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Thread: Favorite Arcade Game

  1. #1

    Favorite Arcade Game

    Well, most of us know that arcade games have gone down the tubes in the past few years and that the "Arcade Era" is pretty much over. So I was wondering, what was your favorite arcade game when arcades used to be great? It can range from super old games like the original Donkey Kong game for the arcade to recent games that have been exclusive for arcades.

    My favorite game would have to be PunchMania 2: Hokuto no Ken. This was sort of a "punching game" (if that can be considered a genre) based off the anime Fist of the North Star (Houkto no Ken). The game basically consisted of different levels in which you would have to face off different martial arts masters from the anime with your own style: Houkto Shin ken. The cool part of it that you physically got to hit targets (here is the machine on which you played). You would have these plastic gloves and the rubber targets would fold out towards you and light up, directing you to hit it. They would come up in random orders according to which boss you were fighting. The best part of the game is when you are about to finish the guy off, and Kenshiro would go: "You know what this stance means..." and then you start a massive hit combo ( he would go "hyatatatatatatatatata" funny) and the targets would come flying out at you constently for like 20 seconds (I think my highest combo was like 90 hits). After you finished the guy off, he would always end with the statement "Houkto Shin ken has no equal." Man...I loved that game. I would work up a sweat playing it too and my hands would be numb after playing it. If anyone has played this game, please give your comments on it too.

    Have fun posting.

  2. #2
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Favorite Arcade Game

    wow, that sounds really cool!
    i've started watching hokuto no ken lately so I know what you're talking about... the 'watttatatataatatatatatatat!' screaming of kenshiro is only seconed to his 'omoi wa mo shindeiru' (you are already dead) speach...

    as for my favorite arcade game? Golden Axe 4 was the greatest, i really wish i'd have it on the computer... also, i was at london in december and i saw a drumming aracde there, it seemed really fun, but i never had the chance to play it, the name was precison master, or something like that.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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  3. #3
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Favorite Arcade Game

    Old school arcade?

    Definately Super Street Fighter II Turbo and the VS series (X-men Vs SF, Marvel Vs SF, etc).
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  4. #4

    Favorite Arcade Game

    As a kid I loved Outrun the most. SF2 Championship Edition was a good one before Turbo came out on the SNES, at the time the console alternative was World Warrior so it was a huge novelty to be able to be the bosses at the arcades...

  5. #5

    Favorite Arcade Game

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, hands down.

  6. #6

    Favorite Arcade Game

    i liked games like contra and metal slug.

  7. #7

    Favorite Arcade Game

    I was big into the Alien vs Predator, as well as the Punisher arcade game. Rampage probably got the most of my token love from when I went to the arcades, though.

  8. #8

    Favorite Arcade Game

    King of Fighters '98

  9. #9
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    Favorite Arcade Game

    house of the dead with the shotgun controller , like...........omg!

  10. #10
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Favorite Arcade Game

    I liked playing Marvel Superheroes vs Street Fighter. It was so funny how there were so many idiots who tried to play against me. They tried to switch partners (they made it so obvious), I block the incoming kick, then just blast them with a supermove. The funniest part was that they kept doing that over and over.
    Still, my prefered arcade game is DDR. I always have so much fun playing that, even nowadays.

  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title Uchiha Barles's Avatar
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    Favorite Arcade Game

    Hell yeah! DDR is definately my favorite arcade game of all times. My second favorite is raiden 2. That's my favorite top view shooter of all times. After that comes Pacman. I play that game all the time even now.
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  12. #12

    Favorite Arcade Game

    I had totally forgotten about the Raiden games...they were classics.

  13. #13
    Banned SK's Avatar
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    Favorite Arcade Game

    marvel vs. capcom, tekken, soul calibur, and for real old school, galaga.

  14. #14

    Favorite Arcade Game

    is everyone forgetting that old nba jam game? that was cool as, and their heads were far too massive for their bodies [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

  15. #15

    Favorite Arcade Game

    Lots of topics to reply to. Was away for a week. Anyway.

    Ahem, favorite arcade game?

    NBA Jam was a great game, but I mostly played that on Sega Genesis. (In response to above post)

    My favorites, though, were ..

    .. that X-Men game. The one where four or six players could simultaneously play. I always chose Colossus due to his Super Power being an AoE (Area of Effect) move. He'd roar and flex, and it was like a massive field of his organic metal (osium) flaring out all around him. For those who haven't played the game .. Imagine Neji's Kaiten, without having to spin.

    Also, The Simpsons. I don't know how no one mentioned this earlier. The Simpsons were even bigger shit back then, and being able to play as that deranged family was greatness. Marge with her vacuum, and Bart with his skateboard. I cannot recall what Lisa had .. never played with her. They were able to do family tagteam moves. It was a fun game back at the arcades I used to frequent in the states, when I was younger.

    My top tier arcades are easily Marvel v. Capcom (1 & 2), and Pacman, though. Hell, I bought the fucking arcade machine of Marvel v. Capcom (pics coming soon!). Love those two games.

    Great thread. Brings back memories. Gotta' love nostalgia.

    // Strider. Out.

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    GotWoot Moderator

  16. #16

    Favorite Arcade Game

    Lisa had a jump rope, but I can't remember what Homer had. I thought of this game when I made my post, but TMNT won out on my favorite list.

  17. #17

    Favorite Arcade Game

    there is only 1 superior game

    Street Fighter 3: Third Strike

  18. #18
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Favorite Arcade Game

    SF3: Third Strike? I never saw that in the arcades. I only managed to play it for the PS2.

  19. #19

    Favorite Arcade Game

    Sensei Jon, Homer used his fist in the Simpsons game. I remember that he used his fist, Lisa used her jumprope, Marge used her vacuum (definitly the best weapon) and Bart used his skateboard. The games that you mentioned were also really good games but I was kind of going for your overall pick from arcade games. It doesn't matter though, you guys can mention as many as you want.

  20. #20

    Favorite Arcade Game

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the one where they travel through time, can't remember exact name though). So many wasted quarters.

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