filler episodes are very low standard for naruto , you'd think they could at least have a reasonable story line for a filler arc, or just make 1 story episodes like small missions.)
    and in advance since im too lazy to check up on this thread too much after this post.
    (random guy who posted after reading my post: " but omg naruto roxx0rz!!!1!1 if you dont like it dont watch it. lolz , we wont care."
    me: but omg!111!! this is a forum where ppl post their opinions and if you dont like other ppls opinions dont come here. we wont care!!! lolz". )

  14. #14
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

    Episode 140 Discussion

    The ep was ok and I actually thought it was funny when Naruto was rolling on the floor on fire. The fake kabuto thought it was funny too. But, yeah, the whole secret mission lets pretend to sneak around and then act like retards is a bad ploy by the writers, either go comedy all the way are be serious all the way, it just ruins it when they try to do both. Ep was pretty good about 3/4 of the way through when we didn't know kabuto was fake, but went downhill afterwards, and as soon as oro came out the door I just knew it was a fake too, they should have let the fake oro die without revealing him/herself then the oro thing would have been more of a shock. Hopefully there are only two more episodes of this, if they don't decide to do another filler arc afterwards.

    Sig made by Lucifus

  15. #15

    Episode 140 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Masamune
    things that i thought that sucked.

    sakura "why sasasme did the kunai with your charm cut the chakra wires"
    sasame " because its the highest kept secret of the fuuma clan"
    thats not a fucking explanation. also she isnt a uber jounin who should know the technique let alone know the counter.
    playing hide and seek vs a jounin , are you fucking insane naruto. you're lucky that its a filler and you cant be seriously injured so you can pull crazy shit like that.

    Well probably since the Fuuma clan has been disbanded in a way, perhaps she has managed to learn some jutsus
    forbidden at her level, such as countering the chakra weave.

    As for the second part, Naruto has gone a long way now. And besides...that wasnt the real Kabuto and Naruto already defeated a jounin before... a leaf/rain nin I believe [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] .

    Episode 105 for the curious.

  16. #16
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Jul 2004

    Episode 140 Discussion

    Still on fillers I see. I don't bother. I'm watiting till the anime goes back on track.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  17. #17

    Episode 140 Discussion

    i thought that kabuto was sasuke [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] a bit weard but if you listen good at how he was laughing it sounds like sasuke. but i was wrong [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  18. #18

    Episode 140 Discussion

    Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
    i thought that kabuto was sasuke a bit weard but if you listen good at how he was laughing it sounds like sasuke. but i was wrong
    Honestly, I would have loved that! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] Or why couldn't she (the faerie ninja) use a Sasuke mask instead of the Kabuto one? HAHAHA! , I can only imagine Sakuras feelings seeing Sasuke do that suicidal jutsu together with naruto HAHAHA .. funny! That wouldn't have hurt the plot anyway, since it's just a filler, and it isn't the real Sasuke anyway .. *sweet dreams*

  19. #19
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    May 2005

    Episode 140 Discussion

    Up until it was revealed that it wasn't really Kabuto, he looked and sounded completely badass.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  20. #20
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Episode 140 Discussion

    Nice ep, that technique that the fairie used was pretty cool.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

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