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Thread: Episode 140 Release Info

  1. #1
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    Episode 140 Release Info

  2. #2

    Episode 140 Release Info

    Dattebayo's sub is out

  3. #3

    Episode 140 Release Info

    lol, he replied in the two seconds it took to make this post.

    rofl at person below =P

  4. #4

    Episode 140 Release Info

    Naruto 140

    aw damn got beat by not 1 but 2! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]

  5. #5

    Episode 140 Release Info

    Direct download
    Click Me

    Signature by Lucifus

  6. #6

    Episode 140 Release Info

    How come some of the file sizes differ? like from gotwoot episode 137 is like 174megs and from the direct link above its only 170? is there some sort of picture quality difference or something? i tried watching the one from one of the other naruto fan sites, but the quality sucked, so i gladly wait for them to release it here and am thankful for the good job they do 8) basically does gotwoot download from one of the above links and then post to let others know its out or do they do something else to the file before letting the general public know its out and ready for dl?
    sincerely noob 8)

  7. #7

    Episode 140 Release Info

    I know I'm not supposed to reply to release info threads, however:

    DragonSpirit, it most likely has to do with the ammount of motion in an episode. While I haven't done a ton of encoding, high motion may play havoc with file sizes since it removes simularities from frame to frame (which video compression relies on).

  8. #8

    Episode 140 Release Info

    It is ok to reply in release info threads if it has to do with the release info, which what you said does.

  9. #9

    Episode 140 Release Info

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