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Thread: Episode 136 Discussion!!!!

  1. #101
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Episode 136 Discussion!!!!

    Originally posted by: Rhanfahl
    There's my whole take on it, say what you, believe what you will, cause most of you are too thickheaded anyways. Thank you for those of you keeping it civil....and for those of you not, go sit on a railroad spike.
    wow, someone mustve went to debate college
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #102

    Episode 136 Discussion!!!!

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo

  3. #103

    Episode 136 Discussion!!!!

    Poor rhanfal, i wouldnt say that it was a debate ("most of u thickheaded", this is true indeed), and for the chidori thing start a new thread plz. Is sad to see jiraya become nothing more than a clown or joker(ridiculizate his character), this fillers only serve the purpose of turning the series worse (even if the public has a mental age of 10 years and like em)

    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  4. #104

    Episode 136 Discussion!!!!

    if you (noone in particular) are going to judge these fillers using the same standards you've set for eps based on the manga, of course you'll be severely disappointed.

  5. #105
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 136 Discussion!!!!

    No discussion on a message board has ever qualified as a debate in the entire history of the internet. Or even a discussion for that matter.

  6. #106

    Episode 136 Discussion!!!!

    Aside from this awful tangent you've taken. I thought this episode was ok. all you DBZ types must be crying because there wasn't a 30 minute battle streched over 20 episodes. And all you inyuasha fans must have their panties in a bunch because there was no romantic intrest. Al and all... this is how naruto seems to work.

    Comedy: 1st they lay some comedy on you, this helps introduce new characters, new ideas, and softens the mood after a really serious point.

    drama: this gets you attached to the character, so that when they kill him/her off, you might just feel a little twinge. like chouji. they spent some drama time on him before the made you think he was dead.

    Action: big fights... gotta love them... this is a serious point.

    its a three point cycle folks. it doesnt work that way. Naruto is a comedy just as much as it is n action

    this episode i think begins the comedy... so that we can have new characters. and it helps break the serious mood we;ve all been having over that dumbass poser Sasuke.

    BTW Naruto rules! (the character)

  7. #107

    Episode 136 Discussion!!!!

    I liked this filler episode. It made me laugh more than once and Naruto looked cool when he jumped high in the air and throw those kunai in the bushes. I found that with the filler eps if you expect a lot out of them they end up sucking so I jus watch them for giggles and funny dialogue. Man Jiraiya is so thoughtful and caring that he begged for a mission jus to keep team 7 from running away. Man and for those who think Sasuke really tried to kill Naruto with that last strike are all DUMBASSES.

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