A third sequel??? Man, there really is no chance of peace with coordinators and naturals.
A third sequel??? Man, there really is no chance of peace with coordinators and naturals.
--------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________
I hope there would be a sequel after GSD, since I'm really enjoying this series and feel its short at 50 episodes... ^_^
Maybe there won't be a fight between Coordinator/ Naturals... OR MAYBE GSD the CONFLICT hasn't ENDED. Heheh
This is off topic as well... Who you think would be the Protagonist? Kira? Shinn? New GUY?
MeroTZ, at what point does destroy actually 'fly'? I agree that it can hover somewhat, but actual flight seems impossible.
I define a flight capable MS as anything capable of staying airborne, at any altitude, for its entire combat lifespan. IE, A Dinn, Babi, or Shrike equiped Astray is a flight capable MS at its purest. I'd also call the Blast Impulse flight capable, after seeing it able to hover for its entire combat with Abyss.
Destroy is capable of this same "Hovering", except that the majority of its mass (especially in Fortress mode) is FAR higher than most low altitude flyers fly at [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Aile Strike, I would say, is not flight capable. At least, it wasn't in SEED. I dotn remember any time where it didn't either use the Archangel as a launching board, or fight primarily at ground level. However, Strike Rouges extended battery might explain its better flight capabilities (shown during that episode that cagali first appeared in Strike Rouge). If you can quote an instance in SEED where Strike maintains atmoshperic flight for a long time, please correct me.
Anyway, I'd say that Destroy definately fits the description of "Flight capable".
Heck, lets do it this way. Heres a "MeroTZ's official flight capability test". If it can go from point A, to point B, crossing entirely OVER water, and assuming going from A to B takes all of its fuel/energy, its flight capable.
EDIT: On the subject of a third season extending Destiny... well, as much as I hate the idea of a Cliffhanger ending, that could be really good too.
I understand your description of flight, but I don't agree with it. It needs to fly freely around where-ever at high speeds for it to be flight capable in my mind.
sorry TZ im gonna have to agree with the guy above me, the "flying" you exampled in your post, is merely jumping. not to say that destroy cant fly, it just didnt. on another note, weight or size of the mobile suit in the show has no bearing whatsoever on whether the thing can fly or not, it depends solely on whether the script requires it to fly or not and at the directors discretion. so there [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Edit: also, no more SEED series plz kthnx
Ok, so I went to dictionary.com to get some back up... Technically, pretty much any movement through the air can be considered flight. It can not however be considered jumping. By consensus of definitions, jumping is either powered by the feet and legs, or is sudden and fast. Destroy never jumps, it flies.
Also, quit being so cynical. SEED and Destiny have been very consistent in what constitutes a flight capable mech (we NEVER saw a Ginn fly, or any of the gundams in SEED fly unsupported, other than those speciifically shown to be flight capable. No inconsistancies). We see some mechs specifically designated as non flight capable (Gaia), and others with design mods specifically to explain their flight (Windams and Astrays have flight packs, Legends backpack looks ALOT like Forbiddens flight pack).
You have failed to show how my definition lacks... disagreeing with it is one thing, but show why its wrong, or where it fails.
If "If Destiny goes well" is the determining factor, there will definitely be a sequel because it obviously does go amazingly well.
Why not? I mean, 0079 has 2 sequels... let's just hope that ehh... Destiny 2 doesn't suck like ZZ did for the most part [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Originally, there wasn't even gonna be ONE Seed sequel, but hey, it's all about the money. And I don't mind it.
I can watch Yzak to the end of time.
Just think, Yzak could be the focus of a sequel.... mwahhaahha!Originally posted by: Terracosmo
If "If Destiny goes well" is the determining factor, there will definitely be a sequel because it obviously does go amazingly well.
Why not? I mean, 0079 has 2 sequels... let's just hope that ehh... Destiny 2 doesn't suck like ZZ did for the most part [img][/img]
Originally, there wasn't even gonna be ONE Seed sequel, but hey, it's all about the money. And I don't mind it.
I can watch Yzak to the end of time.
Yzak as the main character? Hahah would be very interesting...
But is he popular? (rating)
not to nitpick, ok fine, im nitpicking but whatever, in your explanation, given that my legs were strong enough, i could jump from point A to point B crossing over water and expending all of my potential, kinetic and gravitational energy, so would that not classify as flight by your definition?Heck, lets do it this way. Heres a "MeroTZ's official flight capability test". If it can go from point A, to point B, crossing entirely OVER water, and assuming going from A to B takes all of its fuel/energy, its flight capable.
im not in strong disagreement with you, im just playing devils advocate [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
i dont mean to be so cynical, its just hard to make sense of what fukuda is doing. ok, cool, we have this shinn guy, hes alright, but we really like kira because hes familiar to us. show us more kira yay, you know im so busy watching kira that i really dont care about shinn anymore.
does he know that thats what everyone thinks?
i dont know. way off topic, but thats what i think
anyway, but yeah, im sure everyone is gonna get a big boner when Infinite Justice shows up
I can't believe there's a debate about a mobile suit none of you have seen in action yet.
hmmm anyone got a pic of infinite justice (just by itself) having a hard time getting a good pic,, V___V oh and is this infinite justice ?