who ever said that it wasnt a nuke explosion because of the shape is WRONG
the"mushroom" part of a nuke is first a very big round explosion ( like the 1 we saw in this ep), after that it gets bigger and rises upwards, which creates the mushroom
who ever said that it wasnt a nuke explosion because of the shape is WRONG
the"mushroom" part of a nuke is first a very big round explosion ( like the 1 we saw in this ep), after that it gets bigger and rises upwards, which creates the mushroom
GO FENIX GO Kira GO ZGMF-X20A a.k.a Strike freedom
i agree with you kira is fighting without even trying to kill anyone he was aiming for the small target like arms legs or heads, they are small and difficult to aim, while shin is fighting to kill everyone so he aims for the easy target like the cokpits thats is why he is being so arrogant because he kills more people than anyone else, and i m wondering how more arrogant will he be after defeating freedom
You are indeed correct Curium in your statements reguarding the explosion. For this to have been a Nuclear explosion it would require a mushroom cloud and in addition watch the Minerva its turning to the side which when the giant wave pushes it makes it look like its sideways this is very easy to see by checking the episode.Originally posted by: Curium
Watch that scene more carefully. The explosion WAS IN FRONT of them, but it turned. Like I said, you have to be looking for it to really notice though.
I'm guessing you haven't watched Gundam Seed because the fact is if not for Kira, Calgari , Athrun, Lacus and the AA the world would be in a ice age and the vast majority of the population would have died 3 years before GSD. So the short version is Athrun's father died and put them in charge.Originally posted by: Pwas
I'm sorry how can you compare Kira to Kenshin. Its 2 different anime and first of all hes not even the main character so hes got nothing to do with anything and from watching the anime since first episode i find him and the AA's appearences in war just making things worst. They should just go back to Orb and do something with themselves because this isnt there war. Who made them the "Justice Leagues" to be on top of everyones business. Think about it what did the Logos do against Zaft and whats this gotta do with Orbs Ideals. And how does Kira own when this episode proved he got his ass whipped, and why doesnt this prove that Shinn can take him. It shows in this episode that Shinn has the ability to take him outs, and even when Kira gets Strike Freedom he will still get owned by Shinn because Kira said it in GS that Freedom was stronger than Strike. And this time its not Zaft remodeling Freedom its Lacus's secret team, so there will be even more of a decrease in power. Shinn will recieve "Destiny" and from looks of it, he will be crazy with this. But i believe in the end Shinn will join up with the AA just like what happened in GS. Just stop hating on Shinn cause he can take Kira anyday.
@ romancing_xaga
Go back and read all my posts in this thread before attempting to comment on any single one like a idiot. As in no way do you understand what I said. Also I'm sorry but its a fact Kira lives there is no chance of them killing off any major player at this point in time its simply a matter of how. Freedom had to be destroyed or else there is absolutely no reason for Kira to get a better MS as he already had the most powerful one in existance. This episode made my head hurt for a lot of reasons including it felt like it started in the middle of a episode. How did Zaft suddenly find the AA much less moving in the kind of forces it would take in order to start that kind of operation Kira easily took out around 50 suits considering a major base might have 20 suits and the majority of the nearby Zaft forces had just run head first into Destroy this simply didn't work for it to take place how it did. Much less the fact they showed us the inside of the Minerva and showed that Shinn only had 1 of each unit and all the other MS's were destroyed. One would simply think if they can spare that many suits to go hunt down a single ship they they could certainly provide some temporary MS's to the Minerva's pilots who are all suppose to be Ace's.
My coments in the statement you specifically quoted were analysing the end of the battle. So feel free to comment on what I stated but do not waste anyones time spouting your pro Shinn crap . Also note my problem with the fight was the reused fotage and the blatant disreguard both for the timeline and both participants fighting styles.
goddamit READ my post ABOVE, stop with the mushroom cloud theoryYou are indeed correct Curium in your statements reguarding the explosion. For this to have been a Nuclear explosion it would require a mushroom cloud and in addition watch the Minerva its turning to the side which when the giant wave pushes it makes it look like its sideways this is very easy to see by checking the episode.
Why can't I compare Himura Kenshin and Kira Yamato when they are so much alike? They both has vowed never to kill again and make it harder for themselves to fight by doing so? They both have others to protect while fighting which makes it even harder... They both live by the same righteous ideals of life being important, even the wrong-doers.Originally posted by: Pwas
I'm sorry how can you compare Kira to Kenshin. Its 2 different anime and first of all hes not even the main character so hes got nothing to do with anything and from watching the anime since first episode i find him and the AA's appearences in war just making things worst. They should just go back to Orb and do something with themselves because this isnt there war. Who made them the "Justice Leagues" to be on top of everyones business. Think about it what did the Logos do against Zaft and whats this gotta do with Orbs Ideals. And how does Kira own when this episode proved he got his ass whipped, and why doesnt this prove that Shinn can take him. It shows in this episode that Shinn has the ability to take him outs, and even when Kira gets Strike Freedom he will still get owned by Shinn because Kira said it in GS that Freedom was stronger than Strike. And this time its not Zaft remodeling Freedom its Lacus's secret team, so there will be even more of a decrease in power. Shinn will recieve "Destiny" and from looks of it, he will be crazy with this. But i believe in the end Shinn will join up with the AA just like what happened in GS. Just stop hating on Shinn cause he can take Kira anyday.
What are you talking about? How can they make things worst when they have saved hundreds of lives by interfering in battles... all those mobile suits that would have been shot down and killed got saved by only being damaged by Kira. No one made them the justice-squad except themselves... They are standing above every nation to show that not Plant or Earth can be fully trusted in this war. More people will join Kira because they will realize that everything he does with AA is non-beneficial for themselves but beneficial for the people of the world. EAF and Dullindal controlling ZAFT have both proved to at least our eyes not to be trustworthy.
The crew of AA and the people following AA are the only ones that can be fully trusted because they are an outside organisation not worknig for EAF or ZAFT.
As a side-note I might add that anyne who has watched GS carefully in the battles would realize that Shinn could never be as good as Kira.
Originally posted by: Pwas
I'm sorry how can you compare Kira to Kenshin. Its 2 different anime and first of all hes not even the main character so hes got nothing to do with anything and from watching the anime since first episode i find him and the AA's appearences in war just making things worst. They should just go back to Orb and do something with themselves because this isnt there war. Who made them the "Justice Leagues" to be on top of everyones business. Think about it what did the Logos do against Zaft and whats this gotta do with Orbs Ideals. And how does Kira own when this episode proved he got his ass whipped, and why doesnt this prove that Shinn can take him. It shows in this episode that Shinn has the ability to take him outs, and even when Kira gets Strike Freedom he will still get owned by Shinn because Kira said it in GS that Freedom was stronger than Strike. And this time its not Zaft remodeling Freedom its Lacus's secret team, so there will be even more of a decrease in power. Shinn will recieve "Destiny" and from looks of it, he will be crazy with this. But i believe in the end Shinn will join up with the AA just like what happened in GS. Just stop hating on Shinn cause he can take Kira anyday.
First of all Kira is still better then shinn. Kira has a total disadvantage. He doesnt aim to kill. If you dont aim to kill it is much harder to aim and fight. Also shinn is a little fag that never takes the blame. Strike freedom will be stronger then freedom. Why the fuck would they downgrade??? Also Lacus's team doesnt build Strike freedom from what I hear.
Originally posted by: darkshadow
goddamit READ my post ABOVE, stop with the mushroom cloud theoryYou are indeed correct Curium in your statements reguarding the explosion. For this to have been a Nuclear explosion it would require a mushroom cloud and in addition watch the Minerva its turning to the side which when the giant wave pushes it makes it look like its sideways this is very easy to see by checking the episode.
Here is a picture of a Nuclear blast that took place in a similar enviroment as was done in GSD 34.
Please note that Shinn would have been at ground zero for this explosion and thus would have had his suit at the equivalent of standing on the sun. Phase shift armor or not they weren't sure that Impulse could make reentry. So do explain how with the head removed, and thus making a unshielded hole in the top of mpulse. Which would mean that Ipulse would have had no chance of surviving such a blast.
Edited for punctuation sheesh remind me not to randomly rant without it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
And you need to make dots every now and then, because I had to read that both 2 and 3 times before I fully got what you said.Originally posted by: DDBen
Originally posted by: darkshadow
goddamit READ my post ABOVE, stop with the mushroom cloud theoryYou are indeed correct Curium in your statements reguarding the explosion. For this to have been a Nuclear explosion it would require a mushroom cloud and in addition watch the Minerva its turning to the side which when the giant wave pushes it makes it look like its sideways this is very easy to see by checking the episode.
Here is a picture of a Nuclear blast that took place in a similar enviroment as was done in GSD 34.
Please note that Shinn would have been at ground zero for this explosion and thus would have had his suit at the equivalent of standing on the Sun phase shift armor or not they weren't sure that Impulse could make reentry so do explain how with the head removed thus making a unshielded hole in the top of the gundam that Impulse would have had ANY chance of surviving such a blast.
You may or may not be right (I don't care enough to check your idea by looking up video), but it still doesn't change the fact that the explosion was from the Tannhauser shot, not Freedom.Originally posted by: darkshadow
goddamit READ my post ABOVE, stop with the mushroom cloud theoryYou are indeed correct Curium in your statements reguarding the explosion. For this to have been a Nuclear explosion it would require a mushroom cloud and in addition watch the Minerva its turning to the side which when the giant wave pushes it makes it look like its sideways this is very easy to see by checking the episode.
have you've ever watch rurouni kenshin pwas did you even watch gsd your post is nothing more than BS. are you even aware of the fact that freedom is far superior than impluse the only reason for shinn's victory was kira's distraction, concern, and his no kill oath. which are in fact the same things that kenshin has to deal with. seriously watch the show over dont draw any conclusion till you completely fully understand what has past in the episodes okay. also dont make any predictions since you prediction of strike freedom being weaker than because it was made by different a organization is clearly and absoutely wrong think before you post Dammit
anyways nice episode its a great opening for the battles to come even thought the battle sequence is really fantasy and physics is sent right through the window
Wow, What a great episode.
First things first, Freedom didn't explode. Beyond the fact that there is no evidence WHATSOEVER that it did (the taunhauser could EASILY account for that explosion), Freedom having gone nuclear would cause significant problems for the storyline. Namely, KIra (and likely Shinn) would be dead. Since we know they arne't, it obviously wasn't Freedom. MUCH more likely is that the AA recovers Freedoms wreck from underwater. This conveniently keeps Kira AWAY from the "How the hell did he survive" arguments.
There you go, an argument backed by both a few facts and by the needs of the story.
Next issue. I am a Kira fan. Swear to god.
And Kira just got outflown.
Shinn really was on his game here, and he pushed Impulse to its limits. Had it just been him and Kira, he still would have lost... but with Kira distracted, Shinn was able to capatalize on several distractions. Not to mention using several silouettes at once. That leaves me thinking, "Why doesn't he just have the freaking Sword/Blast flyers follow him around, acting as mobile weapon packs?" Now THAT would make Impulse a good Gundam in my opinion.
Thats my piece.
Note: I based my evidence that the explosion was definately the Tanhauser based on something like Ockhams Razor, namely the simplest explanation is generally the right one. Since we know that the Tanhauser could account for the explosion, and since we know that the Tanhauser was fired,... well, knowing is simpler (and better) than being uncertain... and we are uncertain that the Freedom went nuclear. Therefore, the Tanhauser is the likely culprit.
the whole nuclear explosion i think was just thrown into the episode not needing and explanation and it is possible for an explosion like that to occur because of a critical blow dealt from another mobile suit. that was one of the major issues in 08th ms team if you recall. besides if freedom didnt blow up why was impluse blown to a crisp also all you people talk this and that are you expert on nuclear reactor or nuclear weapons or something. its makes me wonder where you learned about these things was it the internet of the middle east or maybe even korea because you guys talk like you know. the most important thing to remeber is this is anime not everthing deserves an explanation. just accept it alright. okay in episode 34 freedom is gonna blow up since it has a reactor why not make the explosion bigger said Story Writer A to Story Writer B
Impulse was damaged by Freedom stabbing it with a beam saber. The other damage could be collateral damage from the Tanhauser very easily.Originally posted by: Dannynonsense
the whole nuclear explosion i think was just thrown into the episode not needing and explanation and it is possible for an explosion like that to occur because of a critical blow dealt from another mobile suit. that was one of the major issues in 08th ms team if you recall. besides if freedom didnt blow up why was impluse blown to a crisp also all you people talk this and that are you expert on nuclear reactor or nuclear weapons or something. its makes me wonder where you learned about these things was it the internet of the middle east or maybe even korea because you guys talk like you know. the most important thing to remeber is this is anime not everthing deserves an explanation. just accept it alright. okay in episode 34 freedom is gonna blow up since it has a reactor why not make the explosion bigger said Story Writer A to Story Writer B
Nuclear reactions dont just go Critical. It requires something to trigger it (like a nuetron stampeder).
The fact remains that Freedom impaled Impulse, and that both suits were near a Positron Cannon. My friends tell me a Positron cannon is something like an Antimatter weapon. And Antimatter does a lot of damage.
dont say this and that happen to justify what you think ALRIGHT everyone who reads watch the damn episode over you will clearly see that shinn was trying to keep freedom away from the archangel so he couldnt escape and aid them SO when was it they were near the tanhauser's fire show me that and ill shutup untill then freedom explodes thats why its in pieces and like i said in my post before not everthing needs an explanation
They werne't near the ArchAngel... however, the blast radius from the Tanhauser hit the Minerva! You can clearly see a giant wave impacting it. And Shinn and Freedom are closer to the AA than they are to Minerva.Originally posted by: Dannynonsense
dont say this and that happen to justify what you think ALRIGHT everyone who reads watch the damn episode over you will clearly see that shinn was trying to keep freedom away from the archangel so he couldnt escape and aid them SO when was it they were near the tanhauser's fire show me that and ill shutup untill then freedom explodes thats why its in pieces and like i said in my post before not everthing needs an explanation
In adition, the pieces of Freedom we see are not enough to account for the entire suit. They are, though, enough to account for the damage dont by Impulses anti warship sword, and also to account for the armor lost by Impulse.
I'm not trying to tell you waht to think. I am reporting the facts as I've seen them, and my opinion on them. However, I've got every right to defend my ideas. If they weren't worth defending, they woudln't be worth having.
If freedom didn't explode how do you explain all the parts of Freedom floating in the water at the end? And that Freedom suddenly disappeared when Shinn is just floating there. And I highly doubt anyone here or watches GSD is an expert on nuclear reactors, it makes enough logical sense that a nuclear reactor will have a nuclear explosion. There doesn't have to be supreme scientific reasoning to prove events happen, especially in anime.
Most of you just need to shut up and accept that Shinn fucking owned Kira. Face it.
You can throw in all the "what ifs" you want, it won't change a damn thing.
Shinn was the better pilot. He used Kira's weakness, which is what every strategic and good combatant would do.
okay its true that you do have the right to your opinion but seriously watch the episode overe or just that part and think like this instead of all that blah blah you were saying before " its just anime they dont need to justify everthing or explain it" then you'll see what im sayin or you could check this outOriginally posted by: MeroTZ
They werne't near the ArchAngel... however, the blast radius from the Tanhauser hit the Minerva! You can clearly see a giant wave impacting it. And Shinn and Freedom are closer to the AA than they are to Minerva.Originally posted by: Dannynonsense
dont say this and that happen to justify what you think ALRIGHT everyone who reads watch the damn episode over you will clearly see that shinn was trying to keep freedom away from the archangel so he couldnt escape and aid them SO when was it they were near the tanhauser's fire show me that and ill shutup untill then freedom explodes thats why its in pieces and like i said in my post before not everthing needs an explanation
In adition, the pieces of Freedom we see are not enough to account for the entire suit. They are, though, enough to account for the damage dont by Impulses anti warship sword, and also to account for the armor lost by Impulse.
I'm not trying to tell you waht to think. I am reporting the facts as I've seen them, and my opinion on them. However, I've got every right to defend my ideas. If they weren't worth defending, they woudln't be worth having.
right here go to the 08th ms team episode 8: duty and ideals 2nd paragraph
Originally posted by: Dannynonsense
Originally posted by: MeroTZ
They werne't near the ArchAngel... however, the blast radius from the Tanhauser hit the Minerva! You can clearly see a giant wave impacting it. And Shinn and Freedom are closer to the AA than they are to Minerva.Originally posted by: Dannynonsense
dont say this and that happen to justify what you think ALRIGHT everyone who reads watch the damn episode over you will clearly see that shinn was trying to keep freedom away from the archangel so he couldnt escape and aid them SO when was it they were near the tanhauser's fire show me that and ill shutup untill then freedom explodes thats why its in pieces and like i said in my post before not everthing needs an explanation
In adition, the pieces of Freedom we see are not enough to account for the entire suit. They are, though, enough to account for the damage dont by Impulses anti warship sword, and also to account for the armor lost by Impulse.
I'm not trying to tell you waht to think. I am reporting the facts as I've seen them, and my opinion on them. However, I've got every right to defend my ideas. If they weren't worth defending, they woudln't be worth having.
okay its true that you do have the right to your opinion but seriously watch the episode overe or just that part and think like this instead of all that blah blah you were saying before " its just anime they dont need to justify everthing or explain it" then you'll see what im sayin or you could check this out
right here
Seriously, I've watched it several times now, and the only problem I've seen is that Freedom magically regenerated its damaged wing for the scene where its been impaled and is IN THE PROCESS OF IMPALING IMPULSE (oops, anyone?). As well, the only explosion we've seen CAN EASILY BE ACCOUNTED FOR BY THE TANHAUSER. Go watch... episode 6? Where this same cannon cuts part of a colony in half. Its comparable in power to a nuke. If you watched episode 33 where destroy fired those quad back cannons, which resembled positron cannons, that it razed a city in one shot.
Pay attention to detail. I wouldn't look for an explanation if it weren't blatantly obvious. Its like you are trying to say that gravity doesn't need explaining. Sure, you dont need an explanation, but most of how it works is so blatantly obviouos that when somebody does explain it, no one really objects.
Also, I've been all over MAHQ. I've used it to get the general story line on all of the Original timeline gundam stuff.
Sorry for all the posts, but its not in me not to reply.
EDIT: Oops, looking more closely, I suppose that is just one wing there on Freedom at the end. having noticed this, also let me comment on precedent from the past. When we have seen mobile suits destroyed in the past (Aegis, Freedom, Strike), we have seen identifyable parts. Floating on the water were none of Freedom's signature parts. For instance, if it had exploded, I would have expected to see a part of its wing floating on the water, or a head or cockpit or something. Again, that tidbit is based on precedent from earlier in the show.
uhm there is a rule against signing of with your name, are you aware of that??