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Thread: Bakuretsu Tenshi?

  1. #1

    Bakuretsu Tenshi?

    I am pretty sure that AonE did this series. Has it completed yet? Where can I find the torrent for the complete series? Are there still people seeding?

    Didn't even bother looking at the main site or the first thread on the page before requesting a download. User has been given a warning. Locked.

    GotWoot Moderator

  2. #2

    Bakuretsu Tenshi?

    You can get the full series of Bakuretsu Tenshi subbed by AonE on this very site (just go to the torrents section) or from BadGuy's tracker. These torrents both have seeds. Hope I could help.

    P.S: Please refer to this topic before you make a request.

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