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Thread: Episode 135 Discussion!!

  1. #141
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Rhanfahl.....that was wayy too much to i'll just respond to the stuff i picked up

    Oro locking up sasuke: Did he lock up kimimaro, whom was his previous container candidate? No. Sasuke came to him by his own free will, just as Kimimaro and other followers have done. Sasuke knows of the consequences of joining with Oro, so Oro should know that if Sasuke came to him, there is no reason not to trust that he'll stay.

    Oro's paralysis genjutsu: We know its not a genjutsu, because when oro used it on sasuke in the forest, he says "Genjutsu? No, this is just killing intent."

    Japanese actors > English actors: First of all, how can you tell if you don't know japanese? It might sound all poetic, but you only pick up half of the "acting talent" if you don't understand any of it. Second of all, ever wonder why japan hardly has any live-action movies or tv shows? I rest my case.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  2. #142

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    At the very least, Oro can train Sasuke to be physically stronger and faster. If you're going to transfer into a body, it might as well be a good one. Training in jutsus doesn't matter too much.

  3. #143
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Regarding japanese voice acting vs english voice acting:

    In the US, voice acting is a job.
    In Japan, voice acting is an art.

    That's all there is to it.

  4. #144

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    I wonder if Oro inherits the Chakra capacity?
    I mean, can he only have that much chakra as Sasuke has?

    Or doens't that matter in that case?
    Cause I don't think he'll be able to a high-class jutsu with al ow amount of chakra?
    He couldn't do a third chidori...

  5. #145

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    I don't think it's been specifically stated anywhere, but I'm sure he wouldn't be limited like that.

  6. #146

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    I think he may take his own chakra and strength with him, since he is still as strong as he was when he was in his original body. For him to take the strenght and chakra of the host, the host would then have to be Sannin level... and the last did not look like he was anywhere near Sannin level to me.

  7. #147
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    In fact it looks like the guy he transferred into is a joke anyway, so they put a few mediocre fighters in a room and he took over the winner, couldn't he possibly have found someome more elite? Kabuto surely could have brought him a container of at least come credibility.
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  8. #148

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: Rhanfahl

    Miaka says :<- no no no no

    "Well first off, Orochimaru can train the crap out of Sasuke. He's a sannin. I'm sure he has a lot to offer. And Sasuke will pick things up easily with that Sharingan of his. Not to mention Orochimaru has already given him the lvl 2 seal which enabled him to stand a chance in hell against Naruto. I think to Sasuke, as long as it's him (or at least his body in this case) who kills Itachi, he'll be satisfied. He did say he'll obtain power by any means necessary..."

    -> first of all i DID NOT SAY THIS.. i just quoted it from someone to say something about it so would appreciate it if you edit

    Well, let's look at this logically, if you were Orochimaru what would be the first thing you'd do to Sasuke when he arrived. LOCK HIS FUCKING ASS UP FOR 3 YEARS!!! Why teach him anything!? Are you fucking stupid? Sasuke already has a major advantage on Orochi, a now complete sharingan. Why teach him anything to make him stronger? When Orochimaru takes over his body, he will have all of his techniques, and all of Sasuke's! Why give sasuke the chance to do anything to escape, kill anyone, etc. That would just be totally stupid! If Orochimaru is arrogant enough to leave him be, I will simply lose respect for him and his wisdom. With people like Kabuto, and the Sound 5 its not a problem, they worship Orochimaru, but others, like his current container(as well as the container's victims) were all locked up cause they obviously didn't see Orochi as their shinobi messiah. Sasuke should be immediately put into another barrel filled with cement up to his neck and given an IV to feed and nourish him, that's it.

    -> well sasuke won't be locked up.. like assertin said.. he did come with his free will.. now.. if he later on wants to go back.. then yeah.. oro would prob think of locking him up..

    -> assertin: as for voice acting (and i m talking stricly about ANIME VOICE ACTING). yes it's true that you don't get the whole thing cause you don't understand it.. but you can still feel their voice.. and see whether they are sad or angry or whatever (they do really make me sad when it's suposed to be sad and etc).. rarely with dubbed voice actors i feel much emotion.. to me only way to tell their emotion a lot of times are to look at the i said before.. i think dubbed ones just pick bad ones for it.. or maybe japanese voice actors get more training..

    @terra: maybe that is why.. i dunno..

  9. #149
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    How can anyone expect Sasuke to get locked up in a cage? Do you really think Kishimoto will have Sasuke deteriorate in a cage while Naruto becomes even more powerful?

    /me throws logic out the window.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  10. #150

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Well I finally saw it and of course the addition of a filler arc totally ruins the mood of the series. They changed a whole big piece. Just when you finally think it's time for naruto to grow up.....they go and throw a filler arc at ya. Why cant Kishimoto just draw faster [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]

  11. #151
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    Regarding japanese voice acting vs english voice acting:

    In the US, voice acting is a job.
    In Japan, voice acting is an art.

    That's all there is to it.

    More culture envy going on here. The Japanese don't treat this any differently.

  12. #152

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    some of the reasons they could have been there to gauge naruto are possibly because maybe the seal weakens with age(doubt it but possible), or to see if hes strong enough now to be of use since i doubt they would have trouble capturing him with out jiraiya,since if they took the kyuubi out do you really think they could control it,why not let naruto get strong then hypnotize him or something,i doubt ANY akatuski members have time to train him because they said "will we have enough time to finish all of our plans(or was it goals?)" And along the lines of bloodlines,i would assume the body has something to do with it considering you cant copy them with thoughts on this are a bit more than that i am just too lazy to type them out.

  13. #153
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: Mut@t@
    How can anyone expect Sasuke to get locked up in a cage? Do you really think Kishimoto will have Sasuke deteriorate in a cage while Naruto becomes even more powerful?

    /me throws logic out the window.
    Sasuke will definately get stronger, along with Naruto and gang. The question now is, what does Orochimaru have to gain by giving him power during this 3 years? If he's only after the blood line limit sharingan it would be pointless to give Sasuke any power at all because we all know that Orochimaru isn't interested in his hatred for Itachi. Unless of course he wants to risk having Sasuke killed by Itachi.

    Another possiblity is that by making Sasuke stronger Orochimaru can also gain more strength when he eventually takes over his body.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  14. #154

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    yea the only reason i could think of would be if oros poweradds onto sasukes power

  15. #155

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Simple Explaination: Chakra used to do battle is made up of two parts, Spiritual Chakra and Physical Chakra. Orochimaru leaves his old body behind when he uses his immortality Jutsu, so to be in prime fighting strength, he would need someone with a strong body. He would keep the lion's share of his power, if he vested more time in those 3 years developing spiritually and made sure that Sasuke developed physically, hence the need to train him (a 13-yearold boy probably doesn't have the same physical capacity as someone older.)

  16. #156

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    That sounds reasonable, Kovash.

    There probably aren't that many people out there with more jutsus or more chakra than Oro. So every time he took a body, he'd be getting weaker, and that's no fun.

    Also, if you recall, he told the person he's in now that his strong will would continue on in him. I'm assuming that this implies some kind of merging.

    @The Heretic Azazel
    What makes you think these guys were mediocre? I'm sure he wouldn't have just taken anybody. They might well have been the strongest fighers in the Sound village.

  17. #157
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Miaka, i knew someone would say something along the lines of feeling emotion to judge voice acting, but its still more to it than that.

    People say that french is the language of romance, because the dialect has a very romantic feel to it. Does that mean that french actors are the best actors for romance movies? No. Does that mean its easier for them to take on romantic roles than people with other dialects? Well probably yes, I think a person with a scottish accent, for example, would just feel awkward as some romeo, no matter how good his acting is. However if you're from scotland, then maybe you'll be more easily moved by a scottish romeo than other people would.....who knows?

    Terra: how many laxatives did you take to pull that one out of your ass? Actors and actresses take their careers seriously, no matter where they're from.

    The problem here, is that people always fail to realize that voice actors for dubs have a MUCH harder time than the original voice actors. You are locked in to specific timeframes for not only sections of dialogue, but even the spaces between open and closed mouth frames of the characters. Sometimes they have to say words slower or faster than natural to fit what needs to be said with the animation. Alot of times extra dialogue has to be awkwardly thrown in just to fill the void. It's not as easy as you'd think.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  18. #158
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Terra: how many laxatives did you take to pull that one out of your ass? Actors and actresses take their careers seriously, no matter where they're from.
    1, you are wrong.
    2, I didn't make that statement up. It's old. I merely agree with it.

    @Y: I don't give a shit about cultural differences. My opinion has nothing to do with that.

    My opinion in short:
    English voice acting generally sucks.
    Japanese voice acting doesn't.



    <@Terracosmo> My opinions are facts!

  19. #159

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: Psyke
    The question now is, what does Orochimaru have to gain by giving him power during this 3 years?

    Because Sasuke isnt a Kimimaro type who so wholeheartedly believes in everything Oro does that he would give his body and life to Oro. Sasuke will not give his body to Oro unless he gets something in return and Oro knows that. The Sound 4 told Sasuke that they would not force him to come to Oro but that he had to do it from his free will. This free will decision to go to Oro is precipitated by Oro's offer to make him stronger so he can kill Itachi. If Oro does not keep his word, Sasuke can take off anytime during those 3 years and Oro has no container when the time comes for him to be able to transfer bodies again. Even more, since Oro prizes the sharingan so vehemently, he will not take any chances and possibly lose Sasuke.

  20. #160
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    The lure of power was bait for Sasuke to go to Orochimaru, but what I was referring to was why would Orochimaru give Sasuke power when he WOULD NOT want Sasuke to confront Itachi at all. As commented by Kovash, Orochimaru wanted to make Sasuke strong so that he can inherit a stronger body. That would be Oro's real intention in giving Sasuke power during his 2½ year time with him.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

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