Hobbylink is a pretty reliable place to shop from as I've ordered some stuff from them before.
GSD SD figures:
Hobbylink is a pretty reliable place to shop from as I've ordered some stuff from them before.
GSD SD figures:
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
are we supposed 2 post pixs of our gundam collection?
Try reading the first post in the topic?Originally posted by: aznimperialx
are we supposed 2 post pixs of our gundam collection?
I dont do paint cuz he gets very messy and i dun wanna risk messing up my gundam i do the panel line thing
Nice collection you have there, AznIMperialX
Can Any of u "pros" help me out with a thing.
How do u put a stand on a gundam? like Psyke and his impluse. I know that stand is from the blitz but i dunno how u stick it on lol
Hm, I'm thinking of picking one of these:
If I do get one, I'm going to paint it.
I used to specialize in painting MSiAs and models. If you guys are interested, just tell me to post some pics up. But someone is going to have to teach me how to post pictures on here.
Why bother getting an MSiA figure? If I want a prepainted, preassembled model, that looks fantastic, I'd stick with the Gundam Fix Figuration. Those are great. Bought an Ex-S Gundam, when I was in Japan and I have to say it looks freakin' awesome.
For my Freedom and Strike I used a screw driver to "drill" a hole thru. It's not that hard as the plastic is quite soft. The screw driver that i use has the same diameter as the metal rods which I bought in packs of 3 in model shops. I simply then put the metal rod thru and use super glue to secure it.Originally posted by: aznimperialx
Can Any of u "pros" help me out with a thing.
How do u put a stand on a gundam? like Psyke and his impluse. I know that stand is from the blitz but i dunno how u stick it on lol
As for the Force Impulse, good eye sight for noticing that the stand is from Blitz! I didn't use the stand for Blitz thus decided to use it for the stand for Impulse. I simply used blue tack to fix on the base of the Gundam to the stand. It's quite stong and won't fall unless you swing it around violently.
There are also stands for sale in shops, you just have to look around. Where are you from aznimperialx?
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
There are also stands for sale in shops, you just have to look around. Where are you from aznimperialx?[/quote]
From New York. Hardly any stores sell gundam. Or they just bootleg. I have to go to chinatown to get gundams but they dun have any stands.
I enjoy painting figures. The GFF figures are very detailed indeed, but I get no pride in them because they're pre-made so well. I own 2 GFF figures, the GP04 Gerbera/Gerbera Tetra (0083), and the suped up Blue ver. of the Zeta-plus Gundam (from Sentinel).Originally posted by: Kenzaburo
Why bother getting an MSiA figure? If I want a prepainted, preassembled model, that looks fantastic, I'd stick with the Gundam Fix Figuration. Those are great. Bought an Ex-S Gundam, when I was in Japan and I have to say it looks freakin' awesome.
Was thinking about getting the Gerbera myself, as it still has the classic Gundam feel with some more refined touches. But I still wait for a release of Seed Figures. Especially if they get Katoki Hajime to do some redesigns. Gotta get some company for my Ex-S, ya know...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
I actually prefer MIAs, theyre smaller, cheaper, come with plenty of accessories, theyre durable, poseable and you can switch weapons and parts between them. with those GFFs if they fall off the shelf, the paint will chip, or the brittle plastic will break, not to mention you can at least buy 4 MIAs for the price of a typical GFF
But well, the Gundam Fix Figurations consists of variations designed by Hajime Katoki, and they are also much much more detailed and more accurately made than any MSIA figures. That's why they are so ridiculously expensive....
"Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。
Uhm, Astronopolis, what brittle plastic are you talking about? Judging from the material, it is not very likely to break and the paint is not easily being chipped off. Additionally every GFF comes with tons of stuff, most of it to change the first Gundam into a second one. And about the poses...well, alright, the Ex-S is not that poseable, that is true, but it is due to the fact that it is such a bigass MS. With others like the Gerberea or the classic RX-78 or the Alex it is different. Even my Ex-S would be a lot more ...mobile, if I'd take off all the extra equipment and turn it back into a Superior Gundam. And finally, as Psyke said, they are extremely detailed and well made. I gotta say, the price fits the product.
Oh, btw, I'm pretty sure that any other normal model, like a HG or MG kit would break more easily then a GFF. But who would let their Gundams fall from shelves? We all know that they can't really fly('though PG's look like they should), don't we? At least I hope we do...[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
Not technically model kits, but I figured Terra might like them anyways. Someone else can probably tell you how big they are compared to the 1/144 that you have.
What does MSIA mean, that it's an already finished action figure or?
Im guessing: Mobile Suit In Action (MSIA) And I'm thinking it's an Action Figure, as well as hearing it's collectible?
Right, the MSiA's are action figures.
Sharp action figure of the Duel Gundam comes with a Beam Rifle, Shield, Grenade Launcher, Beam swords, and spare hands.Originally posted by: Terracosmo
What does MSIA mean, that it's an already finished action figure or?
Just read the description as it states they are action figures