QFE. Well said.Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
But anyways I'd like to hear why someone thinks Shinn is a better pilot. For one him beating Kira doesn't make him a better pilot. Just like me kicking any of your asses in a FPS by using health and armor cheatcodes means I'm better. You could of Stuck Rey or Mwu/Neo in Impulse and the outcome would of been the same. You could of stuck Shinn in Justice and he would of lost to Kira. Impulse and its capability to in essence regenerate from damage and Kira's no kill policy is the reason Shinn won.
I'll again give props to Shinn he pulled it off masterfully. The tactics he used were fricken brilliant. Best strategic fight I've seen yet in Gundam. But it was the cheapest ass thing in the world. But hey its a war and in that anything goes. Just don't give me crap saying that Shinn > Kira in piloting. I'm tired of reading these misinformed posts throughout this thread saying its not cheap and that Shinn is stronger than Kira and better. Kira wasn't even really paying attention to Shinn till Shinn went SEED. I mean he would do alil dodge here and there but he actually had time to send a text message to the Archangel for it to leave and goto ORB with cagalli. Come on. Shinn is good and keeps getting better but hes still not upto snuff yet. Hopefully thou now with a better suit he will reach a higher potential.
I keep envisioning Shinn launching and expecting Kira to just aim for the arms and head like Rey said then Kira deciding that hes tired of being delayed by this guy. He keeps getting in my way like Athrun and just bam shooting Impulse with everything instead of holding back and sticking to his guns with the no kill policy. He did what he set out to thou. He was escort and AA got away safely with Cagalli from the looks of things. They were well into the water by the time the gun fired. The more I watch that last scene the more it looks like Kira may have intended to take that last hit. He specifically took out Impulse's head. Why did he want to take out Shinn's main camera? Does he eject or was he covering for AA again. With his last action he prevented the AA from pursuing AA since Impulse was slagged.