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Thread: Episode 135 Discussion!!

  1. #41

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: galarnon
    U didn't thought of this by yourself u just read the manga conversations so stop getting unrelated ideas in here.

    Um actually I did think of that myself, and I have yet to read a single manga conversation...and how is it unrelated seeing as how this is anything related to ep 135, and that scene did indeed happen in episode 135...I do have a friend that has told me minor things from the manga but I am just as in-the-dark with the story line as every other anime only person. If you can point out some reasoning so we can *discuss* why that idea I brought up is unrelated I am all for it, but otherwise it seems like just a needless flame.

  2. #42

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: weakest anbu
    yes its a filler. instead of asking whats on the manga why not just read it ;]
    reading manga for naruto is just a spoiler in my opinion, its just more exciting when you can watch the episodes and not know what will happen. Thats why i stopped reading naruto manga =P

  3. #43
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: Terracosmo
    *watches thread derail into yet another argument regarding the Itachi/Jiraiya thing*

    yeah i know, guess my "every akatsuki member in the cave sounded the same" ploy didnt work

    R.I.P Captain America.

  4. #44

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
    yea voonvoon use english noob.
    nice episode. I realy thought they were dead because that noob sharingan-kakashi said so, and he was a manga reader..
    Stop saying noob, noob. Only noobs say noob, noob.

    It was an OK episode. The Jiraiya-Naruto chat was made a bit long. To whoever said it was confusing, Naruto basically meant he'll remain a fool because he still wants to get Sasuke back, but he'll also train with Jiraiya in order to do so and take out Oro and Akatsuki and everyone else in the process.

  5. #45

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Okay, first off, this goes to everyone in the "is neji/chouji dead" thread: God, I love being right.
    My prediction was practically on the money. I rule.

    Secondly, response to a comment a few pages back: Originally posted by Foomanchew24
    Also did no one catch the one guy asking Itachi if the sharingan that Orochimaru got was Sasuke, implying that it may have been someone else?
    I actually caught that as well. Itachi did mention a 3rd Mangekyou Sharingan there's other Uchiha still alive besides Sasuke. I actually wrote out my thoughts on that, but right before I posted I stumbled upon that thread here.

    Third topic: Temari. Not focusing on her legs, now...and getting to the point: did anyone consider as to why she was even there? Where's Gaara or Kankuro and why isn't Temari with them? I just found that interesting...and it just so happens that she's with Shikamaru (of all people). Eh? Eeeh? *wink wink, nudge nudge* I mean, he beat her in the tournament and she was all impressed, she saved his ass from what's-her-face, and now she's with him while he's waiting on any kind of news on a friend of his that is near death? I'm thinking if anyone's going to be hooking up in this series at all (which I actually kind of doubt...), it'll be those two.

    And now my two cents on the episode over-all:
    Most everything was expected. At least for me. Chouji & Neji were saved by ninja medics (Tsunade)...which I had previously predicted. Neji's...I guess you'd call it "surgery"?...well, that was pretty badass lookin'. Looked pretty damn complex too. Everyone knew that Naruto would end up having to confront Sakura, and we all probably knew how she'd react to that. Naruto sticking to his word and saying he'll go after him again was also pretty obvious.
    But one thing I actually didn't like was how it was just so damn convenient for Akatsuki to be going after Naruto in 3-4 years, and how Orochimaru can't do his Immortality Technique for another 3 Naruto ample time to go off training with Jiraya 1 on 1 so he can turn into a complete badass (hopefully). How it just falls together like that I thought was completely lame. I mean, if Akatsuki are doing it in 3-4 years, then what was the whole purpose of Itachi and Kisame showing up at all? All they did was expose themselves and their plan to capturing Naruto and just found out that Jiraya was watching him? You'd figure a group like that would be smart about it and not go flaunting their plans around to people who can stop them. And I think someone mentioned the Jiraya vs. Orochimaru scene being too short. And I gotta say I agree. I mean seriously, they show us that little bit but don't show us any fighting? Who else would have liked to see that fight? I mean it's one on one, Sannin vs Sannin. No interruptions. That would kicked ass. Granted, we all know Jiraya woulda lost in the end, but I'd wanna see him pull off Rasengan on Orochimaru [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] And see what Orochimaru would have used to counter that attack...

    Over all, it was a pretty alright episode for being one with no action and following the end of a badass fight. It had some things that we didn't really want/need to see, but knew they had to be at least touched on. But I'm definately not liking this talk of "filler episodes." I fucking hate filler episodes...cuz, I mean...everyone just loved that whole trying to unmask Kakashi [ep 101] and the stupid "Todoroki Taisha Race" chapter, right? [eps 102-106] It had to be my personal favorite section out of the whole series thus far...-_-
    I just wanna see the techniques Naruto learns in training and get back to kicking Sasuke's and Orochimaru's ass [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]...or at least some Akatsuki action. Just some kind of action really O_o
    Now I'm just rambling. I'm done.

  6. #46

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    i knew chouji and neji didn't die.. ^_^ good that they are still alive.. they are way to cool to die..

    it seems like kishimoto is really trying to emphasize that naruto team is similar to sanin team.. which i don't like.. i mean naruto and sasuke is okay.. but comparing (a good fighter: sanin) tsunade to useless sakura is... well..... V_V..... and dunno why she has to be all sad and stuff.. i mean it is her fault that nobody was able to stop sasuke when he was about to leave.. because she stupidly thought she can stop him when she doesn't mean much to sasuke.. (only as a teammate)... i mean if she had brought naruto.. he prob could have stopped sasuke at that time.... and even kakashi..(by force)'s because of her that they lost the final chance to get sasuke back... V_V... every time i see her being sad.. makes me annoyed..

    well anyways.. it looks like naruto is going to train with jiraiya.,. and sakura is gonna do something????(V_V man.. i don't wanna see her)... and Oro prob is gonna try to attack konoha again.. since he got his arm back.. and well 3rd hokage is dead... i

    I am kinda curious to see if sasuke knows about this immortality technique.. i mean........ it's letting another guy taking complete control over your body.. pretty much.. V_V... i really have no idea what sasuke is thinking.. how does he think ORo is gonna give him power?

  7. #47

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    I liked this episode. The Neji scene was pretty cool looking heh. Chouji made it (suprise suprise) ... DAMN! =P

    The next arc (that isn't filler) should be interesting, I'm curious as to how this will all work out. I have a few guesses but there is plenty they could cover.

    BTW, I think that the whole Akatsuki going in 3-4 years thing is based on their plans to kill Orochimaru as well so I wouldn't count it out as totaly random just yet.

  8. #48

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    I thought Shikamaru crying was awesome. His father motivated him! Now he cares about being the best leader he can be. This is a huge character shift for him... that's what I love about this show, that we get to watch the characters change and grow, like when Naruto stabbed his own hand, or when Sakura cut her hair, or Gaara or Neji... Really cool.

  9. #49
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Temari. Not focusing on her legs, now...and getting to the point: did anyone consider as to why she was even there? Where's Gaara or Kankuro and why isn't Temari with them?
    I was wondering where Gaara and Kankuro were too. I guess Temari is just following Shika around know.

  10. #50

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
    Originally posted by: turkish-shikamaru
    yea voonvoon use english noob.
    nice episode. I realy thought they were dead because that noob sharingan-kakashi said so, and he was a manga reader..
    Stop saying noob, noob. Only noobs say noob, noob.

    It was an OK episode. The Jiraiya-Naruto chat was made a bit long. To whoever said it was confusing, Naruto basically meant he'll remain a fool because he still wants to get Sasuke back, but he'll also train with Jiraiya in order to do so and take out Oro and Akatsuki and everyone else in the process.
    hey noob you just said it 5 time's and it was a FUCKING joke noob.

    Don't post if you're just going to flame.

    GotWoot Moderator

  11. #51

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Chouji surviving annoyed me more than Neji surviving, for two destinct reasons.

    1) Chouji (and Shikamaru) continually (20 times over the whole damn episode) that "if I/he take/s the Red pill, I/he will DEFINATELY die."

    2) Where we see Neji's 'surgery' all we saw of Chouji's miraculous recovery was about 3 seconds of him bandaged an lying on a bed, and Tsunade saying "MY GOD! IT'S TOUCH AND GO!"

    That REALLY pissed me off, fair enough Kishimoto doesn't want a character to just die, but at LEAST give a plausable reason for their recovery, especially after affirming that there is NO POSSIBLE way for them to survive.

  12. #52

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    The anime seems to be getting good. But WHY!! Now it's anothe filler arc. Just when it was getting to the good parts. Well, at least we got to hear and see the Akatsuki members. That was cool.

  13. #53

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    how does he think Oro is gonna give him power?
    Well first off, Orochimaru can train the crap out of Sasuke. He's a sannin. I'm sure he has a lot to offer. And Sasuke will pick things up easily with that Sharingan of his. Not to mention Orochimaru has already given him the lvl 2 seal which enabled him to stand a chance in hell against Naruto. I think to Sasuke, as long as it's him (or at least his body in this case) who kills Itachi, he'll be satisfied. He did say he'll obtain power by any means necessary...
    *Side tracking real quick...(again, I'm not sure if this was brought up since I'm not here often, and I apologize if it was)...during Naruto's fight with Sasuke, why didn't he summon Gamma Bunta when fighting? He just needed to bring him back, and there's no way even a lvl 2 Sasuke could take on Gamma Bunta (and a Kyuubi Naruto on top of that =D) . Woulda been easy as pie bringing Sasuke's lame-ass back.*

    Miaka mentioned in the other comment that the Naruto team is similar to the Sannin team...and it's to the point where it's a little irritating, really. If you think about it like that, Naruto is being trained by Jiraya, Sasuke is now with Orochimaru, and Sakura is still 100% worthless [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] Though, I'm willing to put down money on the fact that she'll probably be trained to be a medic...seeing how her offense hasn't been very good up until now. I'm thinking she'll be trained by Tsunade actually. Main reason being that the other two are with Sannins now and they've been showing so many similarities between the two groups. It just makes sense to me...
    Who's Sakura going to train with while Sasuke and Naruto are gone? Kakashi personally training Sakura? I just can't see it.

    I think that the whole Akatsuki going in 3-4 years thing is based on their plans to kill Orochimaru as well so I wouldn't count it out as totaly random just yet.
    Did they mention that they were going to kill Orochimaru? I may have missed it, but I don't think they mentioned any plans of the sort. And even if they did, wouldn't now be a suitable time to attack Orochimaru? Itachi can easily wipe out Sasuke, Kabuto I doubt will be a problem for someone like Kisame (or at least his chakra consuming sword)...and Orochimaru's really weak right now because of the immortality jutsu thing.

  14. #54

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command

    It was an OK episode. The Jiraiya-Naruto chat was made a bit long. To whoever said it was confusing, Naruto basically meant he'll remain a fool because he still wants to get Sasuke back, but he'll also train with Jiraiya in order to do so and take out Oro and Akatsuki and everyone else in the process.

    That is not quite how I saw it said- Ero-sennin was saying the wise thing to do was not try to help Sasuke, drawing from his personal past with Oro. He said that he wouldnt train Naruto if he did try to go after Sasuke, and Naruto would be a fool to try. Naruto comes back with If that what being wise means, Id rather be a fool- I wont give up, (insert_common_Naruto_way_of_the_ninja_phrase_here ). Ero-sennin was moved by this, by reminding him of himself and how stubborn hed be in Narutos position. So, he caves and decided to go ahead and train Naruto, to help him against Sasuke, and Itachi & Co. SO, not a case of NAruto choosing to train, more of Ero-sennin agreeing to train him anyways, in spite of what he said earlier..

    Wow, that does seem confusing O.o

  15. #55

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    About the "Itachi beeing stronger then Orochimaru - Orochimaru said so himself":
    Dident Orochimaru say "And now hes stronger then me" considering his arms taken out ? ? ?

  16. #56

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: Husse
    About the "Itachi beeing stronger then Orochimaru - Orochimaru said so himself":
    Dident Orochimaru say "And now hes stronger then me" considering his arms taken out ? ? ?
    No man I just rechecked it now and so I also want to apologize for getting mad at someone else here.

    Orochimaru indeed said that he said that's was the reason he left Akatsuki so it means when he still had his arms.

  17. #57
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    no, because oro left the organization BEFORE he attacked konoha

    kovash: what was wrong with the chouji scene? His solution for his problem was more medicinal, while neji's required cell recreation. Even if chouji's situation was more severe to require tsunade's help, it didnt require anything as flashy. Tsunade pretty much analyzed the effect of the red pill scientifically in that it specifically eats away at the body and converts it into chakra. Then she found a counter to stop the body from being eaten away. Asking for a more detailed explanation would be like asking how specifically an antibiotic would work. I dont think shikamaru, temari, and shukaku cared enough to know those details.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  18. #58

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: galarnon
    Originally posted by: Husse
    About the "Itachi beeing stronger then Orochimaru - Orochimaru said so himself":
    Dident Orochimaru say "And now hes stronger then me" considering his arms taken out ? ? ?
    No man I just rechecked it now and so I also want to apologize for getting mad at someone else here.

    Orochimaru indeed said that he said that's was the reason he left Akatsuki so it means when he still had his arms.

    There must be some kind of mistake...first off, Kakshi is scared as hell of Orochimaru but not Itachi?? Why?
    Second, Itachi admits that Jiraya is stronger then both him and Kisame toghter and who else more they might bring.
    Naruto episode 83: Itachi speaking to Kisame about Jiraya: If we both fought him, we would both be killed. Or in a good case, we might kill him, but we'd die along with him. Even if we had more men, that result would not change"

  19. #59
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    kakashi isnt scared as hell of oro....

    kakashi freaked when oro used his killing intent thing with his eyes on him....the same way oro used it on sasuke, sakura, kimimaro, the guy that won in that slaughter prison....
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #60
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Also, I'm sure Kakashi doesn't know Itachi's exact powers compared to Orochimaru. It's not like he's lined them up next to each other and asked who's better.

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