Bleh, please excuse my infallible reading comprehension.
It's a unique set in terms of detail. I don't think there's another set I've seen that has a greater proportion of rises and depressions to flat plastic per piece.
WHICH MAKES PANEL-LINING THIS THING A STRAIGHT-UP BITCH. And that's on top of the ridiculous choice of making all decals dry-rub; why in the world would you do that when there's not enough flat surface area to secure them down with tape?
Also, not sure how to feel about hard-plastic caps for joints. Articulation's stiffer because of them, and I'm more afraid of over-posing this compared to other kits.
Still, despite all my gripes, this is going to turn out to be a set that's really worth assembling because of the nice detail. May opt to buy a sheet of waterslides, unless someone can suggest a good trick for applying dry-rubs perfectly in small areas.