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Thread: Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

  1. #801

    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    the akatsuki comes out somewhere during january, and about the murasame, i didn't buy it but i have a pic of it unpainted if that helps

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  2. #802
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    Thanx that does help alot looks like most of it doesnt require painting but that yellow frame on the shield does man... had to mix that color b4 and it was a pain. Anyway know about Akatsuki's release date?

  3. #803

    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    Originally posted by: Meehlimo
    Anyway know about Akatsuki's release date?
    like i already said, somewhere in january. this is the only known information so far of it's release according to this official pic

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  4. #804
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    My bad dont know how i missread that but thanx again by the way i have a rediculous amount of gundam models well over a hundred if anyone has any requests for pics my sister just got a digi all try and post some.

  5. #805

    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    Originally posted by: Meehlimo
    My bad dont know how i missread that but thanx again by the way i have a rediculous amount of gundam models well over a hundred if anyone has any requests for pics my sister just got a digi all try and post some.
    ooo i wanna see [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  6. #806
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    lol can you be a bit more spasific? if its a gundam type i most likely have it thats for sure and most seed and seed destiny 1/144's if you saw my closet top shelf you would probly cry.

  7. #807

    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    lol can you show me all of your seed destiny models?

    on another note, KAWAIIII!!!

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  8. #808
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    lol i guess it will take a while i have 37 of them. If any are more important than others let me know lol so i can have some sooner for you.

  9. #809
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    Check Meer out! [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  10. #810

    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    wow shes even hotter than the one I have [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    xcept I like the pose of mine better [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

  11. #811
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    ok i have a problem i dont know how to upload pics on this site if i have alot of pics to show ppl. if someone could help me that would be great.

    wait never mind

  12. #812
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    Yea its another freedom but god do i love him

    I have alot more of UC And AC also if u want close ups on any of the seed's or other century models just ask.

    P.s sorry about the size im still learning
    Last edited by Meehlimo; Sat, 09-16-2006 at 11:15 PM.

  13. #813

    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    holy god man, those are hella sweet! you must have every single gundam seed and seed destiny high grade models, i especially like how you painted infinite justice's beam sword stuff. i got a question though, did you paint any parts of your strike freedom and legend gundams? if you did then can you show me the picture of both of them unpainted that's on the box of the gundams? thanks for sharing your gundams to us and props to your awesome collection

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  14. #814
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    yea i did paint Strike freedom did alot of work on it and the gold paint i used looks like crap in these pics it looks copperish when its like brass on my models anyway i can basily tell u what i painted the v wing the 2 beam rifles were compltely light grey the end of the rail guns the red part the back end of it the black parts the forarm monted energy sheild tip the black part everything u see gold i painted and the lil red thrusters on the back of the wings that are red i also painted in all the gundam itself doesnt need to much painting its its weapons that really do the lil black bands on the saber the rifles and the rail guns all need painting.

    ah forgot legend about him yea the entire beam launcher is that flat grey that the suit itself it the dragoons all need painting ton the for the lil beam barrels for it to look half decent up the lil white vents on the legs the lil red thrusters on teh front skirt armor and inside al the boosters on the model i painted red as to the anime its sabers blades come in color thankfully also the head has that lil blue part tha u have to paint a bit on the side of the head
    that and the like coller u se there thats grey that also had to be painted on strike freedom.

    but if u want any advice always do ur panel lines on the HG 1/144's well all sizes it makes them come out so much better.

    and by the way thats ONLY my seed collection most of my destiny ones are littered around the room but those pics do no justice to my massive UC and partly big AC collection

  15. #815

    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    you dun got Abyess?

  16. #816

    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    Originally posted by: aznroyale
    you dun got Abyess?
    he has abyss, it's in the army of HG's next to hyperion gundam and rey's zaku

    Ovan, The Rebirth

  17. #817
    Chuunin Meehlimo's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    yea y u want a pic

  18. #818

    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    Originally posted by: AtHRunOwNZaLL
    Originally posted by: aznroyale
    you dun got Abyess?
    he has abyss, it's in the army of HG's next to hyperion gundam and rey's zaku
    i see it now cause it wasnt in the left side with the other drugy gundams

  19. #819
    Pirate King ChaosK's Avatar
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    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    well just got my SF lighting edition, and also recently finished a force impulse.

    LaZie made this...a long time ago.

    "It was a very depressing time in my life, since I had no money I was unable to screw the rules" -Kaiba

  20. #820

    Gundam Seed Model Kits from Bandai

    @ chaoskiddo: be sure to post a pic of your strike freedom after your done, i wanna see it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]

    on another note;

    cagalli looks so hot

    Ovan, The Rebirth

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