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Thread: ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

  1. #1

    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    Friends of mine have told me that a local Filipino Channel, ABS-CBN, are now showing the old fan-subbed episodes of Naruto (done by ANBU-AOne). I've yet to see an actual episode on their channel, but I've no reason to doubt my friends, and I've also seen folks saying the same things on local Philippine forums. As far as I can remember, they've begun on the episodes where Naruto begins his one-on-one training with Jiraiya, right after the preliminary Chuunin elimination fights.

    Yeah, a supposedly "professional" TV station is leeching of ANBU and AOne's work on Naruto, broadcasting the Fansubs on Philippine airwaves, and quite possibly reaping huge profits. Anime's quite popular in the Philippines, and Naruto is no exception. It's just plain SAD that a supposedly respectable TV Station, one of the largest here in the country, is doing this. Before, they were showing Naruto DUBBED, meaning they were using Filipino voices, but now, fansubs from ANBU and AOne.

    I'm currently looking for a way to contact them, but so far, no luck. There only seems to be ONE e-mail address on their website, , and it looks like that doesn't actually lead all the way to the inside, more like just a way to comment on their website. Still, that's a start, and maybe we can start e-mailing them about the unethical move they've made. This is their website, by the way. WWW.ABS-CBN.COM

    I just hope this stops. The Philippines is in enough crap as it is. Please, help me find a way to tell them what we think and what they're doing is wrong.

  2. #2

    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    So wait... you're looking for a way to complain about them illegally using an illegal fansub?

  3. #3
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    How unprofessional.

    They should have used TW subs, dammit!

  4. #4

    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    does it still show the " this is a free fansub " part =D, if anyone knows it

  5. #5
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    i kinda feel like there should be more proof to back something like that up before you try to enlist hundreds-thousands of people to spam an email address
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  6. #6

    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    Hello there, I'm from the Philippines, and indeed I saw the broadcast.

    Let's clear things up:

    - The only broadcasted episode that featured the ANBU&AonE fansub was episode 55. The rest are from original video masters that come from ABS-CBN's official license of Naruto.

    - Yup, ABS-CBN licensed Naruto straight from Japan, so this is never an illegal broadcast.

    - Episode 55 broadcast is actually rather complicated. They used the fansub of ep. 55 for the video, the original masters for the background music, and their own voice-overs for their local Filipino dubbing. Apparently they did this probably because their original masters were probably garbled in terms of the video.

    - But there's no escape here. What they did is utter CRAP. ABS-CBN, yes, is a supposedly "professional" TV station. It's one of the biggest here.

    - Again, they have the right to use any Naruto video master, even the fansub, because they licensed Naruto. It's just that this ep. 55 broadcast made people see ANBU&AonE's credits in the OP, and the English subtitles as well.

    - They're not doing anything wrong, but they're doing CRAP.

  7. #7
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    did you sign up just to post that?
    anyways that incident doesn't have any direct effects on my life, nor does it affect gotwoot therefore i can't offer any suggestions other than you should go complain somewhere else.
    LOCK please

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  8. #8
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    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    Yeah...I guess they got them by the balls anyways, I mean...legially they could feasibly use all the ANBU-AonE subs all the way up to current if they wanted to and A&A couldn't do shit about it since, fansubbing is technically illegial... I agree, its pretty shitty though. However, I cannot say that this was never to be expected, its pretty much human nature to be devious, scheming assholes...

  9. #9

    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    HEHEHE, I think ANBU-AonE should be happy for the extra publicity ?, just my two bits

  10. #10

    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    Went away for a while since I had exams. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    Anyway, if that's what you guys feel about this, then I guess there's nothing else I can do about it. I just felt like everyone should know about this. If you guys feel indifferent about this, then that's your choice.

    It's kinda sad, though, that a big company like ABS-CBN is resorting to methods like this. It may be legal, sure, but it's just WRONG.

    Okay, if the mods wish it, then I guess they can lock it now.

  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    Can they sue?

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
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  12. #12

    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    Can who sue? Can Anbu sue the Filipino channel? No. That'd be like saying "I stole from person A, then person B stole the item from me, so I want to sue them!"

  13. #13
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    It could happen. I remember seeing once, a guy was sueing a friend because she broke his table trying to roll a joint. Told the jugde everything too. Met her through his dealer, was the one who invited her to smoke. What an Idiot.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  14. #14
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    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    Well, I dont' know about international court, but if a criminal can sue a home owner for beating the shit out of them for breaking into their home....and win.....well, anything is possible in American courts, its just a matter of money, and how late the judge is going to be for his golf game, or date with his hooker.

  15. #15

    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    Originally posted by: Rhanfahl
    Well, I dont' know about international court, but if a criminal can sue a home owner for beating the shit out of them for breaking into their home....and win.....well, anything is possible in American courts, its just a matter of money, and how late the judge is going to be for his golf game, or date with his hooker.
    ^^ Mis informed...
    Thats an American Urban legend, never happened but almost believable considering the American justice system.

    Now the real question is... Are they still using AA material for 55+?
    Also how is it wrong? Its not like the company is getting free subs since technically they should not care for the english subs at all. It appears they needed a High Quality Video for there ep and decided to go with the AA sub.

  16. #16

    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    Ep. 55 only, it's an isolated case. They did not use fansubs anymore for subsequent episodes.

  17. #17
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    if theres an answer why hasnt this thread been locked yet?

    and i really dont doesnt affect more than 90% of us on gotwoot.....

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  18. #18
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    ANBU-AOne Naruto Shown on Filipino Channel!

    i wouldnt mind seenig AonE subs on TV.

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