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Thread: Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

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  1. #1
    ZGMF X10A

    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    sorry for double posting but PTX i think u are a good modeller since u know all this technical stuff and knowledge

    just dont criticize a lot of people!!!!

    and others wont criticize you

  2. #2

    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    Originally posted by: ZGMF X10A
    sorry for double posting but PTX i think u are a good modeller since u know all this technical stuff and knowledge

    just dont criticize a lot of people!!!!

    and others wont criticize you
    i never find why people will build them for fun or something...modeling is an make it perfect is the goal(even it's impossible)

    and...about your training part...i don't really see the point, cuz
    A, some ppl are just not planning to do the model normally ....they think it's just "fun" which i really can't accept myself...
    B, it is rather hard to teach without a person being around or having a DC
    C, i learned all the skills just from hobby japan...=.=b i don't see much point telling you what to do...just buy whole bunch of kits and do tests on them and you wiill find the way

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    No, Its for fun.

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  4. #4
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    i dont really know whats going on here but i model for:

    1. fun
    2. its cool to see your creation (you feel quite proud onces its done
    3. showing off

    thats pretty much it. And even though some of you might not think perfecting it is fun and think that PTX is getting too uptight about it, trust me, the more work you put into something (in this case modeling) the better you feel about it when its done. I have a MG freedom from gundam seed which i bought a year ago and i'm still tweaking it every now and then to make it look better, i hope you dont consider me obsessed with modeling just because i want it to look as good as possible, which is PTX's point here. ZGMF X10A, if you like gundam seed so much to make your name the factory code of freedom, then i think you'll understand that making a gundam look good, is essential for some, and others (beginners) might not want to put as much time into it.

    Jonathan-san, i recommend you go for HG 1/100 scale. (the 1/144 scales used to piss me off because they were so small and no offense but i dont think your ready for a 1/60.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  5. #5

    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
    i dont really know whats going on here but i model for:

    1. fun
    2. its cool to see your creation (you feel quite proud onces its done
    3. showing off

    thats pretty much it. And even though some of you might not think perfecting it is fun and think that PTX is getting too uptight about it, trust me, the more work you put into something (in this case modeling) the better you feel about it when its done. I have a MG freedom from gundam seed which i bought a year ago and i'm still tweaking it every now and then to make it look better, i hope you dont consider me obsessed with modeling just because i want it to look as good as possible, which is PTX's point here. ZGMF X10A, if you like gundam seed so much to make your name the factory code of freedom, then i think you'll understand that making a gundam look good, is essential for some, and others (beginners) might not want to put as much time into it.

    Jonathan-san, i recommend you go for HG 1/100 scale. (the 1/144 scales used to piss me off because they were so small and no offense but i dont think your ready for a 1/60.
    i am still working on my MG RX-78-2 Ver's already half a year...and i only finished with the arms and legs....i am still screwing around with the body parts.....kinda busy drilling holes recently...^^b
    already drilled over 12 holes inside the chest armor....=.=|||

    i think HG 1/144 is better for him, since HG is good for beginers and's the best scale and detail for customize or beginers....^^ about factory codes....anyone notice where's my name from^^

  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title Deblas's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    I don't want to show off but, It took me three days too finish my HG Heavy arms custom.

    --------------------------------"THE DROPOUT CREW"-------------------------------
    ___________________Captain Dropout For Life__________________

  7. #7

    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    Originally posted by: Deblas
    I don't want to show off but, It took me three days too finish my HG Heavy arms custom.
    time was never the real problem...
    if without customizing, sanding and painting...if just count knife work and building...1.5 hour is more than enough.....if with customizing and all the crap...3 days is definitely not takes a week at least...

  8. #8
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    Originally posted by: PTX-003C
    i am still working on my MG RX-78-2 Ver's already half a year...and i only finished with the arms and legs....i am still screwing around with the body parts.....kinda busy drilling holes recently...^^b
    already drilled over 12 holes inside the chest armor....=.=|||

    i think HG 1/144 is better for him, since HG is good for beginers and's the best scale and detail for customize or beginers....^^ about factory codes....anyone notice where's my name from^^
    1. no i dont know where your names from
    2. i thought 1/100 would be better only because when i was a beginner, i was more proud of my bigger projects than the little ones. Also, he looks like a guy that would like some ego inflation.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

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