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Thread: Episode 135 Discussion!!

  1. #1

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Here we go

  2. #2

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Downloading it now, more to come once I get it finished

    EDIT: ok after watching it I am a bit dissapointed. I think they could have easily ended the episode after the talk where Shikamaru started crying, the rest was just Naruto/Jiraya arguing in circles which was quite boring...oh and don't forget flashbacks to Sakura being annoying and lame. For the first half I would rate this a good end-tieing episode, but the end of it kills the score.

    Even though the Akatsuki scene was pretty trippy as far as visuals go it again didn' t introduce any new information, yes we know they exist, yes we know they all have separate agendas, yes we know they are after the Kyuubi, no we still don't know what they look like thanks to the hologramish part....although was it just me or did it seem like the non-Itachi person that was talking have Sharingan? Maybe it was looking at Itachi while he was speaking, I couldn't really tell, but that would bump my score up if that were the case.

    3/10: For introducing very little new information

  3. #3

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Downloading, 1 hour to go. I haven't read manga so I have no clue what's going to happen. Could be some boring thinking episode where no-one knows what to do next or maybe a chasing episode. Time will tell.

  4. #4

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    crap episode, interesting ending, gay preview.

  5. #5

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    y u can search ???i cannot search lei.can tell mi the webby

  6. #6

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    The Akatsuki meeting was trippy. Those robes they wear double as strobelights.

  7. #7
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Hm... looks like not much on discussion of this one yet...
    I think we all basically saw this stuff coming, Naruto still vowing to keep the promise, choosing to try to save Sasuke and not give up on him...
    I hope to see at least bits and pieces of Sasuke and Orochimaru in future episodes, I don't know if Kabuto can stop them from killing each other... but i definetley don't want just a huge gap with no Sasuke and then he comes back with LVL 3 seal and new jutsu and all that, outta left field and with no idea how he's developed (character wise)

    The Akatski group meeting at the end was cool, the way they were almost holograms (or did they actually meet face-to-face in that cave?) but their goal is sorta... eh... well who doesn't want "everything" ? Those villains better get some different personality and individual characteristics if they're going to be entertaining!

    I sort of felt cheated by the Jiraiya- Orochimaru flashback. Felt it could have been longer and shown Jiraiya suffering afterwards like Naruto did, rather than him just thinking about it.... Also, when did that take place, after the 3rd confronted him? Before? How did Jiraiya catch/ unmask Orochimaru? Too many unanswered questions...

    Chouji and Neji are alive! Well, guess this show won't be the kind to kill off major characters after all... shucks... sorta kills some of the suspense eh? I don't think I'll ever have genuine worry about the characters in any fight, no matter how screwed they seem to be or how much they bleed. That medical jutsus were cool to watch, but damn those boys should both be pushing up daisies!

    Oh and I love Shikamaru and thought his scene was the best part of the episode. Poor boy was crying because he was so happy everyone was alive!
    OVerall, if I had to rank this episode I would mostly agree with Krbadass. Couldn't expect much from a mid-arc episode, but it did cover all the points
    Masamune gives it a 6 / 10

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  8. #8

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: masamuneehs

    Masamune gives it a 6 / 10
    no he doesn't

    more like a 5/10

    neji survived -2
    chouji survived -2
    it had shikamaru +1 , he's a coward -1
    it had jiraiya +3 (on an atomic frog (look at the belly) +1 )
    flashback of sakura crying +3
    boobs +2

  9. #9

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    The conversation between jyraiya and naruto was kinda confusing. Is naruto saying he will go with him for the 3 years then go after sasuke and kill oro? Or was naruto been called a fool and an idiot meaning hes going off on his own? Oh well either way the outcome of the entire arc of naruto has completely ruined naruto on a whole and i feel its just gonna get boring. Theres no excitement like there was in the first arc. Just nice scenes now n then.

    So the question i think thats gonna be asked is...
    Why did oro leave the group and why do they want to kill him? do they want sasuke to join the group?

  10. #10
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Fatfuck and Mr. Cataract are still alive. Bullshit.

    Atatsuke are freakin cool.

    And Temari is wicked hot.

    Nothing else important happend.

    Why did oro leave the group and why do they want to kill him? do they want sasuke to join the group?
    Because Itachi became stronger than him. Because he knows too much about them. Probably not, they just don't want Oro to have the Sharingan.

  11. #11
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    You guys suck.
    This was a great episode, but at the same time the worst in the series... considering that Neji & Chouji are alive (mwah hah we manga readers have kept you in the dark with our superior intellect and source of information all this time!111).

    Actually it's kinda sad, because this is the second time I have to face the stupidity that is keeping those characters alive. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]

    But yeah, good shit. I really love how the anime did the akatsuki meeting. Cool effects.

    The art for the upcoming arc looks shit, but at least Jiraiya is with them... so it might be a better filler than last time.

  12. #12

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: voonvoon
    y u can search ???i cannot search lei.can tell mi the webby

    wtf? use english.

  13. #13

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    yea voonvoon use english noob.
    nice episode. I realy thought they were dead because that noob sharingan-kakashi said so, and he was a manga reader..

  14. #14

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    What is the new filler arc going to be about. Is naruto even in it? I'm really curious to see if the animators are going to fuck this one up.

  15. #15
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Like there was ever a doubt Neji would be killed by someone as weak as Kedomaru, although I thought Chouji was dead. Tenten is the only character not to be shown or mentioned this whole arc[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif[/img], she should've been waiting outside of Neji's door like Ino was for Chouji.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  16. #16
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Mmm ... Temari leg shots..
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

  17. #17
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: Natural Cause
    Oh well either way the outcome of the entire arc of naruto has completely ruined naruto on a whole and i feel its just gonna get boring. Theres no excitement like there was in the first arc. Just nice scenes now n then.
    if only you knew........[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]

    im surprised none of the anime viewers have thought about it yet......they've given alot of clues about what they plan to do in the next main saga (not counting the filler crap, that is)
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  18. #18

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
    Originally posted by: Natural Cause
    Oh well either way the outcome of the entire arc of naruto has completely ruined naruto on a whole and i feel its just gonna get boring. Theres no excitement like there was in the first arc. Just nice scenes now n then.
    if only you knew........[img][/img]

    im surprised none of the anime viewers have thought about it yet......they've given alot of clues about what they plan to do in the next main saga (not counting the filler crap, that is)
    i don't know but i think naruto and the akatsuki and orochimaru gang is going to run up into each other. other than this i don't know.

  19. #19

    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    meh.. haven't seen this yet but I'm downloading it
    now that i've read the comments it seems like a bad episode
    I already knew it wasn't a good episode though

  20. #20
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Episode 135 Discussion!!

    Actually, it sounds like life in Konoha isn't going to have shit going on for like three years and then a whole bunch of shit is gonna happen all at once.

    Naruto better make Chuunin in three years.

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