Originally posted by: Jurojin
Originally posted by: Dannynonsense
normally i would have started cursing at you Jurojin
This honestly should stop- There's no reason to just randomly curse at people you disagree with. It makes you look ignorant and usually people ignore you.
As for being a "Narrow-minded asshole", you're doing exactly that- read your second paragraph again and try to honestly tell me you can't smell the hypocrisy of it. "She's a NMA, but I'm not going to even acknowledge that point of view and just voice my own."
You HAVE to acknowledge both sides of the situation, because that's what half of this conflict is about- Shinn, in his mind, is in the right. Athrun, in his mind, is also in the right. But since they're both so different, that's where conflict occurs- and that's something that's going to drive them in future fights- Shinn's self-righteousness, and Athrun's sense of right and wrong.
Honestly, I would like to see the rest of the series revolve around Shinn vs. Athrun, with Kira and Rey in the background.