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Thread: bleach 36

  1. #1
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    @ saki's house playing mahjong

    bleach 36

    Thanks shinta|hikari for the sig.

  2. #2

  3. #3

    bleach 36

    awesome, hope the sub is coming soon

  4. #4

    bleach 36

    Bleach 36 - by Bleach-Society

  5. #5

    bleach 36

    stupid episode no progress on it what so ever.

  6. #6

    bleach 36

    on the contrary i thought this was a great episode

    this is amazing, ichigo has practically no chance against kenpachi, propably the vice captain could beat ichigo
    captain aizen's revelation, im pretty dissapointed that we didnt get to see what was in the letter (stupid drama)
    so i'm guessing the more times you kill the stronger your spirit level is? it seems that way after kenpachi's description, the next episode is going to be a chad fight starter, loved the ending too we got to see the 1st division leader and the vice captain (who is wearing captain clothing?) WOW!

    run ichigo run! thats all i have to say, but then again kenpachi doesnt even allow ichigo to run, he just wants to kill him, we'll get to witness his soul slayer

  7. #7

    bleach 36

    kenpachi is so awesome.

    also awesome ending this time with the 1st squad. like Elmojo said. that vice captain is wearing captain's clothes [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif[/img] daaaamn

  8. #8
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    bleach 36

    This ep was bad, I expected so much more. Next ep looks just as bad.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  9. #9

    bleach 36

    it looks like both episodes are going to be warning eps

    hopefully we will get to see what happened to the others , not only chad

  10. #10

    bleach 36

    My guess is Ichigo will beat Captain Zaraki Kenpachi.
    I don't know how...but he will...He'll probably get so serious and open his true power or something like that...

  11. #11

    bleach 36

    I thought it was a great episode.

    I too think Ichigo will win somehow, I have no idea at all how yet I still think it will happen.

  12. #12

    bleach 36

    dont be stupid, ichigo is going to lose and die and the series will end, cos thats wat happens in ever shounin

  13. #13

    bleach 36

    good ep, can't wait till next week for chad's fight. I say that Yoruichi will come at the last second and save Ichigo's butt, and Ishida/Inoue will come and help Chad. I wonder what was on the letter...I bet that Rangiku is spying through the window, looking at the letter. There seemed to be a lot of emphasis on the window and what she did once she went out of the jail room.
    And wow, the 1st squad lieutenant is almost as old as the captain (I think)!
    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

  14. #14

    bleach 36

    i think kenpachi and ichigo are going to make a deal. kenpachi sees real potential in ichigo and is going to let him go and one day if he is stronger he wil fight him agean. this is what i think.

  15. #15
    ANBU Captain Foomanchew24's Avatar
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    bleach 36

    How could you think that this was a bad ep. It's not like the fight between two main characters is going to be over in one episode, probably take 3-4 just like the renji fight. Hated it when the chick found out the truth but failed to clue us in as well. Kenpachi is ultra bad ass he's now my second favorite character in the show behind Ichigo.

    Sig made by Lucifus

  16. #16

    bleach 36

    imagine ichigo just runs for it while kenpachi is arguing with the vice captain, that would make my day haha

  17. #17
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    bleach 36

    Awesome as always, I wonder how the hell Ichigo is gonna get out of this one.

    I just love the episode previews for Bleach. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
    Oh and the old man (the big boss of soul society)... wonder how strong that guy is. Bossing over all those uber-powered captains. Wow.
    We got to see his vice captain for the first time too.

    I am guessing that there will be a new ending next week since all squads have been shown now.

  18. #18
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    bleach 36

    actually...We saw the 1st division vc earlier on when they said that the entire 11th squad was demolished.

    and we still have two more Captain endings to go through; The 8th and 13th(which will be in that order btw)

    R.I.P Captain America.

  19. #19
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?

    bleach 36

    Oh, well, I just kinda assumed they'd show squad 1 last. Guess I was wrong then.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    bleach 36

    I loved this episode.. Kempachi is awsome.. And i think Turkish have the most acurate theory on how Ichigo is going to get out of this one.. He want's to battle someone strong.. And he said that right now Ichigo is at VC-level.. So he will let him go in the end to evolve even more.. And then he will be the last guy Itchigo have to face to save Rukia.. Or maybe he dont even interfear with him saving her.. Maybe he wait for him to get training from that shop-owner (forgot his name) and he comes to the real world and fight Ichigo..

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