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Thread: C.E.

  1. #1


    just curious, but i went on the internet to try to figure when C.E. started what year in C.E. it is, you know? it has none or confising? so just hoping somebody would know..

    and hope that this is in the right category if it isn't sorry.

    Use the help thread for questions like these. Locked. Help Thread

    GotWoot Moderator

  2. #2


    Don't ask gotwoot for homework help anymore.

  3. #3


    ya thats good info still, but, if we live in it now, casue i hear ya we kinda do, then how would you call the year, i will use this as an example question thing? or whatever, what does C.E. 71 mean, in the world know..

  4. #4
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    At a bar


    C.E 71? Cosmic Era 71, the year SEED started?

  5. #5
    Meanwhile: Heaven Weeps. Y's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003


    Originally posted by: Cagalli_Yula
    ya thats good info still, but, if we live in it now, casue i hear ya we kinda do, then how would you call the year, i will use this as an example question thing? or whatever, what does C.E. 71 mean, in the world know..
    If you had actually read the fucking link Jaredster provided you would know the answer to your homework question, moron.

  6. #6



    ya thats good info still, but, if we live in it now, casue i hear ya we kinda do, then how would you call the year, i will use this as an example question thing? or whatever, what does C.E. 71 mean, in the world know..
    71 CE is the year 0071. 2005 CE is the year 2005. Maybe I'm not sure what you're asking...

  7. #7


    yeah, why is right. Its cool to ask for support, wrong area, but when you get the support, don't be an idiot about it. It's not brain science.

    offtopic- nice new new sig, BoC

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