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Thread: Phase 35 is out (RAW)

  1. #181

    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    That's the only thing about Seed that I always found funny...Desertion usually entails an easily large prison stay or at worst, execution. Yet, Kira and Athrun both go AWOL and no reprecussions happened whatsoever. You would think the EAF would be a little more interested in the capture of AA....But oh well.

  2. #182

    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    Originally posted by: PSJ

    As for that SEED mode thing i think Kira and Asuran are protected with the "Main character status" as they still both are main characters. Shinn got this protection to. That's the only reason they survive unexplainable events.
    Yeah, that's the real reason. I'm just trying to sound smart about SEED. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  3. #183

    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    I have a question. Was that button Kira pressed ,to turn off the reactor, always there? As many times as I have seen in that cockpit, I don't think that it was ever there. Just so you know I am asking this question is because I am bored and just happened to notice it.

  4. #184

    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    Originally posted by: FelixZeroAlastor
    I have a question. Was that button Kira pressed ,to turn off the reactor, always there? As many times as I have seen in that cockpit, I don't think that it was ever there. Just so you know I am asking this question is because I am bored and just happened to notice it.
    you never saw anything of the cockpit except of his targetting screen (and perhaps his thruster handles) i think
    may be wrong here though
    Love is fiction, misery is my only friend

  5. #185

    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    Hmm, yeah I don't think we ever seen that part before.

  6. #186

    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    Originally posted by: XwingRob
    Hmm, yeah I don't think we ever seen that part before.
    I think that that button was on the same screen that that we always see. I am pretty sure that it wasn't there. I'd notice a big red button. I am pretty sure Kira would've noticed it too. Oh yeah, will Shinn combust like Anakin did XwingBob?

  7. #187

    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    It is possible the button was on a flip down panel (I don't feel like looking right now if we can tell or not). Remember all the Gundams have keyboards that normally fold up that can be brought out to work on the operating system. Also remember that Athrun had to open up a "drawer" (its time to goto bed I can't think of the right word oh well) to use the self destruct on both Aegis and Justice.

    I think it would be natural to have it covered, a button to completely shut down your own MS is not something that you want to have hit accidently in the middle of a battle.

  8. #188

    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    I just asked the question because I was bored. Don't worry about figuring it out.

  9. #189
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    Well I was not surprised but still slightly disheartened to see Kira Yamato still alive... The hero never dies eh? And the 2 new units that have been blabbed about on the forums for some time in advance finally show up. This episode was pretty good, I enjoyed the interaction between Shinn & Athrun, with Rey as a semi-mediator, as always.

    In reagards to Rey, I have some high hopes that he will become a sort of reluctant villain in GSD. He just needs to get a kick-ass mobile suit and be able to hold his own in battle (like he suddenly discovers he has his own Seed) It certainly looks like he's on ZAFT til the bitter end, and Dullindal has been getting more and more blatantly evil.

    Oh, as for Dullindal... why give Athrun a new unit? Didn't he see the look in his eyes? I thought the man was smart when it came to manipulating people, but it seems like he's just going to throw Athrun a insanely strong suit (the Legend, I'm guessing) and then Athrun quits and deserts ZAFT, along with that red haird chick... Come on Dullindal, you should have known better and given the Legend to Rey...

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  10. #190
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    Just watched this episode. Can't wait to see more interaction between Murrue and Neo/Mwu. 100% physical match but "not here anymore" as said by Marrue. Asuran's behind by the side lines long enough, and the punch he gave Shin had me cheering. Looking forward to the new Gundams and the Kira Asuran reunion.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  11. #191

    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs

    In reagards to Rey, I have some high hopes that he will become a sort of reluctant villain in GSD. He just needs to get a kick-ass mobile suit and be able to hold his own in battle (like he suddenly discovers he has his own Seed) It certainly looks like he's on ZAFT til the bitter end, and Dullindal has been getting more and more blatantly evil.

    Oh, as for Dullindal... why give Athrun a new unit? Didn't he see the look in his eyes? I thought the man was smart when it came to manipulating people, but it seems like he's just going to throw Athrun a insanely strong suit (the Legend, I'm guessing) and then Athrun quits and deserts ZAFT, along with that red haird chick... Come on Dullindal, you should have known better and given the Legend to Rey...
    I don't think Rey would have the SEED. Since Rey is most likely a clone of Mu's father. And Mu, and Rau never had SEED. It's very unlikely that Rey would have it. But I beleive that Mu and Rau are classified as Newtypes... right?

    I think Dullindal figured Athrun would have done something immediately after Archangel and Freedom was "destroyed". Since Athrun hasn't 1) Killed any ZAFT personnel or 2) Blown up Minvera-he must figure that Athrun is staying loyal.
    Or perhaps Dullindal is schizophretic...

  12. #192
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    I don't think Rey would have the SEED. Since Rey is most likely a clone of Mu's father. And Mu, and Rau never had SEED. It's very unlikely that Rey would have it. But I beleive that Mu and Rau are classified as Newtypes... right?

    I think Dullindal figured Athrun would have done something immediately after Archangel and Freedom was "destroyed". Since Athrun hasn't 1) Killed any ZAFT personnel or 2) Blown up Minvera-he must figure that Athrun is staying loyal.
    Or perhaps Dullindal is schizophretic...[/quote]

    Dullindal seems like a pretty smart guy. And he wants to use Athrun to raise morale, give ZAFT a seasoned leader, and to use his power and keep him from teaming up with the ArchAngel. He's tried to get Mia to replace Lacus and woo Athrun over, which really has failed. I understand that Dullindall doesn't seem to have a way to keep tabs on Athrun and see how he's falling away from ZAFT, but the man takes a huge gamble on a guy who is so unsure of the cause compared to the when Dullindal put him into FAITH...

    And I was merely commenting that Rey, in order to attain the role of Reincarnated Rau, needs to get considerably better at MS fighting, and that the fact that he'll probably be up against Kira, Athrun, Shinn or some combo or any one of those, he will be at a huge disadvantage without a Seed.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  13. #193
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    shinn could barely dodge the pods of neo's mobile armor in ep2 (or 3), rey did it without breaking a sweat, newtypes are born pilots

  14. #194
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    Rey is a good pilot. In the begining of GSD better than Shinn. The reason he hasn't showed it is because he has to stay on the Minerva and protect it appearently, that seems to be his and Luna's task in battles.

  15. #195

    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    Rey is probably a better pilot than Shinn because he's the main reason Shinn defeated Freedom. Before Rey told Shinn about the strategy, Shinn was just looking at simulations against Freedom and losing. Though Shinn accomplished defeating Kira, no one gives Rey any credit.

  16. #196

    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    Originally posted by: PSJ
    Rey is a good pilot. In the begining of GSD better than Shinn. The reason he hasn't showed it is because he has to stay on the Minerva and protect it appearently, that seems to be his and Luna's task in battles.
    also mainly because Zaku's can't fly
    but why they don't/didn't use those flying pods Athrun, Yzak, Dearka and Nicol used back in Seed is another question
    Originally posted by: antoine
    Rey is probably a better pilot than Shinn because he's the main reason Shinn defeated Freedom. Before Rey told Shinn about the strategy, Shinn was just looking at simulations against Freedom and losing. Though Shinn accomplished defeating Kira, no one gives Rey any credit.
    true, but Rey himself also said to Shinn "you were the one to defeat him" or something along those lines
    because there is a difference between figuring out how to defeat an opponent and actually defeating him
    that's why Rey isn't neccessarily a better pilot than Shinn (which i personally think he isn't
    Love is fiction, misery is my only friend

  17. #197

    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    Originally posted by: Motteh
    Originally posted by: PSJ
    Rey is a good pilot. In the begining of GSD better than Shinn. The reason he hasn't showed it is because he has to stay on the Minerva and protect it appearently, that seems to be his and Luna's task in battles.
    also mainly because Zaku's can't fly
    but why they don't/didn't use those flying pods Athrun, Yzak, Dearka and Nicol used back in Seed is another question
    Rey did use a Guul when they were going to the Extended research facility. They probably don't use them in combat too much because they are too vulnerable. Remember everytime they went after Archangel with them Kira always just targets the Guul and once it was destroyed the ZAFT Gundam's had to fall back.

    EDIT: Also I don't know why they don't build a Wizard pack for the ZAKUs to make them fly. The EAF did it for their Windams.

  18. #198

    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    yeh Shinn is most prob better pilot than Rey now but i think Rey was better at the start

  19. #199

    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    Originally posted by: Curium
    Rey did use a Guul when they were going to the Extended research facility. They probably don't use them in combat too much because they are too vulnerable. Remember everytime they went after Archangel with them Kira always just targets the Guul and once it was destroyed the ZAFT Gundam's had to fall back.

    EDIT: Also I don't know why they don't build a Wizard pack for the ZAKUs to make them fly. The EAF did it for their Windams.
    my guess would be to put the focus more on Shinn's battles and progress
    thus not distracting the viewer by throwing more flying objects into the mix
    and your theory about the Guul's is probably correct, 1 direct hit always disables them
    Love is fiction, misery is my only friend

  20. #200
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Phase 35 is out (RAW)

    ehm well, it did fly on plant, are physics that different on plant?

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