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Thread: American Naruto, preview was just shown

  1. #61
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    that was extremely long, and all it was was putting down people who thought differentally. (yes i'm talking about that long ass post up there)

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  2. #62

    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    Wow, as soon as I read Rhanfal's post last page I almost died of boredom. SOOOO LONG!!! Rhanfal you gotta just accept other people's opinions and stop stereotyping english speaking people who speak foreign languages as jerks who don't attempt to speak it correctly. Oh and Rhanfal, a country is its people, so when you insult the people of America, you insult the country of America, not that I have a problem with that I just wanted to make sure you understood what you are saying.

    P.S. I have no problem with anyone who makes posts in bad english, I just prefer to have good posts so I can read the post quicker.

  3. #63
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    As long as the names of the characters are kept, the dub voices are good, and they don't butcher it. I couldn't care less.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  4. #64

    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    What *is* the proper pronunceation of Naruto?

    I've always done how it sounds in the anime, "Naru-Toe" or, emphasis on the "t"

  5. #65

    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    I didn't honestly mind CN's "trailer" of English Naruto simply because, by the way it seems at the moment: they don't even have real dubbed footage! I mean, the narration for the trailer was the guy who always does Toonami stuff, and his prounciation of Naruto more than likely isn't the one used by Sho-Pro in the dubbing. As for whether or not it will hold ground compared to the original series Is as completely differen't story...It all depends on who they cast for voice acting, how badly they cut up the things they don't like about the series...and if they decide to translate the moves or not....We'll just have to see.

  6. #66

    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    Well yes the trailer actually was not dubbed so what that guy said might not be all correct. You have to wait for the actual dub to come out before jumping to conclusions.

    As for the thing with the pronunciations let me tell you my opinion as a non American. When speaking a foreign language within your own country it's not really necessary to have an accent or even try to fake one or pronounce sth correctly because the majority of people speaking the same language don't . They usually make fun of you if you try it. Take for example my people, Greek people, they speak so weird in Englissh its a pain for most people to hear (completely blatant). I always had an accent naturally because I loved English but my classmates who didn't made fun of me until my teacher told them that their English pronunciation sucked contrary to mine. Not only my classmates even random people laughed when they heard my English. But I always sound like a native speaker be it English, French or Japanese. And only the native speakers appreciate it.

    The same goes for every country even America. Of course there are going to be mistakes in pronunciacion esp if it is within a mainstream aimed show like Naruto. So don't complain.
    Well I guess the Japanese have a harder time thean other not being able to pronounce most English words. Or German. Or Greek. (Have you ever heard a Japanese speak Greek? It's so very weird ...)

  7. #67

    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    Well we know Tom can pronounce things correctly. (note to how he pronounced Katamari Damacy)

  8. #68
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    SOMETIMES he can, did you see what he did to kenshin? kenshin with out blood was weird....

    and, who acctually plans on watching this? (i'm just wondering)

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  9. #69

    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    For all those complaining about the pronunciation of Naruto, just be damn happy it wasn't 'Nay-roo-doe' (I've heard to many people say it like that it makes me want to scream...)

    The treialer itself was pretty crap, in my opinion, I find it interesting that they try and pass it off as an 'action thriller', rather than the 'moral comedy' it's supposed to be. Completely missed the main themes just to pawn off flashy fight scenes.

    OO, that rhymed, I'm a poet, and I didn't know it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  10. #70
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    congragulations, and people pronounce it nay-roo-toe just to mock it...nobody acctually does it like that normally...(i think) and yes as we've all said the trailer was crappy though it'd probably draw me in if i didnt alrdy watch it. (they said he was soon to graduate the ninja school and they were showing the scene where hes fighting haku...) he graduates in the first ep and officially graduates in ep 3...

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  11. #71

    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    Originally posted by: Kovash
    I find it interesting that they try and pass it off as an 'action thriller', rather than the 'moral comedy' it's supposed to be.
    Huh? Lets review the last arc, we had about 20 episodes of fighting and very little comedy.

    What of the Tsunade arc? (Skipping the filler arc as the filler should not determine the mindset of the series as the creator did not make them) We had a major fight something like 5 episodes long and though comedy was used to lighten the mood sometimes it was not the major focus. Also all Naruto's training in that arc wasn't very funny, at least to me.

    Next the Chuunin exam, some comedy, vast amounts more of action. The arc before that? Country of the Wave, usual comedy to lighten the mood occasionally, with a strong focus on the fights with Zabuza.

    I left a few parts but the vast majority of this series is based around the action and has comedy interjected occasionally. If you are looking for a moral comedy in Naruto, I suggest waiting for filler arcs because that is all the anime's "writers" seem to want to do. I will secede that there is a lot of issues of morality that are the focus of some characters but I don't understand saying that they were wrong in marketing Naruto as an action anime.

  12. #72

    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    Wow, there's a whole lot of stupid in this thread. A lot of really long-winded stupid, at that.

    The only promos that matter are the ones that will come in August, which will actually have dubbed voicework in them. The music in the promos NEVER MATTER, because the music in the promos is stuff the network puts in for their own purposes, that has bugger-all to do with the music in the actual show. And, of course, the Toonami announcer's pronunciation of the name Naruto means absolutely nothing. Maybe someone will correct him for the next round of promos, who knows. It's like that one guy they had who could never pronounce Pokemon right.

    As for everyone bashing the hell out of the dub before even one episode is shown...grow up. Sheesh. If you don't want to see Naruto dubbed, then don't watch it, but at least wait until it comes out before you start ranting about how bad it's going to suck. Simple fact: YOU DO NOT KNOW UNTIL YOU SEE IT. For all YOU know, it MAY end up being the BEST FREAKING DUB EVER.

    I'm pretty sure it WON'T, mind. But that's something we won't know for certain until September.

    So chill.

    And I know it's asking too much of this lot, but some of you could at least TRY to not be such complete morons.

  13. #73

    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    Originally posted by: Jessper
    Huh? Lets review the last arc, we had about 20 episodes of fighting and very little comedy.

    What of the Tsunade arc? (Skipping the filler arc as the filler should not determine the mindset of the series as the creator did not make them) We had a major fight something like 5 episodes long and though comedy was used to lighten the mood sometimes it was not the major focus. Also all Naruto's training in that arc wasn't very funny, at least to me.

    Next the Chuunin exam, some comedy, vast amounts more of action. The arc before that? Country of the Wave, usual comedy to lighten the mood occasionally, with a strong focus on the fights with Zabuza.

    I left a few parts but the vast majority of this series is based around the action and has comedy interjected occasionally. If you are looking for a moral comedy in Naruto, I suggest waiting for filler arcs because that is all the anime's "writers" seem to want to do. I will secede that there is a lot of issues of morality that are the focus of some characters but I don't understand saying that they were wrong in marketing Naruto as an action anime.
    I suppose this falls into the same catagory as the fight I have with my friends on 'Why we should like The Matrix?'

    The way I see it, Naruto is about a boy and his hardships because of the difficult circumstances he is put in - sure, there is fighting, but that's not what it's ABOUT. The Naruto Anime (and Manga) isn't trying to tell you that we should all solve our problems by summoning giant frogs an snakes and wreaking havok among our friends because they aren't very nice, it's about Naruto (funily enough) and his trials and hardships. The fights have a PURPOSE, people don't just go around beating up on other people for the hell of it, even the bad-guys have a notive, unlike many other stories I could mention...

    Point: What I disagree with, is that this never gets a mention in the so-called advertsment, that ad. basically said, "Wanna see animated, flashy effects from Japan!? Well, watch this show. It's popular over there so it should be here too!"

    I am aware this is just a teaser, but why don't they just cut out the narrator and have the saem random scenes thrown together, it's be just as effective and a less innaccurate portrayal of the storyline (in the event that the Dubb BECOMES based on all the fighting, I'll be sorely dissapointed.)

  14. #74
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    The way I see it, Naruto is about a boy and his hardships because of the difficult circumstances he is put in - sure, there is fighting, but that's not what it's ABOUT. The Naruto Anime (and Manga) isn't trying to tell you that we should all solve our problems by summoning giant frogs an snakes and wreaking havok among our friends because they aren't very nice, it's about Naruto (funily enough) and his trials and hardships.
    Buuuullshit. If they took all the fights out of this show and left the "boy and his trials and hardships" in, nobody would watch the fucking thing. On the reverse side, if you took out the "boy and his trials and hardships" story and left in all the fights, it wouldn't be as good, but it'd still probably be watched by tons of people.

  15. #75
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    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    Well, I'm not sure if I was fortunate enough or unfortunate enough to see the actual Toonami post, but when this whole thread was started, I was under the impression that the narrator was totally fucking up pretty much everything about the show, from pronunciations to the basic story, to the character names, (I had thought he said things like Nah-roo-dou) and all that stupid horse shit. I know that people can't always produce a certain accent. If you think I was going off about pronunciation based on accents...I'm sorry to have misled you. What I was upset about was that Japanese words are the easiest things in the world to say cause they all have only one vowel sound. If you take ten seconds to break down even the longest word its pretty simple to pronounce. Yeah, the R/L sound is kinda fucked up but "Na ru to" is really easy to say accent or not. So, if you can't produce that sound normally you would treat it as a "R" because that is how the Nihonjin treat it in Romanji spellings anyway. Therefore, if the narrator could say a word as simple as that, he shouldn't be working there. It was about professionalism and cultural awareness....and it got totally blown out of fucking proportion! My goal in this forum is not to piss people off (usually), but appearantly everything I say does (with an almost certainty). So, sorry for pissing everyone off, reguardless of who's right or wrong. I don't hate/dislike anyone on this forum, even if their only reply to me is pure slander or bullshit. I just like to debate.

  16. #76

    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    Originally posted by: Kovash
    The way I see it, Naruto is about a boy and his hardships because of the difficult circumstances he is put in - sure, there is fighting, but that's not what it's ABOUT. The Naruto Anime (and Manga) isn't trying to tell you that we should all solve our problems by summoning giant frogs an snakes and wreaking havok among our friends because they aren't very nice, it's about Naruto (funily enough) and his trials and hardships. The fights have a PURPOSE, people don't just go around beating up on other people for the hell of it, even the bad-guys have a notive, unlike many other stories I could mention...
    Agreed, however if it was marketed as a comedy then wouldn't people be just a bit surprised that every 3rd episode is only about a fight? The anime is about the story, not fighting however the story is deeply entwined with fierce battles. If you told people this series was a comedy then they watched it I bet most people would never listen to you about a shows connotation again.

    Either way, the show is an action thriller as there is a large amount of action. A lot of stories have a large focus on action but the main focus is the story and they are marketed as action thrillers.

    When I told my friend about Naruto (around the Tsunade arc) I told him that it was a sweet show with some cool fighting and an interesting story. Notice, I didn't tell him the shows focus was on comedy and morality. He also told another friend of ours about Naruto giving the same description as I gave him. They both watch it regularly now and as I'm here typing this they tell me my description was accurate.

  17. #77

    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    i had to post this:
    It seems Viz has plans for Naruto outside Toonami.

    An anonymous source has provided some information about the production of Naruto's dub. It turns out they're looking to give Naruto as wide an audience as possible, including airing it on multiple blocks on Cartoon Network and eventually in syndication after Cartoon Network's contract expires.
    Unfortunately, this means heavy cuts and plot changes to meet the "lowest common denominator".

    Naruto and his friends still make their way through ninja school, but will emphasize peaceful resolutions to problems they encounter.

    A screen grab was leaked to us by the same contributor of an edit early on in the series. In the original Japanese version, Naruto stabbed his hand in an effort to show his seriousness about an upcoming mission. In the Americanized/edited version, Naruto is shown angry about his mother's choice of lunch.
    Jap Version

    American Version

    [Taken from a non disclosable source]

  18. #78
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    Taken from a hilariously fake source.

  19. #79

    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    wait so naruto has lunch? wats this a mum too?

  20. #80

    American Naruto, preview was just shown

    i think its going to be really dumb....i mean look what they did to one piece...

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