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Thread: Catching up on my episodes

  1. #1

    Catching up on my episodes

    Greetings and Felicitations,

    I'm new to Gotwoot, and I'm looking for a bit of assistance if at all possible.

    I didn't find out about Gotwoot until recently, nor did I know that Animeone was still subtitling.

    So, I've got some catching up to do. Here's the rub: I only have access to a 56K dialup connection. I do not have access to a high-speed connection. It takes roughly 15 hours of download time for each episode.that I need to download, and my connection isn't all that stable to begin with, so it - routinely - takes quite a bit more than that.

    So I'm looking for someone who might already have the episodes downloaded to burn a data DVD for me and send it to me via postal mail. I am in the midwest United States.

    I currently have up to Naruto 120, so I want/need from 121 to 133 (or 134 by the time I get a response to this). I'm also interested in AMG TV 5, 7-17 (or whatever the most recent one is). In total, that's around 23 episodes, which should fit on one DVD.

    Is there anyone out there interested in helping me out? I would, of course, pay for the DVD and all that.

    Thanks in advance,


    P.S. I looked through all of the forums here and couldn't find one that really seemed to fit this request, so if this message needs to be moved, I apologize for causing difficulties.

  2. #2

    Catching up on my episodes

    Naruto 121-till PRESENT? I can do that for you. It my kind of things that I be doing...

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