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Thread: bleach 36

  1. #41

    bleach 36

    i didnt really like the ep it was boring no decent fighting

  2. #42

    bleach 36

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    Not a great episode. Some great shots of Kenpachi and I love the Spirit force crushing them and pulling their sweat up rather than down. Kenpachi is so badass. Damn, I loved how he explained about the two opposing spirit energies! Offering him a free shot (guess thats how he lost his one eye...) "I'm literally hemorrhagining generosity." HAHAHA.. Oh wow that was badass! Oh I cracked up over that one....

    Turkish makes a very good suggestion. I can believe that happening, much more easilly than believing that Ichigo pulls off a miracle victory or anyone saves Ichigo's butt.

    And I was also pissed that we didn't get to see what was in the letter from Aizen...
    If no one can cut him. How could someone cut off his eye? Interesting isn't it?!

  3. #43

    bleach 36

    Originally posted by: Aeon
    This ep was bad, I expected so much more. Next ep looks just as bad.
    how we got a huge dude right in front of Chad?! The possibility of Ichigo getting owned. That does not look bad at all.

  4. #44

    bleach 36

    Originally posted by: basey44
    dont be stupid, ichigo is going to lose and die and the series will end, cos thats wat happens in ever shounin
    oOo. So that is how it will end. So it will end then have a funeral till episode 53 right?! whoopie!!!

  5. #45

    bleach 36

    Originally posted by: TwisT
    I loved this episode.. Kempachi is awsome.. And i think Turkish have the most acurate theory on how Ichigo is going to get out of this one.. He want's to battle someone strong.. And he said that right now Ichigo is at VC-level.. So he will let him go in the end to evolve even more.. And then he will be the last guy Itchigo have to face to save Rukia.. Or maybe he dont even interfear with him saving her.. Maybe he wait for him to get training from that shop-owner (forgot his name) and he comes to the real world and fight Ichigo..
    Yeah. Interesting. There's still one captain who maybe interested in Ichigo's prescence into Soul Society. I'm sure he already knows he is here. You guessed it Mr. Badass himself "KUCHIKI BYAKUYA"!!! aHAHAHAHa

    Spoilers have been removed. Do not spoil again. User has been warned.

    You multi post again, and you'll get a warning for it next time. Don't do it.

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  6. #46

    bleach 36

    do you have to post that many fucking times, 8 posts in a row man.

  7. #47

    bleach 36

    Man sucks Bleach is only gonna be 40 eps. I mean it is pointless once ichigo is dead right? Lol though man zaraki Kenpachi is a beast man I love him. Hes amazingly powerful and there really is no way ichigo can win and if he does somehow I am gonna be pissed. He should get crapped but just survive somehow or something but do something that impresses kenpachi alittle. But man I was cracking up when kenpachi and yachriu were talking about how nice and generous he was for letting ichigo hit first. Awesome Hype/info Episode imo.

  8. #48
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    bleach 36

    don't worrt, we still have don kanoji and his awsome rangers, they're gonna get revenge for ichigo.
    why else do you think that they introduced Ichigo's sister spirit power to the story?

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

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  9. #49
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    bleach 36

    Originally posted by: potentialflip
    Originally posted by: masamuneehs
    Not a great episode. Some great shots of Kenpachi and I love the Spirit force crushing them and pulling their sweat up rather than down. Kenpachi is so badass. Damn, I loved how he explained about the two opposing spirit energies! Offering him a free shot (guess thats how he lost his one eye...) "I'm literally hemorrhagining generosity." HAHAHA.. Oh wow that was badass! Oh I cracked up over that one....

    Turkish makes a very good suggestion. I can believe that happening, much more easilly than believing that Ichigo pulls off a miracle victory or anyone saves Ichigo's butt.

    And I was also pissed that we didn't get to see what was in the letter from Aizen...
    If no one can cut him. How could someone cut off his eye? Interesting isn't it?!
    Wow, congrats on the historic octo-post! Try combining them next time! And I never said anything about "nobody can cut him" In fact, I never said anything remotley implying that. Obviously someone else with quite a killer spirit force similair to Kenpachi's cut out his right eye. Ichigo was full of fear, not determination or intent to kill, when he attacked. Or he may have lost his eye when he was younger.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  10. #50
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    bleach 36

    Hey Potentialflip, stop with the fucking spoiling. If it's not in the anime, then don't say anything.

    On topic, I liked this episode. Yeah, not much action has been happening, but that letter that Hinamori got just adds to the story on what the hell is going on about Aizen's death and such [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  11. #51

    bleach 36

    Just finished watching this episode, and damn ZARAKI KENPACHI is badass!

    Ichigo gets his hand torn for trying to use his sword against Kenpachi, heh.
    Well, the truth is inside the letter, and she looked shocked.

  12. #52
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    bleach 36

    through the 4 posts and in which 3 contained useless crap, potentialflip brought up a very good question, how did his eye get hurt? or is it even hurt? (i really hope its not revealed to be like a sharingan or something that would piss me off) Or he could've been stabbed by the first squad captain as punishment for something...then again he could've also stabbed himself for some reason.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  13. #53
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    bleach 36

    Or he got it when he was younger and fought someone that is stronger then him.. And in the end Kenpachi just raped everyone ^^

  14. #54
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    bleach 36

    Maybe it's just there just to make him look more badass? I'd think a more probable answer would be that he uses it to give the enemy an advantage. Remember how he allowed Ichigo to strike him anywhere? The eye patch is probably another handicap.

  15. #55

    bleach 36

    or he let someone else strike first without knowing he was stronger and BAM 1 eye gone.

  16. #56

    bleach 36

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    i really hope its not revealed to be like a sharingan or something that would piss me off
    lol, yeah that would suck

    maybe the eye patch does something magical and amazing taht would be cool like shoot out laser beams, ok thats just a stupid example

  17. #57

    bleach 36

    nobody is able to cut him, because his spirit power is too big for them to handle...

    Maybe his eye got cut during some event in the past, before he got that huge ammount of power?
    Or maybe the lack of an eye is the reason for his uber power, who knows?

    In general, I'm very curious to see what's going to happen in 37...
    Maybe there's a hidden ichigo uber move somewhere? I mean, he's still developing [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

  18. #58

    bleach 36

    Originally posted by: kooshi
    Maybe it's just there just to make him look more badass? I'd think a more probable answer would be that he uses it to give the enemy an advantage. Remember how he allowed Ichigo to strike him anywhere? The eye patch is probably another handicap.
    i like this idea the best, just makes kenpachi even more badass [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  19. #59

    bleach 36

    just watched ep 36, disappointed a little bit, not much progress here.

    Kenbachi is indeed very strong but I think he is so overconfident, which will kill him.
    Ichigo, of course, can not die. I think he will defeat Kenbachi somehow. Everyone said Ichigo is surprisingly strong for a mortal. But until now, we haven't see all that.

    Maybe he will discover his true power during this fight. And there should be more about his sword. Last time, when he almost failed from waking his death god spirit, the guy from his sword appeared to help him. Maybe he will again this time and we will witness a cooler form of Ichigo's sword. It is not fair if the current is the only form it has. Look at other characters's sword, they are all interesting and cool....

    Can't not wait to see ep there a new ep every week?

  20. #60

    bleach 36

    Originally posted by: alstar83
    Can't not wait to see ep there a new ep every week?
    u cant not wait? so that means u can wait, lol you confused me

    yep a new episode every week, bleach airs on tuesdays in japan so expect a fansub a couple of days later

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