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Thread: Episode 135 Discussion!!

  1. #61

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    I was thinking, is Chouji going to stay skinny like that or will he become fat again?

  2. #62

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    kakashi isnt scared as hell of oro....

    kakashi freaked when oro used his killing intent thing with his eyes on him....the same way oro used it on sasuke, sakura, kimimaro, the guy that won in that slaughter prison....

    when did oro give him the killing intent stare? cuz if i remember correctly (i usually dont) before the chuunin fights, Kakashi is trying to control Sasuke's curse seal w/ another seal. Oro comes out, Kakashi fires up the chidori, oro says some stuff and leaves, and Kakashi thinks "what the hell was i thinking?" i remember coming away from that ep thinking Kakashi was scared shitless of Oro.

  3. #63

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: pakman
    I was thinking, is Chouji going to stay skinny like that or will he become fat again?
    I was kind of wondering the same thing.

  4. #64

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    I was thinking, is Chouji going to stay skinny like that or will he become fat again?
    hmm, i bet Chouji's gonna keep himself in shape now and then attract all the womens.

  5. #65
    Student Snow*Man's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    "killing intent" is not some kind of technique/jutsu that one would use on someone, it's more of a state of mind. kakashi is freaked because he knows oro is strong and wont be satisfied until he kills his opponent. Oro will take his time to kill his opponent instead of tricking/immobilizing/incapcitating them to reach his target and he will enjoy it. thats his "killing intent"

    oh and chouji should have died it would have been an awesome death/sacrifice

  6. #66

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: Krbadass
    Originally posted by: pakman
    I was thinking, is Chouji going to stay skinny like that or will he become fat again?
    I was kind of wondering the same thing.
    He's just on a yoyo diet. He'll be back to normal in a couple weeks.

  7. #67

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: Snow*Man
    "killing intent" is not some kind of technique/jutsu that one would use on someone, it's more of a state of mind. kakashi is freaked because he knows oro is strong and wont be satisfied until he kills his opponent. Oro will take his time to kill his opponent instead of tricking/immobilizing/incapcitating them to reach his target and he will enjoy it. thats his "killing intent"

    oh and chouji should have died it would have been an awesome death/sacrifice
    I disagree with the first part. Remember during the chuunin exams, in the forest, Sasuke, who's never faced/seen Oro, get paralyzed by that same fear. I do think it's a genjutsu, because the only way Sasuke was able to get out of it was the "hurt yourself to distract you and break the spell" trick, same as shikamaru in his fight. (broken finger, anyone?)

    For plot development, yes, at least SOMEONE should have died in all of that.

  8. #68
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    I don't understand the disputes about who's strongver than someone else. There's no way of noticing chakra levels like it was fucking DBZ ... just because Orochi's opinion is that he is weaker than Itachi doesn't mean it's actually true, depending on a lot of factors, including how well they know each other. And just because someone could be proved stronger doesn't even mean he will win the battle. I think when the characters speak of strength, it should be taken with a grain of salt, considering all the other factors involved.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  9. #69
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    it always happens whenever oro does that glare with his eyes......actually he mightve done i to tsunade too, now that i think of it.....
    you know......kinda like the way a snake can glare at its eh?

    and yes, he did do the stare thing to kakashi when kakashi was charging up the raikiri. Kakashi even saw an image of his head being decapitated as part of oro's trick.

    also, chouji is probably going to become fat again.....
    all his clan's styles revolve around his extra body weight
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  10. #70

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    maybe SPOILER:.

    was it realy kakashi who's head was chopped off. i alway's thought it was his brother that died. And kakashi got a litle flashback seeing his brother getting unheaded by oro. i don't know for sure tho. i have read it somewhere else on a forum.

  11. #71

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    "Well first off, Orochimaru can train the crap out of Sasuke. He's a sannin. I'm sure he has a lot to offer. And Sasuke will pick things up easily with that Sharingan of his. Not to mention Orochimaru has already given him the lvl 2 seal which enabled him to stand a chance in hell against Naruto. I think to Sasuke, as long as it's him (or at least his body in this case) who kills Itachi, he'll be satisfied. He did say he'll obtain power by any means necessary..."

    -> well first of all he already got lvl2.. and don't think oro is the one to teach jutsus and stuff..

    "during Naruto's fight with Sasuke, why didn't he summon Gamma Bunta when fighting? He just needed to bring him back, and there's no way even a lvl 2 Sasuke could take on Gamma Bunta (and a Kyuubi Naruto on top of that Woulda been easy as pie bringing Sasuke's lame-ass back."

    -> heh naruto wasn't suposed to take sasuke back.. prob why they had sasuke be equal to naruto..

    "Miaka mentioned in the other comment that the Naruto team is similar to the Sannin team...and it's to the point where it's a little irritating, really. If you think about it like that, Naruto is being trained by Jiraya, Sasuke is now with Orochimaru, and Sakura is still 100% worthless Though, I'm willing to put down money on the fact that she'll probably be trained to be a medic...seeing how her offense hasn't been very good up until now. I'm thinking she'll be trained by Tsunade actually. Main reason being that the other two are with Sannins now and they've been showing so many similarities between the two groups. It just makes sense to me...
    Who's Sakura going to train with while Sasuke and Naruto are gone? Kakashi personally training Sakura? I just can't see it."

    -> that's why i m annoyed i don't understand why great ninja/hokage needs to train a lazy "i don't train" sakura ... V_V... and her motivation is SASUKE.. probably.. that's just stupid..

    "Did they mention that they were going to kill Orochimaru? "

    -> yes they did say they want to kill him

    EDIT: oh.. assertn.. "kinda like the way a snake can glare at its prey.".-> good observation.. that makes perfect sense.. i mean he has the tongues like a snake too.. so prob something like that

  12. #72

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    I think that 'glare' thing is a trick made up by Ourochimaru, kinda like the Rasengan (just a flex of chakra, if you get my drift), Zabuza and Kakashi do it accidently once, Sasuke is parazlied by the 'killing intent' of their Chakra when everyone got enveloped by the mist the first time.

    Just like Kabuto could sense the 'killing intent' inside the Chakra Tsunade was supposedly going to use to heal Ourochimaru; though he didn't get paralized.

    Which seems to support the theory that if Ourochimaru can elicit THAT kind of effect in even a great Jounin like Kakashi, he's got a pretty mean/sick mind, and a WHOLE lot of agnst boiling up in that little head of his. (hmm, sorta like another pale-faced, dark-haired brat we all know...)

    Seems more like a mental jab, rather than the 'hypnotic' stare a snake tends to employ (not all snakes, but the ones that do...) though I can see the similarities.

  13. #73

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Originally posted by: Natural Cause
    Oh well either way the outcome of the entire arc of naruto has completely ruined naruto on a whole and i feel its just gonna get boring. Theres no excitement like there was in the first arc. Just nice scenes now n then.
    if only you knew........[img][/img]

    im surprised none of the anime viewers have thought about it yet......they've given alot of clues about what they plan to do in the next main saga (not counting the filler crap, that is)
    ok heres my prediction.....the anime will "fastforward" 3 years and have adolecent versions of the genins, with new tricks and whatnot. hopefully it'll be a dark(er) storyline with less mass kagebunshin and more actually jutsus.

    it may not be exactly the same, but i feel some sort of fastforward comming, maybe with occasional scences of the time in between or something.

    since i didn't bother reading the 4 pages before this one, i dont know if im th first one to think of this. but i dont really care and im officially trademarking this idea as mine....unless its wrong. in that case, some noob thought of it.

  14. #74
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    2) Where we see Neji's 'surgery' all we saw of Chouji's miraculous recovery was about 3 seconds of him bandaged an lying on a bed, and Tsunade saying "MY GOD! IT'S TOUCH AND GO!"
    They explained it completely in the episode. Bascially, the red pill eats away at your body to generate enormous chakra. Its kinda like the Cursed Seal like that. The only problem is, you can't turn it off. Its like a chemical in your body and it just keeps going.

    In order to save Choiji, the only thing that was needed was for Tsunade to find an antidote for the red pill thats eating away his body. Thats what she figured out with the whole antler thing, and thats what the tubes going into his body were for. In fact Chouji's dad mentioned that if she hadn't been there he would have died because she's probably the only one with enough medical knowledge to come up with an antidote so fast.

    Unlike Neji, he didn't need complicated surgery to repair his wounds, just the antidote and probably alot of recovery time.

  15. #75

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    They explained it completely in the episode. Bascially, the red pill eats away at your body to generate enormous chakra. Its kinda like the Cursed Seal like that. The only problem is, you can't turn it off. Its like a chemical in your body and it just keeps going.
    I think this kind of explains that he will be back to his normal size when we next see him as well. From what the other person says it is pretty obvious anyway since that's what all his jutsu's revolve around, but to examine it more logically it would probably be that since the pills are no longer eating at his body (which was what made him thin in the first place) the anidote will likely have to repair some of what it did eat up, thus restoring his I could be wrong, but that would seem to make sense.

  16. #76
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!! you and your crazy spoilers that don't exist....
    there has never been a reference to kakashi having a brother, and the scene with him and oro was an image of kakashi's death, the same way sasuke and sakura had images of kunais piercing their skulls back when oro first appeared. Even if it was supposed to be another relative of kakashi that he saw an image you really think that other members of his family happen to have the same hairstyle and headband over one eye?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  17. #77

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure you and your crazy spoilers that don't exist....
    there has never been a reference to kakashi having a brother, and the scene with him and oro was an image of kakashi's death, the same way sasuke and sakura had images of kunais piercing their skulls back when oro first appeared. Even if it was supposed to be another relative of kakashi that he saw an image you really think that other members of his family happen to have the same hairstyle and headband over one eye?
    i don't know why i said it was a spoiler but i thought maybe some of the bitches around here will start saying dumb things that i spoil. i realy thought kakashi has a brother that died and he had the other sharingan. Maybe i'm dreaming tho. i only said something that was on another forum. thats all. i don't read the manga so i don't know if it was a spoiler.

  18. #78

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: DarthEnder
    They explained it completely in the episode. Bascially, the red pill eats away at your body to generate enormous chakra. Its kinda like the Cursed Seal like that. The only problem is, you can't turn it off. Its like a chemical in your body and it just keeps going.
    Aye, but it was the casualness in which it was done, the hair-thread surgury seemed more real than Tsunade casually flipping through pages of a giant book, and everyone saying "Well, wasn't it a happy coincidence that the greatest healer in the world just so happened to be here, and that the Nara clan just so happened to keep a giant book of medical secrets around."

    And that IS how they phrase it (with only minor exaggerations).

    I'm not saying that Neji is cooler than Chouji and Chouji deserved to die, but affirming something and then throwing two great big coincidences to circumvent it (see. Deus Ex Machina) is just bad writing. It's just as bad as Lee's horrible injury with no hope of recovery, and only a 1% chance of surviving the nessecary surgury that just so happens to exist - and noto nly did he survive the unlikely surgury, but we see him fighting in near-top form the DAY he gets out of surgury. He didn't even take the stupid medicine that was supposed to keep him from dying.

    [/annoyed rant]

    I think Kishimoto does a wonderful job with his story, it's great and captivating; but it's the little, annoying, physical-reality-bending coincidences that just shit me off, when a writer just can't bring themselves to kill off a character (especially one who has such little importance to the overall story anyway).

    EDIT: Fixed some bad grammer

  19. #79
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Personally, I expect Chouji to get fat again if only because all of his powers require him to be fat.

    But he honestly looks alot cooler when he isn't fat. He could probably even get Ino to put out lookin like that!

  20. #80

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: Kovash
    It's just as bad as Lee's horrible injury with no hope of recovery, and only a 1% chance of surviving the nessecary surgury that just so happens to exist - and noto nly did he survive the unlikely surgury, but we see him fighting in near-top form the DAY he gets out of surgury.
    err, you mean 50% right?

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