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Thread: Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

  1. #21

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    First the most important possible comment, I WANT EPISODE THIRTY TWO NOW!!!!

    Okay then, I honostly did not believe that Shinn could possibly get any worse. Obviously I was wrong. Really, Shinn's accomplishments haven't been all THAT great (only notable exception being the Lohingrin Gate). It is just wrong the way Shinn got out of that. I've always hated Shinn, but this is the first time I've seriously felt the urge to kill him myself. I had to fight back the urge to punch my monitor.

    With Destroy, the key is combination. It is better then either Big Zam or Psycho on their own. Easily better then Big Zam with it's over heating problems. I'm sure with time that Zeon could have solved the problem, but it wasn't.

    To try and take out Destroy, no one has tried attacking from behind yet (I know it is cowardly, but sometimes it is the only practical solution) though I would hope with all the work they put into Destroy they would think to add a shield to cover the back. I believe the best possibility is from underneath.

    When Destroy fired it's primary cannons, Sting's reaction said a lot. You know when a drugged up and mind controlled to do as he is told thinks something is overkill, it really is.

  2. #22
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    did anyone pay attention to earlier phases?
    sting's memory about stellar was washed away...
    I figured Neo gave him his memories of her back since he said he was better suited to pilot Destroy.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  3. #23

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    Originally posted by: Aeon
    did anyone pay attention to earlier phases?
    sting's memory about stellar was washed away...
    I figured Neo gave him his memories of her back since he said he was better suited to pilot Destroy.
    It is more likely that he simply introduced Stellar as a new "recruit" or something like that.

  4. #24

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    okay everybody first off shinn is a real prick whose about to have reality smack him real hard in the face when he finds out who the pilot of destroy is second kira is most likely to lose his fight with destroy with some heavy damage thats what i think. and as for learning japanese who care's if you can download the sub version

  5. #25

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    Originally posted by: PTX-003C
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    "actually....i do think it's pretty obvieus that you guys can learn real basic japanese under so much anime...i can't think why someone won't learn the most basic spoken language of a culture after watching so many shows....not like i am asking you to write or read...but listening and speaking should be no problem at all..."

    You are officially an idiot.


    @twh: I didn't mean among you guys, I meant in the show. Nobody comments on his death... sure, Sting probably got his memory wiped but still :/
    well...that's how i learned my japanese....and obvieusly it's working...
    now how bout' you try learning english

  6. #26

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    Originally posted by: PTX-003C
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    "actually....i do think it's pretty obvieus that you guys can learn real basic japanese under so much anime...i can't think why someone won't learn the most basic spoken language of a culture after watching so many shows....not like i am asking you to write or read...but listening and speaking should be no problem at all..."

    You are officially an idiot.


    @twh: I didn't mean among you guys, I meant in the show. Nobody comments on his death... sure, Sting probably got his memory wiped but still :/
    well...that's how i learned my japanese....and obvieusly it's working...
    If you're so good, then sub the anime then.

  7. #27
    Missing Nin
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    Jul 2003

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Exactly how does this episode contribute any more "evidence" regarding Neo being Mwu?
    We saw him without the mask, so what, we've seen that in opening 3 for 5 or so episodes now haven't we?
    If anything, it shows how much Neo isn't Mwu.
    Yeah, like Mwu would take advantage of a druggie female's feelings to make her jump into a oversized gundam which is meant to destroy half of the world...
    And yes, Neo is more or less manipulating Stellar (sure, he seems to care about her, but just look at the way they talk to each other)
    Well lets look at a few things here Terra. First off Neo has the same face as Mwu and this is the first time we have been 100% able to identify him as the scared guy in the opening. Next we can now show that the facial scars match the scars Mwu would have had if he survived somehow and had helmet glass cut into his face.

    Now as to any personality conflicts between Neo and Mwu. Basically note we already have a device capable of altering memories I see absolutely no reason that the same machine could not have removed certain events from Mwu's mind and altered others which would make him into the man he is now. Neo has already refered to not having a past as well as the meaning of the word Neo in the first place. I see no reason at this time to argue that Neo is not Mwu and I see absolutely no evidence he could be anyone else. Also please note Mwu was orignally a EA soldier so why wouldn't they be able to simply turn him back into a loyal soldier with the memory rewrite.

    That entire matter aside. Destroy is absurd and we definatly see how Freedom will be getting damaged enough to need a replacement reguardless of the outcome. Also I would like to point at my feelings about Shinn's character and then direct you at this episode. Shinn has in no way grown releasing Stellar didn't make him a changed man all it did was make him more selfrightous then ever.

  8. #28
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    PTX-003C, shut the fuck up.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  9. #29

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    Originally posted by: jing
    Originally posted by: PTX-003C
    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    "actually....i do think it's pretty obvieus that you guys can learn real basic japanese under so much anime...i can't think why someone won't learn the most basic spoken language of a culture after watching so many shows....not like i am asking you to write or read...but listening and speaking should be no problem at all..."

    You are officially an idiot.


    @twh: I didn't mean among you guys, I meant in the show. Nobody comments on his death... sure, Sting probably got his memory wiped but still :/
    well...that's how i learned my japanese....and obvieusly it's working...
    If you're so good, then sub the anime then.
    don't really like the idea of subbing for other ppl...especially when i am not getting paid....

  10. #30

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    Sigh, a lot of you are not being very mature about this talking of the various issuesis GSD. In the end, instead of rationally posting your opinions and respecting each other's point of view, you are trying to reduce the other party as less intelligent than yourself.

    I'm no moderator but please, lets be grow up about our discussions. No point flaming the other just because the other is a Sinn Asuka fan, or thinks Neo is Mwu La Fraga, or thinks Cagalli is a wimp (that's me) or that Kira is a wimp. (That's my anti) Post your opinions but face it, despite all your arguments, its all going to be clear in the series sooner or later. So why bash your heads into the wall for something that hasn;t been shown yet?

    Anyway, back to the series. I get the feeling that very soon, I'm going to feel sorry for Shinn. There's no doubt he's going to face Stellar soon. (having the only functional suit left on Minerva) And no doubt, he's going to feel all invincible because the CHAIRMAN just pardoned him from what should have been capital punishment. So he's feeling high and mighty, even sticking his nose up at Asuran. Then he goes fight Destroy.

    Sigh, I can only anticipate the anguish in him when he somehow discovers Stellar is piloting the damn thing. Whether or not he manages to actually destroy Destroy (sounds weird, I know) and Stellar along with it, that's a big question mark. If Stellar does die, the poor guy will probably go insane. One moment you are the king of the world, next moment u discover u are indirectly responsible for setting the monster loose in the first place.

    As the old saying foes, Twice the Pride, Double the fall.

    One thing I pray doesn't happen. When Archangel tries to stop Destroy, the ORB Murasame pilots don't go out to support Freedom. Christ, they would be slaughtered.

  11. #31
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    Originally posted by: naruto22
    One thing I pray doesn't happen. When Archangel tries to stop Destroy, the ORB Murasame pilots don't go out to support Freedom. Christ, they would be slaughtered.
    They have a reason to be there: to die in the midst of battle and to induce more close up teary shots of the Archangel pilots fighting in anguish and to show the painful side of the war. In other words they're gonna die and Cagali's gonna cry......
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  12. #32

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    >_<...stop Bashing Shinn >_<

  13. #33

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    It's hard not to bash him, I seriously believe it is the director's intention for us to hate him. I think what summed it up for me was Shinn telling Asuran that there is someone that understands him in headquarters. You're a damn pawn. Also when he was released he looks at Talia like "what the hell were you thinking putting me in there." Anyways 32 looks interesting, in the preview it looks like Kira is going seed mode, hes got the dead-eyes look.

  14. #34

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    Originally posted by: cybercoin
    >_<...stop Bashing Shinn >_<
    I give my solemn word that I will stop hating and bashing Shinn AS SOON AS Shinn stops deserving it.

  15. #35

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    Ok, ok.....Shinn is showing more signs of being an asshole, specially with the 'someone higher up respects me' remark....but that's Gilbert pawning him like he is everyone else. Thus, Shinn will be a victim soon enough.

    Neo = Mwu? More probable....but who's to say it's Mwu who's in the latest opener?

    @naruto22's quote: Someone watched Episode III. That was Dooku's best line (of so few).

    @PTX: ummm, y'think fansubbers charge us??? so suck, y'know that? just...just leave

  16. #36

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    The problem is that shinn thinks to highly of himself and now thinks he even has friends in high places i think this character is becoming more twisted with each episode i wonder whats going to happen to him next maybe it might do him some good if stellar shoots him down and steps all over him

  17. #37

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    Originally posted by: Dannynonsense
    The problem is that shinn thinks to highly of himself and now thinks he even has friends in high places i think this character is becoming more twisted with each episode i wonder whats going to happen to him next maybe it might do him some good if stellar shoots him down and steps all over him
    I realy hope thats going to happen

  18. #38

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    Wow, I thought Neo would make at least SOME effort to keep his word, like maybe putting Stellar in a hospital or something and then bringing her back later on when he's desperate and has no other choice. But instead he immediately puts her back into the fight. Looks like he's just a lying bastard after all.

    And I think Shin is being set up for a big fall. He's much too sure of himself right now. It could be that Stellar defeats him, but equally likely that he kills her and finds out how wrong he's been.

    And I still think Destroy looks like a giant kitchen appliance.

    Edit: Dilandil: You killed her, Shin. Shin: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!1!!!11

  19. #39

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    Someone that has seen the whole series (I'm waiting for White_Base to finish their releases and just watch it all at once), did Kamille get this bad Zeta? We all know that the "SEED series" is a 21st century look at the original story. I remember someone saying that Kamille got better (as a character) later on in Zeta. I was wondering if it was earlier then this in the series or after?

  20. #40

    Episode 31 Discussion "spoilers"

    "You can never know everything, and part of what you know is always wrong. Perhaps even the most important part. A portion of wisdom lies in knowing that. A portion of courage lies in going on anyways."

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