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Thread: Game: Guild Wars!

  1. #241
    Join Date
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    Guild Wars!

    Originally posted by: DragonOutlaw

    I'm like 1,000 xp away from level 16. =)

    Im not a slacker! Its because... Look over there!!! *runs*
    Omg so close to level 16, makes a change for you [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img] We still need to play more often so you can ascend and reach level 20 [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
    Idealism is what precedes experience; cynicism is what follows.

  2. #242

    Guild Wars!

    I advice all you beginners to play necro after you get a hang of the game. Necro has a lot of interesting builds, and less cookie cutter crap like the other classes.

  3. #243
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
    (universally beloved
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    Guild Wars!

    I have a necro in pre-sear right now that I haven't played in months, but dusted off this week so I could play with my cousin who just got the game. I'd forgotten how fun necro is.

    And, DO is finally level 16. We should have a parade to celebrate this momentous event.

  4. #244

    Guild Wars!

    Sorry DO, since you decided to get 16, I decided to get 19.

    I've always love necro's, it's my second profession. I've been necro's in alot of games, especially Diablo, I like to be one man armies, except I haven't been using that skill.

  5. #245

    Guild Wars!

    Just strated to play guildwars again and i got one lv 20 and one at lv 19. R sahle and Shadow end. Havent been online in gotwoot latly so i have lost conact with you all =P

    im at dragon's lair with my lv 20 monk i took on dobbeldanger myself with my monk =) and i need help with desert on my necro , wondering if anyone here can run me´to augry rock =) pretty please

    and oh yeah does anyone here sell superior rune to monks cuz im gone make my monk a 55hp and my necro 2 but ill worry about that later

    C ya in guild wars and dont forget to add me =)

  6. #246

    Guild Wars!

    Hmm.. I wonder if i should start playing this again and get the gotwoot guild back, i have a guildhall buti donno if i can transfer it to another guild.. i could just make the guild i have now the gotwoot guild for you guys.

  7. #247

    Guild Wars!

    Bad news for all you Guild Wars players out there. Apparently NCsoft, the company who makes and runs the game, has been sued for several cases of identity theft. Don't know how this will affect the game, but it doesn't look too good for the company.

  8. #248
    So i finally got guild wars, and started playing it last nite. Pretty intrtesting so far. Is there still a GW guild around, or enough people to warrant a new one?

    I know DO, AE and Kitkat still play, though they're way above me rite now (Dont worry DO, i'll beat you in 2 days).

    let me know if you guys are still playing and we'll plan something out.

    Btw, Im a lv 2 warrior and i was wondering what i should choose as a secondary class. My friend suggested monk cuz of the healing and stuff, but i wanna know if theres somehting else i should be looking at. Especially cuz he's a warroir too and he'll go monk for his second class, so i wanna know what other profession i can choose to have a nice range of skills and abilities between the two of us.

  9. #249
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
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    Well I've been playing off and on, for a long time now, and all I can say is play what ever feels right. A warrior class doesn't have much Mana so picking a class that uses magic is not always a good thing. My Ele/Nec was to do as much damage as possible with a Team and make sure they can get out alive. Both AE and DO have seen the "Well of Blood" owns house
    image fail!

  10. #250
    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    Btw, Im a lv 2 warrior and i was wondering what i should choose as a secondary class. My friend suggested monk cuz of the healing and stuff, but i wanna know if theres somehting else i should be looking at. Especially cuz he's a warroir too and he'll go monk for his second class, so i wanna know what other profession i can choose to have a nice range of skills and abilities between the two of us.
    Do not go Warrior/Monk. It is considered "teh_n00b" build. At first it might seem fun to play, but after a while it gets extremely boring. Not that I'm talking from experience or anything, but based on the skills available to you with W/Mo, I can pretty much imagine the common builds.

    Pretty much all warrior builds are rather useless in PvE because the other professions can tank just as good provided you know how. There are a lot more interesting things to do with warriors in PvP, but you're probably not gonna get into that any time soon.

    I suggest you first play a noob-friendly caster build, aka Elementalist/Mesmer. It'll do well throughout most of the game, allowing you to learn the essentials before you get into the better parts of the game. Despite what a lot of people say, I suggest you don't play minion master necro as a beginner build because it's pretty tough to control until you get some of the late-game skills (Verata's Sacrifice, etc).

    I haven't played the game in a long time now, so I might be a little out-dated in my post. Nowadays when I play, I'm only on random arena. I already beat the game 4 times through with E/Me, Mo/E, W/E and R/N. I've unlocked every skill in the game so there's really nothing out there left to do in PvE. So if you need a little spare change I can give you some...I still have over 600k sitting in storage that'll probably never get touched.

  11. #251
    That one lazy guy. LaZie's Avatar
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    Did anybody get Factions? I, unfortunately, am too poor to afford it

  12. #252
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    I agree with BoC, starting with an Ele would probably be easier. If you insist on playing a warrior, I recommend War/Ele if you plan on eventually moving into PvP. If it's just for PvE then W/R or W/Mo are okay - a Necro subclass could work too but tends to be inferior for healing. Warriors have a tough time supporting a mesmer secondary because of energy limitations.

  13. #253
    well i've already picked W/Mo, so its too late for that now. But my next char will be Elementalist once i get the hang of the game.

    Quote Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
    So if you need a little spare change I can give you some...I still have over 600k sitting in storage that'll probably never get touched
    send that 600k my way, i'll gladly spend it on your behalf

    Btw, i go by Estus Soulcrusher for those who still play.

    ps: seriously, gimme that 600k if you're not gonna use it. theres plenty of weapons i need to buy.
    Last edited by Assassin; Thu, 05-04-2006 at 12:29 AM.

  14. #254
    Genin mr3vi1m0nk3y's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    well i've already picked W/Mo, so its too late for that now. But my next char will be Elementalist once i get the hang of the game.

    send that 600k my way, i'll gladly spend it on your behalf

    Btw, i go by Estus Soulcrusher for those who still play.

    ps: seriously, gimme that 600k if you're not gonna use it. theres plenty of weapons i need to buy.
    dont bother buying weapons they are all crap. all the good weapons are drops. the only thing you really need money for is armor.

    also is there anyone else who is tired of guild wars and stopped playing completely? it seems like everyone i know is selling their accounts.

  15. #255
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    Forget "campaign 3." The next chapter in the Guild Wars franchise now has a name: Nightfall. Like Guild Wars Factions, Nightfall is a stand-alone chapter in the Guild Wars online role-plaing saga and it will introduce a new continent to explore, new gameplay features to experience, and two new professions to play with. We got our first glimpse of Nightfall during the Electronic Entertainment Expo and learned that this chapter is set in a North Africa-like setting, with sun-drenched coastlines and dry, desert interiors.

    Like the original Guild Wars and Factions, Nightfall follows ArenaNet's interesting pricing model. You'll purchase Nightfall like you would a regular game, but it won't require any monthly subscription to play online. And you won't require any of the previous Guild Wars games to play Nightfall, though if you do own them, you'll be able to transfer your existing characters about the ever-growing Guild Wars world.

    Nightfall has actually begun its beta test, and ArenaNet plans to hold an "open house" for current Guild Wars players between July 28 and 30. You'll be able to check out this new chapter yourself, as well as create characters based on the two new professions in Nightfall. And without further delay, we have the details on what you'll be able to play as. If ArenaNet sticks to its six-month publishing schedule for chapters, then we should see Nightfall ship later this year.

    The Paragon
    The paragon isn't meant to be a frontline fighter. Instead, the paragon is best suited in a support role as a battle commander, capable of supporting teammates by throwing spears and using verbal chants and shouts that can boost the fighting abilities of those nearby. And the paragon's angelic nature isn't just aesthetic, as this profession's presence can help teammates resist hexes and other curses.

    It's easy to identify paragons on the battlefield, thanks to their angelic look. Even the paragon's armor is saintly in appearance, thanks to the incorporation of ivory and mother of pearl in its materials. And if that weren't enough, a paragon's metal armor usually has the form of wings engraved in it. It's no wonder that the Elonians in the game believe that paragons are guardian angels sent by the gods to serve as champions for the people.

    The Dervish
    If the paragon is best while standing back from a fight, the dervish is at home in the heart of one. These holy warriors are capable of striking at multiple targets simultaneously with their wicked scythes. Of course, they're armed with a whirling, spinning attack that's perfect for when in the middle of a bunch of foes. Dervishes can also cast spells on themselves that aid in their assault, and the profession has various healing and protection abilities as well. The profession's most powerful ability, however, is to temporarily transform into the physical embodiment of a god.

    Since the profession is part warrior and part priest, dervishes are clad in robes rather than armor. Protection comes mainly from the dervish's agility in battle, as well as the various protection enhancements and spells. In addition to the robe, dervishes are equipped with bracers on their arms, and they're constantly hooded to show their humility to their gods.

  16. #256
    Lasers? Cookies? FTW!
    (universally beloved
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    Bah, I haven't even gotten Factions yet!

    For those of you considering getting GW, there are quite a few of us that still play on a regular basis. We've started going to Fissure of Woe and the Underworld several times a week, and are making quite a tidy profit. I've had this game for over a year now, and I'm still just as addicted. I have also gotten two mini-pets so far: a jungle troll and siege turtle. My third should be arriving this month. If anyone wants to buy my jungle troll, I'll sell him for 40k

  17. #257
    Student sairane's Avatar
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    i just started playing Guild Wars a few days ago and now have a level 7 elementalist/menser... and im finding it pretty fun ^_^

    is a huge change from WoW though

  18. #258
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    England, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by KitKat
    I have also gotten two mini-pets so far: a jungle troll and siege turtle. My third should be arriving this month. If anyone wants to buy my jungle troll, I'll sell him for 40k
    Kuunavang > All

    Hurry up and get Factions!

  19. #259
    @sairane Good to hear you're getting into GW, watch out for KitKat or she'll recruit you into our Guild.

    Also a general warning, don't buy KitKat's pet! It makes an insane amount of noise and is quite irritating!

  20. #260
    IRC ADMIN DO's Avatar
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    Overall Guild Wars was a pretty good game until that one faithful day they decided to nerf warrirors.

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