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Thread: Episode 139 Discussion

  1. #21
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Episode 139 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Masamune
    watched it again. it's amazing how jiraiya's shadow keeps the same with the lights hanging from the sealing swinging back and forth
    i was thinking the saaaame thing

    and the excuse jiraiya had for not falling for sasame's sake was dumb. Not the way he found out, because I thought they did a fairly good job tying it in, instead of having the jiraiya vs bandit battle be a total waste of tiem. But the fact that he might have fallen for the sake otherwise was what bugs me.

    In order for tsunade to succeed, she had to use an odorless concoction that only someone of her experience could create. Jiraiya even stated how only tsunade couldve caught him off-guard with a slipped mickey.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #22

    Episode 139 Discussion

    well thas a filler ep for ya.....completely lame ass reasons for everything.

    and on the topic of lame, i was expecting to hear more about the whole "oro's father building the castle" thing. seems pretty uselless to mention it out of nowhere and never bring it up again.

  3. #23

    Episode 139 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Assassin
    and on the topic of lame, i was expecting to hear more about the whole "oro's father building the castle" thing. seems pretty uselless to mention it out of nowhere and never bring it up again.
    If you watch the 138 V2 from DB, you will see that there no more "oro's father building the castle".

  4. #24

    Episode 139 Discussion

    that lady which ensared Jiraiya with her hair looked scary. Was she a puppet? And if Jiraiya wasn't so addicted to sake and women he'd quit getting drugged like that, the fool!

  5. #25
    Xeno Genesis Xollence's Avatar
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    Episode 139 Discussion

    I liked this episodes. Hopefully the next episode is the last one in this filler arc.

  6. #26

    Episode 139 Discussion

    Not bad filler. Let's see...

    1. The animation was indeed quite good.

    2. Gamakichi is cute. He does not need a purpose. And Sakura is scared of frogs, lol.

    3. OK, they are NINJAS, and they couldn't think of a better way of infiltrating the hidden sound village than walking through the friggin' FRONT DOOR? In broad daylight. With no attempt at stealth, disguise, nothing. wtf?

    4. Yay, Kabuto and Oro are in the filler. I thought that for sure they'd be off with Sasuke somewhere thereby avoiding any plot problems. But happily I'm mistaken, and I liked Sakura's I-am-SO-going-to-die face when Oro showed up.

  7. #27

    Episode 139 Discussion

    my first reaction upon seeing Sakura's Kawarimi and attack was "holy crap! she actually did something!" haha, Sakura's reaction upon seeing Gamakichi was pretty funny, and yes, I agree with you Mae..ninjas walking through the front door with a scout one foot ahead of them to warn them of traps is just messed up.

    For this whole time, I've always thought that Arashi was dead, because Oro wanted his body right? That means that he was part of that group that Kabuto set on each other to fight, through which only one survived, and I highly doubt that it is him, although that may be possible.
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  8. #28
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Episode 139 Discussion

    *spoiler for those who dont watch previews*

    the next ep is called "kabuto's trap" and it should be interesting to see kabuto fight again, last time he was caught off guard by naruto's rasnaegan, i dont expect him to lose that easily this time (i hope not)

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  9. #29

    Episode 139 Discussion

    Wow I absolutely love how whenever Jiraiya is presented with the opportunity to do something he becomes handycapped or incapacitated. I guess it's the only way to balance out his ridiculous skill/power. If he really wanted to he could just summon gamabunta and tear down the place.

    I'm really surprised that their involving both kabuto and orchimaro. It would actually be pretty cool if oro calls for sasuke and has him beat down sakura as his first training test. It would create a very nice emotional momment to have sakura get beat down by the person who she supposedly loves. Then oro can throw her out side leaving her for dead. Jiraiya comes and asks if she learned her leason and they go back to the leaf village and real story can begin once again. It would serve as a nice cataylst events to come and it would also bring the filler storyline back on track with the manga storyline.

  10. #30

    Episode 139 Discussion

    this whole fight is bullshit... kabuto whos almost or equal to kakashi and can kill 4+ anbus without a sweat vs sakura a low genin. This fight shouldnt even last more than 5 seconds.

  11. #31
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 139 Discussion

    Ah, I just remembered the thing about this episode that really got to me the most.

    Splitting up.

    Are you out of your fucking mind??

    Oh! Three doors! Well, I, the master ninja am gonna go this way. You kids go that way so that if you happen upon Orochimaru you can INSTANTLY DIE!(which is exactly whats happening to Sakura)


    But yeah, the frog was a terrible scout. I think his purpose was supposed to be trapspringer, not scout, but you don't want to tell your summoned monster that he's there to get impaled by spikes so you don't have to, so you tell him he's scouting.

    And then they split up from the frog when they need his trapspringing powers the most!(which he still manages to do even by himself).

  12. #32

    Episode 139 Discussion

    Best Filler episode ever. I forgot I was even watching a filler for a sec. That Jiraiya part with the poll was crazy giggles funny. The chick Jiraiya was talking to was crazy looking which made her look even more dangerous. Showing Kabuto and Orochimaru made the ep a lot better b/c who would have thought we would see them this early.

  13. #33

    Episode 139 Discussion

    I'm really not a big fan of this filler, or any for that matter, but I really enjoyed the last scene when Orochimaru appeared and put Sakura in a state of shock. I was glad to see them portray the fear that Orochimaru represents.

  14. #34

    Episode 139 Discussion

    yeah, I liked Kabutos illusion as well.

  15. #35
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Episode 139 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Thy
    Originally posted by: Assassin
    and on the topic of lame, i was expecting to hear more about the whole "oro's father building the castle" thing. seems pretty uselless to mention it out of nowhere and never bring it up again.
    If you watch the 138 V2 from DB, you will see that there no more "oro's father building the castle".
    unless if there's a V2.2 that i dont know're wrong
    They still reference oro's father setting up the castle in the 2nd release
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #36

    Episode 139 Discussion

    Now im kind of having doubts on Jiraia being a Sanin. Based on his poor decission makings and as well easily falling for that trick even though he was expecting something to happen. Now I just need to rewatch it and see what the hell just happened to him....

  17. #37
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    Episode 139 Discussion

    Originally posted by: Mae
    Not bad filler. Let's see...

    1. The animation was indeed quite good.

    2. Gamakichi is cute. He does not need a purpose. And Sakura is scared of frogs, lol.

    3. OK, they are NINJAS, and they couldn't think of a better way of infiltrating the hidden sound village than walking through the friggin' FRONT DOOR? In broad daylight. With no attempt at stealth, disguise, nothing. wtf?

    4. Yay, Kabuto and Oro are in the filler. I thought that for sure they'd be off with Sasuke somewhere thereby avoiding any plot problems. But happily I'm mistaken, and I liked Sakura's I-am-SO-going-to-die face when Oro showed up. only if it were true...

  18. #38

    Episode 139 Discussion

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    unless if there's a V2.2 that i dont know're wrong
    They still reference oro's father setting up the castle in the 2nd release
    Yes, you're right... Forgive me... I was certainly not well awakened when i watch the v2... [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  19. #39

    Episode 139 Discussion

    Yeah, you have a Sanin and two Genin... so why are they just walking into Orochimaru's place? WTF? This is more like a job for some l33t squad of super ninjas, not this pitiful crew. It's suicidal.

  20. #40
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Episode 139 Discussion

    I must admit that for a filler arc that got so much bad feelings from this forum when it began, this one is not so bad. I was honestly more disappointed by the end of the Mission to retrieve Sasuke than by this arc (although that could also have something to do with having low expectations for this arc, high expectations for the last). In fact, I have found this arc to be surprisingly good with the exception of the humorous parts, which I find not funny at all. Saying Jiraiya is perveted is getting old, wait, it IS old... and I am also quite interested in where this arc will go.

    Oh, and BTW, in the split second start of the preview for next episode it looks like Sakura, Naruto, Sasame standing around a big hole in the wall with a body in the crater. It really looks like Kabuto...

    I have always liked Kabuto and would hate to see him humiliated in this filler arc by Sakura.... I can understand if Naruto beats him with some crazy overwhelming power attack... but Sakura? In an anime where they often stress the strategy and inteliigence as a vital part of fighting sheer strength seems to win out far too often. I mean, Kabuto tricked Kakashi. But now he gets tricked by Sakura? (ok, maybe that's believable since her speciality seems to be genjutsu and kawarimi stuff) If Kabuto wasn't just a fluke against Kakashi and is overly hyped up earlier in the series, he would cut down Sakura and Naruto in a heartbeat.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

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