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Thread: Anyone Subbing One Piece Other than K-F

  1. #1
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Anyone Subbing One Piece Other than K-F

    I am new to One Piece anime, currently on episode 74, Little Garden. I Wanted to know if there is any other group other than K-F subbing it and is it worth getting them? All the episodes I have are from K-F. By the way One Piece rocks( second to Naruto).

  2. #2
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Anyone Subbing One Piece Other than K-F

    There are hong-kong subs where Yasopp is called Jesus Boo & Sanji is called Sunkist.

    They rule. Ehrm.

    Other than that, there are subs for the later episodes (which are coming out in Japan) but as far as I know K-F is the only one doing it from the beginning.
    And without a doubt, the best quality by far.

  3. #3

    Anyone Subbing One Piece Other than K-F

    yep the hong kong subs are crappy as hell unless you've read the manga you won't be able to understand any of it, anyway Genusama or something like that is subbing the latest arc of the anime and it's simply great, the arc that is, the subs are good and the quality is nice worth watching if you've read the manga, anyway stick to K-F they are the best One Piece subbers and the only ones who started from ep 1

  4. #4
    Captain Focker Jadugar's Avatar
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    Anyone Subbing One Piece Other than K-F

    Thanx for the feedback guys. I will stick to the K-F.

  5. #5
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Anyone Subbing One Piece Other than K-F

    Well, you really don't have a choice. Gerusama is only at the latest arc so if you want to go through it all you have to stick to K-F. Also, no one can compete with K-F with OP fansub.

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  6. #6
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Anyone Subbing One Piece Other than K-F

    What episode does Gerusama's fansubs start at?

  7. #7

    Anyone Subbing One Piece Other than K-F

    they start at 220 and they are now at 233, the raws are at 236 (which is in my opinion one of OPs best eps)

  8. #8
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Anyone Subbing One Piece Other than K-F

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    What episode does Gerusama's fansubs start at?
    EDIT: Bah. Delux beat me to it. Damn you!!

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  9. #9
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Anyone Subbing One Piece Other than K-F

    Hmm, hopefully if Geru keeps doing it, by the time KF hits 220, I'll be able to download like 80 episodes all in a row.

    Man, that would be one awsome week let me tell ya.

  10. #10

    Anyone Subbing One Piece Other than K-F

    hell yeah

    I think right then and there their subs would have alot more ppl who download them

  11. #11
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Anyone Subbing One Piece Other than K-F

    Actually, if Geru was cool, once they caught up with the RAWs, they'd start going backwards too.

  12. #12

    Anyone Subbing One Piece Other than K-F

    backwards subbing? now there's an original idea [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

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