well kira dying wud definitely ruin the series. It wud be better to have kept him out of the series all together then to bring him in and make him die. However, looking at the way shinn's character is developing, it seems quite likely that he will probably die in the end too. As for a character like Rey, i hope he dusn turn out to be like Rau( i.e making so much sense all the time but in the end just turning into a psycho.)
Maybe there is still quite some chance for Shinn Redemption but i dont think its gonna be happening any time soon. Maybe Lunamaria will have something to do with it, who knows. I definitely want to know what Neo is going to do from now on. I believe its about time they starting filling the viewers in with whats up with Rey, Neo and Dullindal. Leaving everything to be explained in a rush in the last few episodes like seeds will just ruin the series
Personally i am glad Stellar is dead. The fact that she was a drugged out extended means they cudn possibly have developed her character anymore. I guess thats why she needed to be taken out of the picture. I mean what cud u do with a character like Stellar. It also made sense to bring an end to destroy. Personally, i do not like the idea of huge Gundams that just stand there and shoot and blast. I dont think the destroy took even more than five or six steps from the moment it was deployed to the end
; ; I hate you! XDOriginally posted by: darkshadow
Ok, when Stellar is out this phase, Mwu's clone captured and last Enchanted is dead... I think battle will now transfer in space and we will start solving Dullundal's real motives and agenda's. I guess we will see Lacus too. I'm bit disapointed that Stellar died but considering fact that Lunamaria has fallen for Shinn, there is two alternatives: Either Shinn dies at end of series or Shinn will make atonment somehow and will fall for Lunamaria...
But there is now question about it, Stellar is dead...
Shinn will kill Kira....or die trying.
Kira took everything away from him. His parents, sister and now Stellar aswell.
dont hate me cause im right [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]Originally posted by: Raquelcasull
; ; I hate you! XDOriginally posted by: darkshadow
I doubt Shinn can kill Kira. Kira has Ahtrun as Friend, Cagalli as Sister and Lacus as Loved one. Taking out kira would collapse who series put relations in chaos. Besdies it wasn't Kira who killed Stellar. If Shinn will hold someone responsible it will him and Neo. He trusted Neo and Neo gave her word to keep Stellar safe, he broke it. Shinn also attacked Stellar. So no way, I don't really see change that Shinn would kill Kira. He might bear grudge against Kira or I think this is perfect way to mature up Shinn and make him real hero instead that whining little, arrogant brat that he has been.
Even Kira fought in Orb battle I don't really recall that Shinn saw Freedom there. Only Murasame's. Shinn if I'm right at that time Freedom and Justice were closer Murasame research facility to cover mass launcher... If anyone Shinn blaims his family's death, it will not be Kira but Cagalli, because she is Athha. Daughter of Orb's leader, who'se principles made EA to attack Orb and forced Orb forces defend Orb...
Kira is now the worst Gundam character ever.
(Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach
It wasn't Kira who killed Stellar? Did you even watch the episode? Maybe it wasn't his fault but he sure did kill Stellar in order to protect others, Shinn especially. While Shinn's ideals do coincide with Kira's, he really has a wierd and immature outlook on things. He'll grow up and shape the destiny of things. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
p.s. Nice to see somebody from Finland that watches Gundam. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
First, I still want to know where Buster and Duel are!
Go back to the original post and read THE REST OF THE SENTANCE. You took it completely out of context Terra. The sentance was "Being the first true sequel to a Gundam series that I've seen so far"Originally posted by: Terracosmo
How is this a more true sequel than Z Gundam or ZZ Gundam was? Or Endless Waltz for that reason? (if you count OAVs/movies).Originally posted by: Raquelcasull
Being the first true sequel to a Gundam series
There seems to be a debate on who killed Shinn's family, while it never acctually shows it, there is around an 80-90% chance it was Kira. Calamity was the only MS in the area and was firing at an elevated angle (into the air). The blast to killed Shinn's family was not aimed into the air. In the first couple of episodes it showed that it was Freedom fighting Calamity.
Also I want to repeat something from my first comments on the episode; WHY COULDN'T KIRA BE A FEW SECONDS SLOWER!!!!!! If he had waited just a few seconds then Stellar would have put Shinn out of ALL of our miseries.
Ahh at last the pshyco bitch is dead, I've been waiting for that a long time now, but I feel i little bit sorry fo shinn thouh even though the fact that I hate him...
I mean that kid has serious problems, well I to would've if my near ones died in front of my eyes like that.
But he's really immature and hates everything bah. Well enough about that little bastard.
Great episode was the thing I was planning to say, as always gundam seed destiny comes with another great episode.
Ok so I've heard that shinn is going to read every info on freedom with the help of Rey. and They are going to find a way to take freedom down.
I hope when the time comes when it's going to be impulse vs freedom, Kira will kick Shinns pathetic arse and chop it into pieces, grill it and sell it at the local café.
I don't know, if I was the local cafe I would make Kira pay me to take Shinn off his hands.Originally posted by: EpoC
Ahh at last the pshyco bitch is dead, I've been waiting for that a long time now, but I feel i little bit sorry fo shinn thouh even though the fact that I hate him...
I mean that kid has serious problems, well I to would've if my near ones died in front of my eyes like that.
But he's really immature and hates everything bah. Well enough about that little bastard.
Great episode was the thing I was planning to say, as always gundam seed destiny comes with another great episode.
Ok so I've heard that shinn is going to read every info on freedom with the help of Rey. and They are going to find a way to take freedom down.
I hope when the time comes when it's going to be impulse vs freedom, Kira will kick Shinns pathetic arse and chop it into pieces, grill it and sell it at the local café.
i honestly don't believe that Kira will kick Shinn's arse even tho he is fully capable of it. What i am guessing that he is really gonna hold back while fitin Shinn, and loose. However he will probably make Shinn work for his money, even if he IS holding back. However, i am sick and tired of Shinn always being wrong and turning out at the better end of things. I mean COMON!!!!! I wud really like to see someone dent Shinn's sense of pride but i dont think it is gonna be Kira. In any case, someone needs to beat Shinn really badly in a battle and shut him up!
for those of you who somehow cannot recall the first episode you'll see what happen to shinns parents and sister is a result of an explosion caused by orga shooting at freedom and also if kira should die destiny would become the worst gundam series alot of people might disagree but kira is by far one of the best characters in the gundam universe.
I just rewatched the beginning of the first episode. Calamity was aiming into the air to get Freedom. The angle of fire wasn't correct for killing Shinn's family. Freedom was the one that was firing towards the ground.Originally posted by: Dannynonsense
for those of you who somehow cannot recall the first episode you'll see what happen to shinns parents and sister is a result of an explosion caused by orga shooting at freedom and also if kira should die destiny would become the worst gundam series alot of people might disagree but kira is by far one of the best characters in the gundam universe.
Also rewatching that reminded me that Mayu was acctually more spoiled then Shinn. I've never commented on it before because I didn't join the forum until around episode 20. There in the middle of a war zone with heavy fighting going on nearby and she is worried about her stupid cell phone. I can officially say that Shinn is the character I hate the SECOND most in Destiny now that I've been reminded of that.
EDIT: What happened to all the Windams from the beginning? I know Stellar launched Destroy with just Neo and Sting, but at the beginning of 32 there was a group of Windams behind them. They were never shown being destroyed or doing anything. Wouldn't they have been helping out, at least against the Murasames.
shin's just a selfish prick
by the looks of it i reckon he would sacrifise more cities and innocent people just to save stellar
The scary thing is that there are people that like that about him. It came up in Cellphone^2's IRC channel while we were camping for the episode to come out (about 5:30-6 AM EDT).Originally posted by: k_truong
shin's just a selfish prick
by the looks of it i reckon he would sacrifise more cities and innocent people just to save stellar
Curium, don't be a douche and idle only in Cellphones^2 channel. If you're gonna be on IRC, come to #gotwoot on irc.gotwoot.net
great episode. except for that flashbacks - maybe anime directors don't belive that someone can actually remember something 32 episodes ago. but freedom sure is a SCARY THING.
OK, now that I think of it, maybe it was Kira who accidentally killed Shinn's family.Originally posted by: danholo
It wasn't Kira who killed Stellar? Did you even watch the episode? Maybe it wasn't his fault but he sure did kill Stellar in order to protect others, Shinn especially. While Shinn's ideals do coincide with Kira's, he really has a wierd and immature outlook on things. He'll grow up and shape the destiny of things. [img][/img]
p.s. Nice to see somebody from Finland that watches Gundam. [img][/img]
But please, since when did Shinn's ideals coincide with Kira's? Kira is a pacifict, Shinn is an aggressor. Shinn's style is very like a berserker with little thought of defence while Kira hasn't killed anyone since Gundam Seed Phase 50. Well, not directly anyway. Shinn's simply does not believe that peace is possible with the Earth Alliance which is why he joined ZAFT while Kira is constantly looking for a way to get both sides to look for peace. Kira, in spite of all he has seen, still has hope, while Shinn has none.
To be perfectly fair, Shinn may well be right. But to lose the will to change the way things are is not right. Abraham Lincoln made the South change what was truly an evil practice of slavery even though the South did not think it was. Just because the majority thinks its OK to do that, doesn't mean we all have to conform with it. That is why there have been rebellions that have overthrown tyrants throughout history. Every dynasty in China fell because of evil and corrupt emperors and officials. It was up to heroes to change the way things are.
I don't think its fair to say Stellar cannot be developed. Any character can be developed, and Stellar's development into something other than a war machine could have been fascinating. Not to mention take Shinn's mind of warmongering. That fellow hasn't had a family for a long time and could have used Stellar as a means of replacing the brotherly love he had for his sister at least.
Funny. Few episodes ago, I was also clamouring for Shinn's death and utter humiliation. But I realise his character is more to be pitied rather than spited. He actually is a good kid who does have a heart as he demonstrated several times when he saved the people of the pacific island and also in the desert. But he fails to see the big picture or view the EA soldiers as human beings, with women and children of their own. He talks about his sense of morality but fails to demonstrate it to his enemies as well.
I've got another prediction. Seing that Destroy is, well destroyed, maybe it'll be a duel to the death between Kira and Shinn that eventually destroys Freedom and Impulse. Afterwards, maybe it'll be healing time for Shinn. Heck, maybe he'll be brought on Archangel. But that would really make Destuny even more like a rehash of Gundam Seed so I guess it won't happen.
One thing we all like to see in the end: THE HUNT FOR LORD JIBRIL!!!!! By the Gods, I hope that that ass finally shows himself in the Girty Lue and finally Archangel and Minerva have a worthy target. And Kira can finally finds someone he can kill with no remorse. That guy is one of the most evil person I've ever seen. Anyone who can watch the slaughter of cities with glee deserves a slow roasting death underneath Freedom's lightsaber. To keep on killing others just because they think Coordinators are OK... that stinks of Fascism. Heck, even his colleagues were afraid of the huge degree of damage Destroy could dish out.
Hell, at least Azrael got his hands dirty by participating in the battles. That guy is still in his room stroking his damn cat.